RP XCOM: The Story of Defiance.


Well-Known Member
This is a collaboration between Adrammalech and ZombieSplitter53.
Emily Fischer / Sunny Randolph
X-COM Headquarters
Siberia, Russian Federation
3:42 PM

Emily returned from her trek of the base alone, falling back onto her bed. The place is huge, even with her being off-limits to half of it. She looked around in surprise that for a room with 6 beds, all of which looked claimed, that it was still empty. She looked at Ammelia's bed beside her, with even more girly things and colored bags on the other bunk. On the last set in the row, lots of nondescript bags and typical military stuff. They probably belonged to tough guys...or tough girls, at least. She didn't expect much in the way of separate genders, even with the massive amount of rooms she saw. This is the kind of base you don't screw around at...literally. Suddenly, the door whooshed open in the corner of the room, startling her a bit.

“Be careful!” A man's voice shouted from outside. “This thing probably costs more then you make in a year!”

“Screw you,” comes a second voice, “I am being careful.”

“Fine, but you're the one that said you could carry it. You break it, you bought it.”

Two men walked into the room. The first carried one extremely large box shaped like a flat screen t.v.'s box, while the second had two smaller but still sizable boxes. Japanese lettering was written all over the boxes.

“Put 'em in the corner,” The first man said.

Emily got out of bed and walked towards the commotion, approaching the men slowly.

“Uh, hi,” she said tentatively, “are you guys my other roommates?”

The men exchanged a look, and shook their heads. As the first man started pulling computer parts out of the boxes, the second said, “No, we're just delivery men. These are for one of your roommates. She needs them so she doesn't have to leave her to do her work.” There was a light knock on the door, and he added, “That's probably her.”

“Work, huh?” Emily walked towards the door, thinking it must be a scientist or something. She opened the door, finding herself looking down on a much younger girl than anticipated.

Sunny looked at Emily nervously. “U-umm...hi. Are you m-my new roommate.” A young security guard with a sour look on his face stood behind her, glancing impatiently into the room.

Emily looked surprised at the girl, hearing various instances of 'this is no place for kids' echoing in her head.

“I...guess I am,” she said, looking up and down between her and the guard. “Come on inside.”

“Am I done here?” The guard asked. “My shift ended twenty minutes ago.”

“Y-yeah, Rick,” Sunny answered. The guard quickly took off, and Sunny gave him a dirty look as he walked away. Entering the room, she looked at the six beds. “Oh, um...h-how many people are sharing this r-room?”

“Well, it's me, another girl, Ammelia, and three other people. I haven't met them yet, they never seem to be around. There's still a top bunk left, too,” she said, pointing towards the bed above the one she had been sleeping in.

“Oh...o-okay.” She bows her head towards Emily. “I-I'm sorry, I'm just not used to being around so many people. M-my name is Sonya Randolf. I promise I won't get in the way.”

“My name's Emily Fischer,” she stated, “and don't worry, Ammelia seems nice, and if any of the other guys give you trouble, I'll take care of 'em.”

She punched her palm lightly to make the point. She glanced at the boxes and computer things in the corner.

“So, are you related to one of the scientists or something?”

Sunny shakes her head. “No, I'm not related to anyone here, Ms. Fischer. I work down i-in engineering, but it's h-hard for me down there b-because I'm so small. The C-Commander gave me this room near there so I can get there easier, and let me bring m-my computer on base s-so I can do most of my w-work from here.” She smiles shyly. “Y-you can use it when I'm not, i-if you want.”

“Wow, you must be pretty smart then,” she said with a smile. “And thank you, that's very nice of you. You can just call me Emily, too.”

Sunny said nothing, but her smile broadened a little as she nodded. One of the two men said, “Alright, Doc, it's all set up. I don't know who you expect to get much of a signal here, though. The connections in the barracks weren't made for something like this.”

“I-it's okay.” Sunny answered. “And thank you.” The two men exchanged a confused look, but one of them shrugged, and they departed. Once they were gone, Sunny pulled a small device from her pocket and walked up to the massive personal computer. As she fiddled with it, she asked Emily, “You a soldier, right? H-have you had to fight the aliens yet?”

“Only one, back home. He was pretty weak,” Emily lied, waving her hand about. “Nothing but target practice for a real soldier.”

“R-really?” Sunny looked back at her, her eyes ablaze with curiosity. “You weren't scared o-or anything?”

“I was more worried about someone getting hurt,” Emily replied, “to be honest, I thought it might be someone in a suit at first.”

“What d-do you mean?” Sunny gives her a confused look. “W-was the alien in a suit?”

“You know, like a really good halloween costume, or something,” Emily said, “I couldn't believe I was staring at a real alien, so I tried yelling at it to stop.”

Emily looked to the side uncomfortably.

“It didn't say anything though. I guess they're not concerned with talking with us, even when they're about to get hurt.”

Sunny nodded. “I think those are the s-scariest ones. I saw them in Cairo, when I was escaping with Mr. Zero. W-we thought they were normal people, or m-maybe some kind of clone.” Sunny rubbed her arms nervously, then turned her attention back towards the computer. “B-but if they got in h-here, at l-least w-we would have brave soldiers l-like you to fight them. I-I know it seems silly, b-but I feel safe here, e-even when I'm surrounded by s-so many strangers.”

Emily cocked her head to the side, several curiosities being piqued at once. She felt that she had more important things to say than questions, though.

“You're safe here, at least,” she said warmly, reaching to pat Sunny's head awkwardly, “and we need you and the science team just as much. We can't beat them without knowing more about them. So don't sell yourself short, huh?”

Sunny flinched slightly at Emily's touch, but smiled. “Th-thank you. I-It's good to be needed.” The computer suddenly lit up, a loading bar appearing on a bright blue screen. “I-I'll be right back,” Sunny said, walking over to the door. She slowly peaked out, looking up and down the hallway for a few seconds. She grabbed a duffel bag from outside the door, smaller then one for an adult but nearly as large as her, and dragged it into the room. As she did, she said, “Y-you know, y-your the first person here n-not to say something a-about my age. I-It's refereeing, but a little u-unusual.”

“I know what it's like, being a kid in an 'adult place' that no one thinks you should be in,” Emily said pensively. She leaned down and whispered to her with a grin, “and I know what it's like to be smarter than all the adults who say that.”

Sunny giggled softly. “Y-your a really nice lady.” She pulled out several different devices and started hooking them up to the computer. “If our other roommates a-are half as cool as you, i-it might actually not be that bad here.”

“I'm sure they'll be just as cool,” Emily said, beaming a smile towards her. She took a look at all the gizmos she was plugging in. “So, what are you working on over there?”
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Well-Known Member
“Hm? Oh, sorry, I move around s-so much, and have had to put this t-together so much, I f-forget how complicated it must look.” As she spoke, she placed her hand on a palm reader and looked into a retinal scanner, then said, “Recognize, Sonya Randolf, Alpha-zero-three-zero-four-one-nine-eight-five-epsilon.” There wass a light ding, and as the computers final system loaded, Sunny said. “I-I can use this to securely connect to X-COM systems, i-including e-engineering, s-so I can do most of my work f-from here. I-It'll also allow me to operate the S.H.I.V.s remotely.”

