
Well-Known Member
Isn't that like one of the big "Don't do this in detective stories"? Having the case be related to a suicide means you ran around in circles for nothing.

It'd be like a detective story about McCarthyism. Nobody wins. :confused:

"You're a communist!"
"You're a communist!"

Dang you got a point. Oh well, back to the drawing board.


Well-Known Member
I remeber the first season I took part in, I think it was the second? (Edit: It was the third, my second season character never made it.) I'm not sure anymore, but there were a lot of things that did not have to do with the story at all that we did in the base. One being a paintball match xD The other was going to court to fight against some scientist. Good times.


Well-Known Member
I remeber the first season I took part in, I think it was the second? (Edit: It was the third, my second season character never made it.) I'm not sure anymore, but there were a lot of things that did not have to do with the story at all that we did in the base. One being a paintball match xD The other was going to court to fight against some scientist. Good times.
I remember the court case from my reading. That was interesting.


Well-Known Member
Two general heads-ups:

1. I'm not going to be available until about 3 tomorrow. Lot of stuff going on Tuesday. :confused:
2. I think the plan for Zmby is to give him 1-3 days to catch up on reading and ideas and the like. I'll probably handle most of that, so at least for the first day you can talk to him but don't immediately throw collab requests at him. :rolleyes:


Operator 21O
Staff member
So two things today...

  1. Did a colab with Tax involving Mark and Penny. If you like family drama, there you go
  2. Second colab with Frost involving Nick and James. (Warning, this will probably be the last Nick colab for a little while) It is really awkward but has a few great moments in it.


Well-Known Member
So two things today...

  1. Did a colab with Tax involving Mark and Penny. If you like family drama, there you go
  2. Second colab with Frost involving Nick and James. (Warning, this will probably be the last Nick colab for a little while) It is really awkward but has a few great moments in it.

And references!


Active Member
Going back to the Chryssalid: Isolation idea, I think that it sounds like a great mission. I've always found the chryssalid missions in XCOM terrifying (they're so fast! and stabby!), so it seems only logical to have a horror mission about them.


Well-Known Member
Great! Since most of us like my idea with the Chryssalid horror mission I will talk this over with Zombie and Gem i guess when Zombie get's back. I will then notify you guys if the mission will be done or not. Further story elements will then be talked about.


Well-Known Member
So two things today...

  1. Did a colab with Tax involving Mark and Penny. If you like family drama, there you go
  2. Second colab with Frost involving Nick and James. (Warning, this will probably be the last Nick colab for a little while) It is really awkward but has a few great moments in it.
Let's see...

-The double-meaning of that title is amazing.
-Love the banter between Penny and Charles. So glad you brought them back, Tax.
-Along with the door theme. Thank you for bringing that up, Marine. Bloody doors...
-I see you know Elene quite well, Tax. I'm happy with the creative freedom you took with her sending them to the XSDF and other surrounding info.
-Why is everyone always so fatalistic about getting better weapons. C'mon, Mark... cool guns!
-"Glorified Doctor" and other such lines... should have seen what was coming.
-"Which of her friends did you screw?" Oh Penny...
-Mark failed. Ahhhh, the title makes so much sense now! And what a reveal. Well done setting up future tension between the siblings since Vindicta doesn't realize how much her condecension hurts. *why isn't there an evil/mischievous face here...someone get Sarge, stat!
-Sure James. Steal all our valuable alloys to make a drone army instead of guns and armor. Legion would be proud, I suppose.
-Huh, James isn't interested in being able to control his drone remotely... yet. I can see why, though.
-Trying to get Nick to drink. Not that I mind, considering Germany has it right (lower drinking age means people learn moderation and such early) but I don't think he's the drinking type. I know I'm not.
-Sold your neighbhor's cat to a convict. Hm, that's an interesting story Kelio ought to hear. And speaking of convicts, I have an idea I'll mention...soon!
-Probably some of the best collabs thus far took place in one day. Wow.
-I see that 'Friendly' on the first edition of "Addington is a Dick", Frost. You wiley bastard.
-I had an idea that I'd like to hear you guys rate that I'll pitch to Zombie. Something that is done a lot in sci fi, but I can't believe we didn't think of this before. A prison colony for convicts! (Like Australia! ;) Except another planet... >Implying Australia isn't another planet.) Not your everyday criminal, like a petty thief or something. I mean for space pirates, murderers, psions, etc. The dangerous people that are 'undesirable' to society. I could do a lot with that, and I already have an idea of how to preclude escape and such, but I'll show that rather than tell.


Operator 21O
Staff member
So first colab of the day is up staring Dramma and me. It is Ezra and Khorochar so only good things could come from a wise cracking A.I. android and a massive Balmadaar warrior...right? Another is coming through the pipeline but we will be working on it in about an hour after a short break.