The screen turned white, and then a sweep of colors filled the screen. A young blond girl in a Blue Victorian dress appeared on the screen. As she waved, a word bubble appeared over her, reading, <Good afternoon, Sunny and friend.>.

Emily went wide eyed at the presentation. “That's amazing. But, uh, what's a SHIV?”

“I-it's basically a small, robotic vehicle with a mini-gun, m-meant to assist soldiers, not o-only by acting as another gun, b-but by going places that would put you at risk. B-but with all the new systems and programs, it's too complicated for a person to operate alone. Th-that's were Alice here comes in.” Sunny looked at the screen, and said, “Perform system's check.”

“So there's a chance that you'll kinda be fighting with me, with a robot?” Emily asked.

The girl on the screen rummaged through a bunch of chests, boxes, and hats she seemed to pull from hammer-space. Sunny nodded. “I-in a way. Alice would be doing most of the work, a-and I'd be following the Commander's order, b-but I'd be entering in the commands.” Alice finished her search, smiling and giving a thumbs up. Sunny looked at the screen with a glazed look, her voice somewhat monotone. “Alice, recognize new user for general use of all systems except those designated Class S.” Sunny pointed at the devices and said, “Sorry, a l-lot of failsafes are necessary. P-put your hand here, look into this, a-and speak your name clearly, followed b-by an alphanumeric code.”

Emily stepped forward and followed her instructions, looking into the scanner with supreme focus. She didn't realize until she had done these motions that she had no code. “Amelia Fischer...Zero-one-two-three-four-five-alpha-bravo-charlie...nine.”

Sunny nods. “Save user for permanent use for twelve months. User will be known as Emily for short. Designation: White Queen.” Alice pulls out a piece of parchment and a quill pen. She scribbles on at, then turns it face the screen. The words Cheshire, Jabberwock, Red Queen, Hatter, and White Queen can be seen written on it. <All set, doctor. Welcome Emily!>

Emily giggled excitedly when Alice said her name, coughing modestly afterwards to cover it up.

“So it's that kind of Alice,” she said, “if I'm the White Queen, which one are you?”

“I-I'm Cheshire. The Commander i-is the Red Queen, and Dr. Shen is the Hatter.” Sunny smiled widely, glad to please her friend. Glad to make a friend. “I had to give access...” She thought for a m-moment, then got a worried look. “P-please don't tell the Commander I t-told you about all this. I-I think it was s-supposed to be a secret.”

“Ok then, it'll be our secret,” Emily said with a smile, “I heard that Shen can get quite mad.”

Sunny snickered loudly, covering her mouth in embarrassment when she let out a small snort. A moment later, a loud knock came from the door. The guard from earlier walked in with another duffel bag. “Hey, squirt, you forgot your clothes. And Shen needs to see you. Something about the shib's guidance...something.”

Sunny gave Emily a disappointed look. “I-I have to go. D-duty calls.”

“Alright, be safe in those labs,” Emily said sincerely, “I'll see you later, yeah?”

Sunny started to speak, but the guard says, “Let's get a move on, I'm missing lunch.” Sunny sighed. She tossed the bag of clothes onto the bunk Emily had pointed to earlier, and with a wave, took off with her grumpy escort.

Emily plopped back onto the bed, smiling at the exchange. She looked around, peering at the computer, and then at the empty beds to her side. She wondered what else this place could have in store for her.
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Well-Known Member
Emily Fischer
X-COM Headquarters
Siberia, Russian Federation
5:11 PM

Emily blinked, looking around. She had spent some time just laying in bed, thinking. Waiting for an alarm, an alert, something to indicate life beyond these walls. Half of her bunkmates were still nowhere to be seen. There were some things to do out there, pool and drinking, but nothing that would entertain her for an entire day, surely.

She looked nervously towards Sunny’s computer, worried that her friendliness with the girl resulted in some security implications. She wondered if she should disclose it to the commander, if it was worth breaking trust for. She remembered all the steps that were necessary, though. Who could possibly abuse it? No one would get her access. She suddenly jumped forward, sitting upright. Her eyes focused forwards and she squinted quickly.

Amelia Fischer, 14
Portsmouth Harbor
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA
August 2nd, 2005 - 6:47 PM

I look around, curious, but lost. The sea breeze rolls in, carrying the smell of cresting saltwater and crates of captured fish. Lances of orange and purple shoot out from the sea as sunset begins. I smile as the wind brushes across my cheek, scattering my hair. A man in a beanie comes to me. Gruff, dirty, smelly.

“Oi, you shouldn't be wandering around here, little girl,” he says authoritatively.

I point at one of the random men walking around.

“It's ok, that's my dad.”

“Oh, well, just be careful around here. It's no place for kids.”

It’s like it’s their catchphrase or something. A big ship rolls in, towering over the rest. Cranes and nets and tarps. Smoke billows out from it, the black refuse being blown across the dock.

“Where's that boat going?”

“That's the Bethany. It's going to...Argentina, I think. If you know where that is.”

“I do,” I smiled.

The man goes off to talk to my “dad”, but I'm too fast. I watch, laughing, behind a tower of crates as they confusedly look for me. I dash for the administrative building, sneaking across the clutter and mess of the dock. I look at the crates I'm hiding behind, reading the labels. Tools, fish, vegetables.

I grab a bar from the tool box and pull open the vegetables one. I root around in some beets and foul smelling garbage until I find it: an onion! The onion holds to my face as I rub my eyes hard, making them red and puffy. The tears begin to form in my eyes as I sort through the long, short tool crate again. Spokes, pulleys, lines, hooks, silverware. My hands finally find a folding knife. I kick the crate away and run up to the administrative office. I come up to one of the office workers, poke her, and frown.

“Help, help!” I cry. “I lost my dad!”

“What? What? What?” she stammers madly. “Who's your dad? What happened?”

I pull the card on her waist up to my face, the string whizzing and relinquishing it to me as I read the name. I point away frantically.

“Ms. Mina, my dad was over there and now he's gone!”

She looks where I'm pointing, and the hook of my knife slips around the string. Snip. The clip hisses as it pulls the bare string back. As it zips back, empty, I tap her waist with my prize for the illusion, whipping it behind me just after.

“What's he look like?” the woman asks, “Do you know his first name?”

“Wait, I see him. He's that one there,” I point randomly again. “Thank you, ma'am!”

“Uh, no problem, I guess,” she looks back at me, “be careful around here, it's not a safe place for kids.”

I rushed up to the side door of the building, flipping through the cards. I slip the card into the slot, the subtle ding and the satisfaction of the red lock turning green. I carefully open the door and slip inside, the cool air conditioning breezing out through the cracks. No one’s home.

I tossed everything onto a table and started pulling out scrolls. The Theresa, The Cassandra, The Delilah, ah...The Bethany. Tower plans, hull plans, cargo lists, crew lists. I unroll each, looking for empty places to hide and names to take. My fingers caress the perfect hiding space, and then get to linking up names. Plenty of last names, but no girl names. I look at the staff badge and smile. I think I’ll take it. I hear a voice coming from beyond a thin wall.

“Andrea, the cops are here, they’re looking for some missing girl,” a man says.

“A missing girl? Shit,” Miss Mina says. They both rush out of the building, just footsteps away from me.

Now’s a good a time as any. I take a few papers from The Cassandra and stuff everything back where it belongs. They'll never know where I went now. I sneak out of the door and skip towards the slip, finally looking at the Bethany looming over me. I giggle excitedly.
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Well-Known Member
This is a collaboration between Frostlich1228 and MarineAvenger
Ammelia Cross/Desmond Walker

X-Com Hospital
Time, 17:00 Standard Time.

The Medical ward is more active than it has been in the days prior, nurses and doctors walk from room to room in a hurried but not exactly rushed pace. Occasionally a soldier walks in through the door and takes a seat in one of the many metal folding chairs that line the entrance of the Medical ward's waiting room.

Ammelia walks into the waiting room and takes a seat in the chair closest to the exit, she sits there for a few minutes, occasionally waving to the passing doctors

Desmond was still a little shaken after his interview with Thomas. To much had transpired too quickly but he decided that eliminating him would be too suspicious. A couple days have past and after multiple pushes from doctors and against his better judgment Desmond had decided to go in for a check up that though he wouldn't admit, he probably needed after all the stress he has been putting his body through. Arriving at the medical ward Desmond is greeted with a rather cheery girl sitting in line.

Ammelia waves cheerfully at him, " Good afternoon, Sir! "

Desmond physically recoiled at the tone of the greeting but after realizing he was making a fool of himself he replied with a hand wave and sat down without a word. As soon as she sees him sit down Ammelia gets up and sits on his left side, keeping a cheery grin, " Hello there, It's Nice to meet you. "

Desmond looks over to her and responds, "Are you always this cheery to strangers or am I a special case." He tries to put on his most convincing grin but he was never good at being a social guy and he seemed just to puzzle the girl.

She squints at him suspiciously, " Strangers? We are going to be fighting side by side, I think Partner is a better word, don't you? "

"Well yeah but we haven't actually met yet so we are still strangers to each other." Desmond had decided to let his guard down this time, this girl did not seem like a threat. "So why don't we get to know each other then."

Ammelia's smile returns, " So, what's your name? "

"Uh, Desmond... Desmond Walker." He really didn't know what to do in this situation and he had never really talked to someone when he wasn't on mission or training.

" Desmond huh? Well my name is Ammelia Cross, are you here for the Medical Examination like everyone else? " She asks curiously.

"Yeah I uh, had a little accident so now I am forced to come here." He put his hand behind his neck and rubbed it. "So why are you here? At XCOM?" It was as good a question as any.

" Why am I at X-Com? " Ammelia looks puzzled, " To help save the world of course, did you expect anything different? "

"Well I just assumed that everyone had some...different motive than just wanting to be here."

Ammelia chuckles, " Well, there are a few Kooks here and there, but most of us are here to protect humanity and save the planet from the alien menace! Sort of like an adventure book when you put it that way. "

Desmond chuckles along with Ammelia, "Well if there is one thing I like, it is reading books, makes me wonder how our book will end." All sense of laughter died at that moment, maybe Desmond had been a little to dark. "Well I have some books if you want to borrow them, I am also very good at chess..." Desmond lets out another smile to lighten the mood but on his face a smile just looks out of place.

"You can play me in chess any day, and I love a good read, but something tells me your books might be a little too difficult for me. " She grins widely.

"Nonsense, I have a few good sized books that you could have..." Desmond didn't know why it happened but it just did. After finishing his sentence he unconsciously scanned Ammelia with his powers and what he found wasn't entirely organic. "Perhaps this training is paying off." He thought to himself. "This may be insensitive to ask but why do you have implants?" Hopefully this wouldn't blow his cover by asking this.

Ammelia's grin quickly fades and she squints at him, " How did you know? Most people don't notice unless they're very social, and you don't seem like the social type to me... "

Desmond couldn't help but chuckle at the comment, "Yeah it's that obvious is it." He turned to face Ammelia so he could properly demonstrate to her. "Ammelia look at my face and tell me what you see wrong with it."

Ammelia shrugs, " I can't answer that question sadly, but I can answer your previous one... I'm Blind and Mute, to put it in the simplest of terms my sight implant isn't too good with the finer details. "

"Ammelia that is exactly the point I wanted to make." He points to his own eyes, "You know between you and me these eyes are not my eyes per say, I was born with weak eyes and had to have them operated on, which caused them to mutate into the red iris you see now."
To be honest that wasn't a complete lie, he was given enhanced eye sight due to the operations, the mutation being a side effect. "The point being is that I can see the slight discomfort in your face. As for a your other conditions..." Desmond took extra care not to use the problems, "Honestly I didn't notice them until I examined closer.
I will say that whoever made that hardware is short of genius but just because you have modifications doesn't make you any less human in the eyes of your fellow peers." A nurse near by calls Desmond's name.
"Well damn, anyways long story short take pride in your self Ammelia..." Desmond winks at Ammelia taking care to show at least one of his eyes. "Your problems may be your greatest asset at times."
Desmond gets up and begins to walk away. "You have a lovely voice by the way Ammelia, I hope to hear it again soon." He waves his hand behind him as he walks away hoping to at least have made at least one connection while here.

Ammelia stays seated and watches him walk around the corner into the doctors office, " Red Eyes... " She says quietly to herself, " Marissa told me that red feels like fire and pain... I'm kind of glad the SAaIDA can't see colors... I'm not sure I'd want to see a color like that... " Ammelia sits there thinking until her name is called, afterwards she gets up and follows the nurse into the office in the far back of the hall.


Game Master
Staff member
This is a collaboration between Zain Shah and ZombieSplitter53 (Leon Wolfe/Commander O'Brien)

The Commander looks over several papers, including those from the Counsel written with a lot of capital letters. She hums along as Smooth Criminal plays on her radio, Shalquoir sitting on the radio, enjoying the vibrations of the bass. Leon slams open the door to the Commander's office, with a disgruntled look. He walks over to the Commander's desk and slams her desk with his two fists. He comes right up close to the Commander's face where she can almost smell his breath. "Research Assistant Scientist!? I should be the head scientist, not that half-wit Vahlen who has your tongue up her ass."

The Commander stares back at him. After a moment, she smiles. "Come right in, doctor. Tell me what's on your mind." She motions towards the chair next to Leon.

Leon stares at her and then takes a deep breath through his nose. He sits down in the chair but keeps his tone negative. "Listen here, I didn't join X-COM to be commanded by multiple people with far inferior intellect...I could do your job better, Vahlen's job better and if you pass me a gun, I could shoot better than any one of the soldiers here."

The Commander keeps smiling, fighting every fiber of her being to not roll her eyes. She reaches for the intercom. "Peggy, can you find out where Scarlet Van Dam is right now?"

"Right away, sir."

The Commander reaches under her desk and pulls out a pistol. Placing it on the desk in front of Leon, she says, "Sounds like an interesting challenge. You'll need this. Should I give her a head start, oh superior one?"

Leon glares at her and picks up the pistol. He throws it between his two hands. "If you would have me killed, you will lose this war. You will also lose the only scientist willing to do whatever it takes to win this war." Leon puts the gun back on the table, placing it close to the Commander. "If you want me dead, you can do it here and now and suffer the consequences." Leon puts his hands on his head and goes down on his knees.

The Commander can't help but roll her eyes now. Taking the gun back, she says, "Don't be so dramatic, ya silly git."

Leon rises from his knees. "It's a shame. I would've respected you more had you pulled the trigger." Leon thinks back to what they were talking about. "You still haven't accepted my request yet."

The Commander slowly folds her hands. The amused smile washes from her face, and she stares daggers at Leon. "Ya know, I'm gittin' a little tired of people tellin' me what I need to do to benefit them. I think a little team spirit isn't too much to ask for." She taps her index fingers together. "So, you think...I'm sorry, you KNOW, that I should order Dr. Vahlen to step down so you can take her place. On what grounds was that based on again?" As she waits for Leon's answer, she reaches for her computer and starts typing.

Leon starts listing off his reasons, "Firstly, I doubt that she possesses as much knowledge than me, she also does not have years of experiments on WMDs and warfare equipment, and I am willing to do whatever is necessary to win this war." Leon takes a deep breath. "That good enough?"

"No." The Commander says bluntly. "She also doesn't have your reputation." She turns the computer screen to show a list of the legal allegations brought against Leon.

"I think you'll find that I haven't been found guilty once." Leon arrogantly points out the "Not Guilty" text with each accusation.

The Commander nods. "That's true. You have a very good lawyer. But I have a reputation to keep with the Counsel, and despite being a rather brilliant doctor, Vahlen has somehow avoided any such accusations. Strange, the way you talk, I'd think it came with the territory."

"The reason Vahlen hasn't been accused is simply because she isn't willing to take risks. I know a simple mind like yours can't possibly understand, but in science, you have to push the boundaries, do what no one would dare do."

"Is that a fact." The Commander struggles to keep her cool and not give Leon the satisfaction of getting to her. "If you're so smart, then you would know you don't talk to someone like this when you're trying to get them to do something they DON'T have to do. Maybe you should go back ta preschool and take a lesson in manners." She raises an accusing finger. "And don't ye dare tell me you're too good fer manners, because if that was so, this simple minded Commander wouldn't be in control of you, would she?" She sits back, sure Leon had an answer for this like everything.

"You're not in control of me. Otherwise I would have responded to your gun threat with fear, and you didn't shoot me further proves my point. As for manners, they simply exist for humans to act like there is a correct way to talk and to greet someone." Leon says, acting like he has all the power in the room.

The Commander stares at Leon blankly for several seconds, not sure if she should laugh at him or punch him. Finally she says, "Vahlen stays where she is. End of discussion. But I'm not above compromise. Do you understand compromise? Did they teach it in your genius school where ye went with Athena and Eidyia and Saga and all the other gods of wisdom, my vastly superior friend?"

Leon, being the smart ass that he is, replies with, "I am already a genius, I don't need to go to school." Leon then says, "Compromise is...acceptable."

The Commander types on her computer. "There are a lot of things to do in the labs, and the amount to do grows everyday. Pick something, anything. Alien biology, weapon and armor research, genetics. Pick something, and I'll make sure you're the head of it, answering to no one but Vahlen and myself."

Leon scratches his chin. "I think that will suffice. Very well, I will take alien biology." Leon walks towards the door, but stops and says, "I now realize why they made you commander. If you can hold your ground against one of the most brilliant minds in the world, I shouldn't imagine the aliens being able to do much." Leon smiles awkwardly, waiting to be dismissed.

The Commander smiles. She mumbles to herself, "Mar sin, is féidir leat a bheith sibhialta... nuair a fhaigheann tú do bhealach a dhéanamh..." To Leon she says, "Thank you. Have a good day. I'd tell you good luck in yer new position, but you won't need anything as trivial as luck, right?"

"Of course." Leon says solemnly. Leon quietly shuts the door and heads to the labs to boast about his new position.

The Commander hits the intercom as soon as she is sure Leon is gone. "Peggy, get Jessica Lockheart in here."

"Right away, sir."

After a few seconds, the Commander hits the switch again and says, "And make a general announcement to all staff and soldiers; the the next person who charges into my office, they can expect a bullet to the face!"

"As you wish, Commander."

A few minutes later, there is a knock on the door. "Come." As the door slowly opens, Morrigan takes an ice cube from her glass and whips it over the head of her green-haired guest.

"Hey!" Alexia yells. "What the hell was that for...uh, sir?"

"I'm sorry," Morrigan says, "I had to make sure it was you. I have a favor to ask, and I don't think your sister would go along with it."

Alexia sits down. "You could have just asked who I was. I know you've seen our file." She rubs her head. "Sorry, don't mean to be disrespectful, just an unwanted hangover." She folds her hands and smiles. "So what can I do for ya, Boss?"

"It's about your roommate." Morrigan notes the sour look on Alexia's face. "I've just but him in charge of alien biology."

Alexia gives her a distressed look. "Commander, with all due respect, you don't know..."

"I have an idea," Morrigan interrupts, raising a hand. "I need you to keep an eye on him. As his roommate, you're in the best position to do so."

Alexia smirks. "Aw, spy work. I can see why you wouldn't think Jessie was up for it."

Morrigan gives her a serious look. "Not spy work. I don't want you listening in on his conversations or breaking into his computer. Nothing to put yourself at any risk. Just... keep an eye open. Let me know if he's doing anything that would put us in any danger. Do this for me, and I'll..." The Commander ponders for a moment. "I'll...think of some way to repay you."

Alexia stands up and gives a sloppy salute. "You got it chief. And don't worry about paying me back. I'm just happy to help." She heads for the door. As she opens it, she turns back and says, "Thought Jessie was hoping to take a look at that orange stuff we found."

Morrigan smiles. "I'll see what I can do." Alexia nods, departing, and Morrigan grabs another ice cube, this time rubbing it against her head.
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Well-Known Member
Scarlet/Lilith video journal 2

The camera shows Scarlet doing push ups.

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Wow,the commander has really proven she can lead.

Yea I guess, I mean after seeing so many dead aliens she has proven her worth.

So does this mean your going to play ball now, and not get so anger at her.

Well OK I'll fallow her, on the field of battle any thing else well see.

That's all she needs of us, just try to be nice to OK.

Sigh fine I'll be nice.


Well-Known Member
Emily Fischer
X-COM Headquarters
Siberia, Russian Federation
7:42 PM

Amelia opened her eyes to see a finger rapidly approaching her forehead. It poked her momentarily.

“You alright?” a girl with a Russian accent said.

“Uh...yeah,” Emily replied.

Emily blinked rapidly as her eyes refocused. The girl in front of her had piercing blue eyes and a bright blonde ponytail. She peeked over to the side to see two more soldiers arguing with each other. One was a modest and handsome looking man, and the other one was absolutely huge and obviously American. She listened in to whatever they were bickering about.

“By the tenth, you should have your face planted in that chestnut, asking where your momma is,” the middle one says.

“It’s just a natural strength, Dallas,” the tall one says in a thick – almost comical – Southern accent. “Now, don’t be angry just ‘cause you ain’t got none!”

“Natural strength to water it down, maybe,” Dallas replies with a mild shove, “you old Okie cowboy son of a bitch.”

The diminutive girl in front of her coughs loudly. Emily shrinks up in response.

“She’s awake,” the girl says, walking back towards them.

“Well, howdy there, missy!” the cowboy booms.

Emily gets up quickly and scurries to the group. The cowboy has a dark black goatee and some manner of hair hidden beneath an X-COM cap, and is by far the biggest of them both length and width-wise She holds out her hand randomly to the three.

“Hi, I’m Emily,” she says, smiling diplomatically. “Emily Fischer.”

The cowboy’s smile beams towards her, and he grips her hand and shakes vigorously.

“Billy Campbell,” he says proudly, “Oklahoma, USA!”

She looks to the other guy with a smile that grew a little more shy. He had short cropped hair, brown stubble, and a rugged and handsome complexion. A couple of scars only fit the countenance. He returned the smile in kind. She suddenly wondered how she looked right now.

“Jack Stewart,” he says, shaking her hand a little easier.

The cowboy nudges him, making him stumble a bit.

“But everyone calls me Dallas,” he continues.

“Why’s that?”

“Because I’m actually Canadian, and my friends have a ‘sense of humor.’”

“Dern sure, Dallas,” Billy smiles at him.

Billy turns towards the girl, a long-haired, blonde, and quiet girl who looks unmistakably from a Slavic region. She suddenly rushes forwards and gives Emily a hug. She reciprocates, surprised at the rather warm greeting. So much for the cold Russians.

“I’m Nika, is good to meet you,” she says.

Billy slings his arm around Nika and hugs her, the difference between the bulky 6'5" cowboy and the slender 5'1" girl becoming apparent.

“She’s the nicest bundle of grenades you’ll ever meet, from Siberia herself,” Billy said sincerely.

“I’m from St. Petersburg,” she grumbled in the hug.

“Are you guys my other roommates?” Emily asked, having already made this mistake once today.

“’Other’? You’ve met the other ones? I haven’t seen them one bit,” Billy said.

“Well…have you been in the room today?” Emily replied.


“That might affect it.”

“What are they like?” Dallas asked.

“There’s one girl, a little odd, but nice enough. And the other, well, she’s just a kid.”

“A kid? How young are we talking?”

“I don’t know, 10, maybe 11?”

“Well, s–saddles,” Billy stutters, “Does that mean we can’t say any bad words now?”

“She’s really nervous,” she says, trying to seem casual, “be nice when she’s around here.”

Billy sighs with a little disappointment. “It’s good to meet another soldier, though. Chances are, we won’t be spending much time sitting down anyway,” Dallas chimes in.

“Dern sure,” Billy says. “What’s your story, Emily?”

“Well, I was in the U.S. Army for…seven years. Then I was shopping when the aliens attacked the place, I got out, went back to base, and they told me to come here.”

“Wait, you actually saw one of them?” Nika said with interest.

“Killed one. Shot him about 10 times, right here,” Emily said, poking her forehead.

“Well, hot damn!” Billy shouted, “We only heard about ‘em, damn, I wish I was there with you.”

Billy slung his arm around her and pulled her towards the door.

“Come on boys and girls, a round for the new squaddie, the alienslayer!”

Emily tumbled along, the other two following her.

“You just want an excuse to drink more,” Mika scoffed.

“And no one will deny me it!” Billy said.

The cowboy and his friends practically carried Emily out into the common areas, where it was bustling with soldiers for a night time unwinding. She quickly tried to blend in as she spent her first night out of the barracks. Nika and Dallas went over to the pool tables as Billy carried her to the bar. He tipped his hat at the soldier tending it, seeming to be just another recruit from another barracks.

“Hey there, you get this little missy anything she wants, on me!” he said.

“And the usual for you, Billy?” the barkeep responded.

“Of course!”

Emily briefly wondered how this soldier already had a “usual” in a project less than a week old. Then again, they did take a long time to show up in the barracks.

“Got any juice?” Emily asks.

“Got orange, cranberry, strawberry, grapefruit,” he says, slinging a tumbler to and fro for two other soldiers at the bar. “Top shelf vodkas, too. No drinks if you got a mission coming up, obviously.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not up for anything soon. Hit me with a screwdriver.”

“Coming up,” he says.

“Cocktails? We’ll getcha on the hard stuff later,” Billy says, slapping her shoulder. He gets up to go to the pool tables with the others.

Emily leans over the bar quickly and lowers her voice to the barkeep.

“Can you give me just the orange juice?”

“Yeah, but it ain’t going to fool Billy, you know,” he says with a smile.

“Here’s hoping his vision’s too blurred to notice,” she replies cheekily.

“One screwdriver,” he says as he hands the juice to her with a wink.

“Thank ya kindly.”

Emily jumped back up to her feet, a little relieved. She joined her new roommates, who had already racked a game.

“Nika or Dallas?” Billy asked with a nudge.

“Uh…I think I need more data before I can bet,” she replied, sipping the juice modestly.

“That wouldn’t be a very fun bet.”

“Dallas then.”

“Good eye,” Dallas says with a wink.

“You’ll be changing your tune by the end of the night,” Nika replied.

She felt a little out of place, chilling with a group of soldiers who already seemed like a unit, sipping on a fake drink. But, either way, it was more fun than sitting in bed and waiting for the alarms to ring. She quietly hoped that all of her roommates would get along like she seemed to with them. And then she quietly hoped that Billy wouldn’t look at her cup.
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Game Master
Staff member
The Pains of Youth: Part One

X-COM Primary Laboratory
A small chemistry lab in the back

Jessica sits in front of a large, putrid green pile of slime. robotically pulling of small pieces of it and dropping them into test tubes contain a variety of different colored liquids and writing down the results. She looks around the small room she sits in, bored out of her mind. She glances at the clock, knowing that if Dr. Vahlen catches her working so long after her shift ended, she'd be in trouble. She continues working, however, not wanting to end an entire day's work with no results, even if it wasn't her fault.

She continues to stare blankly at the test tubes, humming along to Christina Aguilera's Genie In A Bottle playing softly from the small speakers attached to an old, beat up MP3 player. She barely notices the door opening behind her, or the light footsteps approaching her.

"Excuse me...did you..." Asks a female voice.

"Ask for a laser tool?" Jessica reaches behind her without turning around. "Thanks for bringing it to me so fast."

As Jessica cuts off a one square inch of the slime and places it on a metal tray, the voice asks, "What that stuff?"

Jessica slowly zaps the slime, and says, "It's the, um, substance that came out of those alien abduction... pod... things." She frowns at the reaction, and writes the results down. "I was hoping I could find some way to counteract it. We already know the stuff seems to encase and preserve its victims, but that doesn't mean they're left alive. Poor people are pretty much smothered to death."

"So, um...y-you're trying to destroy it?"

"In a way." Jessica looks into a magnifying glass. "But it's not just some weird organic stuff. It seems to be very close to the anatomy of the human body, so anything that would damage it would hurt the people we're trying to protect." She sits back and shudders. "God, if this stuff was tailored to us like this, who knows how long these things have been watching us." She swivels around in her chair. "Is that that the scariest..." She stares forward in confusion, seeing no one. Her eyes glance down at the silver-haired child before her. "Who are you?"

'S...Sunny..." Sunny gives a shy wave.

"Did...do you..." Jessica scratches her head. "Since...since when did engineering start using kids as delivery boys...er, delivery girls?"

Sunny scratches her chin bashfully. "W-well, I work in engineering, b-but Dr. Shen yelled at me when h-he said I was working too much, and said after I-I delivered this, I had to t-take a break."

"Well, I can relate to..." Jessica raises an eyebrow. "Wait, how do you qualify to work in engineering?"

"Um..." Sunny puts her head down, obviously uncomfortable talking about her own qualifications. "I-I have a doctoral degree in Engineering a-and C-Computer Science, s-so I..."

Damn, blows us out of the water.

"You do!" Jessica runs her forehead in frustration. "Great, the one person here younger then me, and she's more qualified then me, and probably smarter to boot." Jessica grins at Sunny. "Jeez, considering what I had to go through to get where I am at my age, you must have had a messed-up..." Sunny's expression darkens, her head dropping even farther.

And you say I'm the one who doesn't know how to talk to people.

Jessica's eyes widen, you expression looking more grim then Sunny's. She drops to her knees in front of Sunny. "I-I-I... I'm so sorry. That was... a horrible thing to say. Please, I'll do anything for you, just don't cry," She says, obviously trying not to cry herself.

Sunny raises her hands, backing up a bit. "Th-that's okay, Miss. I-I know you didn't mean it. I just..."

"NO!" Jessica cries out, making Sunny yelp and jump. "Please, you have to let me make it up to you. I... you're never too smart for ice cream, right? I don't think they have any in the mess-hall, but I saw a machine behind the bar in the rec-room that..."

Sunny shakes her head, torn between Jessica's behavior both scarring her and amusing her. "That's really n-nice of you, but I can't go there, I-I..."

"Oh." Jessica looks disappointed. "You're not allowed to go to the rec-room?"

Sunny nervously steps forward. "W-well, I'm allowed to go anywhere...except th-the shooting range...a-as long as I'm e-escorted. B-but my escort, Rick..." Sunny looks towards the exit sadly. "He does like taking me..."

"Say no more!" Jessica jumps to her feet, rushing towards the door. As she steps out, she walks behind the guard, but losses her nerve. She struggles to think of what to say.

Don't worry, I'll take care of it.

Alexia steps next to the guard and lets out a chuckle. Looking at the main exit, she asks, "Since when did we let brats start working for X-COM?"

"What did you say?" The guard asks with a panicked look.

"That kid." Alexia points at the exit. "You didn't see her run out just now and take off to the right?"

"When I get me hands on her!" The guard rushes out the door, his fists clenched in rage.

Thanks, Alex.

No problem. But if you even think about touching another drink in that bar, I'll kick your ass. I don't know how I'd do that, but I'd find a way.


Game Master
Staff member
The Pains of Youth: Part Two

Sunny steps out of the Chem. Lab, her expression one of shock. "I-I...I can't believe you did that."

"Oh pishposh, he was obviously a jerk anyway." Jessica smiles and grabs Sunny's hand, practically dragging Sunny through the hallways. "So how old are you, Sunny?"

Desperately trying to keep up, Sunny says, "I-I'm eleven...Ms...."

"Call me Jessie. And at least your only seven years younger then me. I'd hate to feel like an old lady at my age."

Well, you did just use the expression 'pishposh' you know.

Yeah, yeah, shut up.

The two enter the rec-room, both needing to take a moment to catch their breaths, nearly everyone in the room giving them an odd look.

Jessica leads Sunny up to the bar. Taking a seat, the bartender says, "Alright, I gave you a pass, but I know she's too young."

Jessica giggles, and shakes her head. "We just want some ice cream."

The bartender raises an eyebrow. Jessica points at the machine, and the bartender scratches his head. "Is that what that is?" He searches in the drawer under it, finding a box of generic ice cream cones. He fills two of them with vanilla ice cream and hands them off to the two girls.

Jessica watches Sunny nervously eat her treat. "You, um... you're not happy here, are you?" She shakes her head. "I'm sorry. I could see how nervous you were around me, but I was hoping if I found something to make you happy, you'd forget that I..." Jessica frowns. "That I pretty much just kidnapped you" She wraps her hands around her head. "Oh, God, what have I done."

Sunny giggles, then let's out a loud laugh. "I-it's okay, Jessie. You were just trying to be nice. I-I just thought you were a-a little..."

"Weird?" Jessica asks, and Sunny nods. "Yeah, I get that a lot. I overhear people asking why a bimbo is working in the labs all the time."

Sunny shrugs. "People are a-always asking a-about the shrimp in engineering."

Jessica smiles. "Oh yeah?" Jessica places her hand against her ample bosom. "Well, somebody asked me how I can get anything done with my chest getting in the way. I mean, can you say sexual harassment?"

Sunny smiled back. "S-somebody asked me how I find my way around engineering without getting lost."

Jessica narrows her eyes. "Well, someone asked me the other day if I got that green slime in my hair."

"I had to a-ask a soldier to stop r-rubbing my hair like a child."

"I was told I looked like a stripper dressed as a scientists."

"W-well, I'm scarred of dogs. E-even little ones."

Jessica scoffs. "Please, at least you can look at your reflection without crying like a baby." Sunny gives her a curious look, and Jessica nods. "Oh, yeah, I'm that pathetic."

The two girls burst into laughter, amused by their unusual attempts to beat each other as to who had it worse.

Anything else you gonna share with the kid. Maybe that you insisted on sleeping with that raggidy teddy bear until you were sixteen.

Hey, leave me alone, I'm having fun.

"I...I like you Jessie. Y-your weird, b-but a fun kind of weird." Sunny smiles brightly, a smile that drops at the approaching guard behind Jessica.

"Where the hell have you been?" Rick asks angrily. He looks at Jessica, and gets angrier. "You! Why did you trick me..."

Alexia jumps up, wraps her arm around Rick's shoulder, and starts to lead him away from Sunny. In a low voice that only the two of them can hear, she says, "You know what, I need you to do me two favors. I need you do forget about this little situation here, and I need you to start being nicer to my new friend."

"And why should I do that?" Rick asks, still angry but compelled to mimic Alexia's volume.

Alexia grins. "Because, my good man, because I'm gonna do you three favors. I won't tell anyone you somehow failed to keep an eye on a child half your size and age, I won't tell the Commander how uncomfortable Sunny seems to be around you, and finally..." She looks back at Sunny and gives her a reassuring smile. Turning back to Rick, she says, "I won't ask this nice Russian guy my sister has a crush on to kick your scrawny ass."

I-I...do NOT have a crush on anyone!

Hey, if you didn't want me to make fun of you, you shouldn't have told me that you kissed the guy.

"Do we have a deal, pal?"

Rick scowls at Alexia, but nods. He looks at Sunny, and says, "Come on, Sunny. Let's...let's go get dinner."

Sunny runs after Rick as he exits, waving goodbye as she leaves.

"Cute kid," Alexia says out loud.

Cute? She's adorable! Can we keep her? Pleeeeease?

Alexia rolls her eyes. She sits back down at the bar and asks the bartender, "Can I get another ice cream cone, please?"
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Zain Shah

Well-Known Member
Madison Wheeler's Journal No 1

Today was amazing and scary at the same time. I went down to New York City but not on holiday, instead I had to go into building to wipe out alien hostiles. The mission was quite successful but we almost lost Ryan at the end, it was a good thing we decided to play it safe and carry some medikits. I have been promoted to infantry which means all I have to do is stand in place and shoot to my heart's content. I had to spend 2 hours just constantly shooting a still target to practice my abilities; I mean I know that we should be prepared but do we really need to do stuff I've been learning for the past few years now.

My roommate is Atka and she has the cutest dog, its probably trained to kill and is large as me but still, I just can't resist not loving those little fellas. We had a little talk when we were assigned rooms but she doesn't really like to "booze it up" so I guess I'll have to find a drinking buddy.

Overall, my first few days at X-COM have been pretty good and if that's all it takes to win the war, I'm pretty sure we got this covered.


Well-Known Member
Subject Eva
Project x-com headquarters
9:57 pm

"Hay how long until we get there, it's bloody cold in this truck". the truck turns and Eva goes face first into the other side of the truck.

"Are you ok, sorry this truck is very old and we can't afford any knowing were the base is.

Eva slowly gets to her feet, the truck turns again and Eva slides to the other side of the truck. God damn it, there is such a thing as to cautious you no.

"The console isn't taking any chances".

"Fine, I'm going to try and sleep in this mess you mind if I do".

"Not at all".

Eva falls asleep and remembers her orders.

"All right Eva we know that the aliens are coming, and we know that the military will have some plans to deal with them, and thanks to that military base you raided we now know the name of that organization. X-com a military and research organization, and I'm guessing that they will be researching the aliens they kill, and try to make new weapons and armor and what ever else to combat the aliens, I want you to find out what they are doing and steal every single one of there plans."

"Yes mistress, shall I kill there soldiers to".

"No no we can't have you killing any of there men, after all they are meant to save the world so let them save it, but after it's all over I will be the one to change the world after the war".

"Got it mam, any solider I should be worried about or personal".
"Yes two infact, one is a solider named Scarlet Van Dam, in tell says that she is a mercenary a cold blooded killer that doesn't care for her enemy's life or to put it simply and if you ever watch cartoons as a kid, She is a real life version of DBZ Broly very strong and will not be satisfied until every thing in her way is destroyed".

"Great a psychopath with incredible power, any one else".

Yes the Commander her self, she is a lot like Scarlet only not as Crazy, she loves fighting and has a bit of a temper problem but is very casual around her solders, So be nice to her.

Right any thing else mistress.

Not at the moment all of your equipment in waiting for you down stairs, remember once your in x-com hook up that usb drive in to any outlet in x-com and then put it into any computer and the vires will upload it self into x-com, the virus is self aware so if any one notice it it will adapt and go back into hiding sending every thing it steals to me. Now your running late my friend don't want to keep x-com waiting.



Game Master
Staff member
Under Pressure: Part One

X-COM Main Lab
Laboratory Conference Room

The techs shuffle in one at a time. Some chat with each other, while others seem to make a point of avoiding others. They are from all corners of the Earth, most between their late twenties and their late forties, with a few pushing sixty. Two of the younger males, their name tags reading Kenneth and Wěi, watch intently as Jessica walks into the room, all smiles. Kenneth leans over and mutters, "Who invited Miss fun-bags?"

Wěi shrugs. "That's a good question. We're here to talk about the Meld. If we need a seminar on picking up boys and painting our nails, we'll call her."

"Now come on, man, I'm being serious." Kenneth shakes his head. "She doesn't belong in X-COM as it is. And now Dr. Vahlen is letting her in with us here? What could that... that child contribute?"

"At least she can do what little she can be trusted with relatively quickly." A female tech named Karen sits down next to them. "Have you seen her sister work? Have you ever asked her a question about her work? Sure, she knows the answers, but she answers so slowly, I'd swear she was being told the answer through an earpiece."

Kenneth scrunches his nose in thought. After a moment, he stands up and walks towards Jessica. "Where are you going?" Wěi asks. "You say anything, and you'll get in trouble with Vahlen."

"Vahlen is too understanding, the Commander too," Kenneth answers, looking back. "Trust me, I know what needs to be done."

Kenneth takes a seat next to Jessica. After a few minutes, he realizes she is too lost in her excitement to have noticed him. He clears his throat, but she doesn't respond. He does so again, this time loud enough to make Jessica jump. "Oh!" She looks at him in surprise. "I didn't see you there. I'm Jessica Lockheart. Have...we met?"

Kenneth shakes his head. "I'm Kenneth Stewart. I've been watching you work. You're quite intelligent, though I'm afraid you're a little... bold, considering your inexperience."

Jessica gives him a worried look. "I, uh... a-am I. I mean, Dr. Vahlen asked me to come here, though I'm not sure why. A-and I never try to do anything without permission. B-but I did..." She reaches into her pocket and pulls out some notes. "I did have some ideas about the meld, especially in regards to testing."

Jessica hands the notes to Kenneth, who looks them over. After reading them, he says, "Yeah, see, this is what I'm talking about. You see, I don't think these would work, and you might offend the doctor with them."

"But..." Jessica frowns. "Dr. Vahlen said she's always open for..."

Kenneth puts on a pleasant smile. "Ms. Lockheart... can I call you Jessica?" Jessica nods, and he continues. "I'm just trying to help you out. I see great potential in you, but you know these big-headed scientists. They act all understanding, but they're always taking notes behind your back, grading you, judging you." He rubs his chin. "I'll tell you what. If I think the discussion is opening up in a way that would have Dr. Vahlen consider these proposals, I'll give you a nudge on the shoulder. Otherwise, keep a low profile. Dr. Vahlen will be watching you, and she probably wants to see if you can fall in line. I'd hate for her to judge you harshly when you don't deserve it."

Jessica gives a cautious smile. "Th...Thank you, Kenneth." But as he turns away as Dr. Vahlen takes her place at the front of the room, the smile quickly fades away, replaced by a look of suspicion.

The meeting goes by quickly, as Dr. Vahlen explains to the attentive group the findings of the Meld and the potential it has for the soldiers. As others ask questions and post their concerns, Jessica stirs uncomfortably in her seat, waiting for a signal from Kenneth that never comes. She moves to ask a question once or twice, but each time Kenneth motions for her to sit quietly.

As the meeting draws to an end, Vahlen gathers her notes and says, "Well, if there are no more concerns, I think we have a lot to do. I'll let the Commander know that we'll be ready for the first batch of soldiers soon, and we..."

"U-um...doctor?" Jessica raises her hand. "I...I actually wanted to voice a concern about testing on the soldiers."

Kenneth gives her an irritated look. Dr. Vahlen places her notes back down and says, "We discussed this, dear. We'd love to do some initial testing first, but we don't have time to work on animals."

Kenneth suppresses a smile, and instead gives a look of concern. "Dr. Vahlen, forgive her. She's young, and she's just concerned about the safety of our soldiers. I'm sure she just forgot..."

"No." Jessica raises her voice slightly. "I remember what you said, but what if we had some kind of substitute."

Kenneth starts to say something, but Dr. Vahlen interrupts him. "Whatever suggestions, however remote, that would make our work safer, I'm all ears. What did you have in mind?"

Glancing at her notes, Jessica says, "I've been working on the organic substance we recovered from the pods at the abduction sites. It appears that it was specifically tailored for humans, down to the cellular level. In fact, I've been able to work on it and remove all traces of compounds and substances alien to the human body, and what we're left with is a compound that is just begging to be used for testing. I'm not thanking the aliens for bringing this stuff here, but with enough of it, testing things meant for humans on animals could become a thing of the past."

"Intriguing." Vahlen rubs her chin in thought. "If what you say is true, we could easily use the substance to test the meld out, and work out any problems before we use it on any test subjects." She nods, and says, "I'll inform Dr. Shen and the Commander, Ms. Lockheart. Please have a full report for me by tomorrow." The meeting disperses, and as she passes Jessica, Vahlen says, "I'm glad you could join us, Ms. Lockheart."

"Thank you, doctor," Jessica responds, suppressing the urge to let out a cheer for being praised. Not wanting to get in anyone's way, she waits for the others to leave, looking over her notes. Getting up to leave, she let's out a yelp at the sight of Kenneth standing in front of the door. "OH! You startled me, Kenneth."
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Game Master
Staff member
Under Pressure: Part Two

"I thought I told you to stay quiet." Kenneth crosses his arms, slowly closing the door behind him with his foot.

Jessica let's out a nervous chuckle. "Y-yeah... and thanks for looking out for me, but hey, it all worked out, right? And Dr. Vahlen said..."

"Do you realize what you've done?" Kenneth takes an intimidating step forward. "Your stupid "green slime" plan is going to set us back now. Who knows how long it'll be until we get to work on the soldiers."

"I-I'm sure by no more then a week." Jessica takes several steps back until she bumps into the table. "I-I know we want to fight the aliens with everything we've got, but not at the risk of hurting..."

"Shut UP!' Kenneth slams his fist against the wall behind him. He stomps up to Jessica, and pokes her hard in the chest. "Do you think this is a game? This is a war, and sacrifices have to be made. And if Vahlen is too near-sighted to see that, we need to do what we can to make sure senseless ditzes like you don't put these idiotic thoughts in her HEAD!"

"Hey, what's going on in here?" Two lab techs walk into the room.

"Th-this psychopath has lost it!" Jessica cries out. "He's talking like he knows what's best more then Dr. Vahlen or the Commander. Like he should dictate..." She trails off as one of the techs shuts the door behind him.

"This is your idea of doing what needs to be done?" Karen asks, shaking her head. "What did you do, try to reason with her? Stupid bitch probably has too much blood running through those ridiculous breasts of hers for her brain to work right."

"Listen girl," Wěi says, stepping next to Kenneth and placing his hand on Jessica's shoulder. "Why don't you just keep your mouth shut from now on and leave the real work to the professionals." Jessica starts to argue, but lets out a cry of pain when Wěi squeezes her shoulder. "We know what needs to be done around here, and if Vahlen doesn't learn that soon, she'll have to be replaced."

Karan steps between the two men and grabs Jessica's chin, holding it in place so she looks directly into her eyes. "Now the next time you're told to keep your mouth shut, KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT! GOT IT?" Jessica lets out a soft whimper, and nods slowly. Karen smiles, says, "Good girl," and lightly taps her on the cheek.

The three techs leave, Kenneth taking Jessica's notes and ripping them up as he leaves. Jessica slumps to the floor, and lets out a few soft sobs.

Oh...man, what time is it...did I miss the meeting?

Jessica quickly wipes the tears from her eyes and stands up.

Uh...yeah, sorry. It...was kinda boring anyway...

Everything all right? You seem kinda upset.

I'm...fine. I'm just a little tired after a long day. Feeling mentally drained. Do you mind taking over? Maybe you could hit them gym. I know you haven't had much of a chance to since we got here.

Um...yeah, sure. Just...let me know if you need anything, okay?


Alexia stands up, stretching. Scratching her face, she looks at the moisture on her fingers. Stepping into the main lab, she looks at her reflection in a blank computer screen, noting her somewhat poofy eyes. Her expression grows more and more concerned as she walks out of the lab and heads for her room to change. She knows something is wrong. Even if she couldn't tell Jessica had been crying, her sister was never a very good liar anyway. But she couldn't read her sister's personal thoughts, even with their shared brain, and she knows if she pushed too much, she would only make Jessica feel worse. She would have to bide her time, and wait until her sister opened up to her, or whatever upset her comes around again.
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Well-Known Member
DarkGemini24601 and Frostlich1228: “Field Experience, Part 1”

Modya sighs, finishing his midday meal. Despite his anxiety about battling the invaders, he almost wishs he would be given a mission, as the boredom was beginning to grate on the Russian soldier. After thinking for a moment, he gets up and headed for the gym, figuring some exercise might help alleviate his frustrations. As he enters the gym he sees a girl with bright blond hair done up in a bun, lightly jogging on the treadmill closest to the door, She sees him walk in and gives him a smile and wave but almost trips over her own foot in the process.

He smiles slightly in return, seeming more amused by her misstep. "Careful there, can't have you breaking something," he says in fluent English, though he is still unable to hide his accent in the slightest.

She chuckles, but keeps looking forward, trying to focus on what she's doing, "Break what? " She says in an exhausted voice, "My bones... Or the... Treadmill?"

"Perhaps both..." Modya says. "You sound like you might need a break soon, anyway."

" Yeah... You might... Be right... Maybe I do... " She looks closely at the buttons on the treadmill and presses the one to the right of the display, the treadmill starts to whir up, she tires to keep up with it but she quickly trips and flies off the treadmill, " Whaa! " she says before her face hits the stone floor with a thud.

His eyes widen and he rushes over to her side, cursing in Russian. "Are you alright?" He checks for wounds and to see if she's still conscious. He looks concerned. Why did she speed it up to a level she couldn't handle after saying she should stop...

Ammelia opens her eyes, the Treadmill still whirring at near top speed about a foot away from her head, "Aughh... "She groans "Yeah... I guess I hit the wrong button..."

"Are you going to be okay, or do you need me to take you to the medical ward?" He glances over at the buttons, and frowns, seeing they are rather clearly labeled. "That's odd..." he mutters.’

Ammelia gets up slowly, rubbing her nose a little, "I think I'll be fine, It just hurts lot... One of the soldiers showed me which button was which, but I guess I forgot after all that running..."

"Can you not read them on your own?" he asks, not rudely, but not really sure what she means by that.

"I can't see it on my own in fact, I'm blind." Ammelia smiles at him, waiting for his reaction.

He raises an eyebrow. "So you're that Ammelia Cross I've heard a bit about...you had some sort of...implant that could...see with...I forget..." he says, scratching his head. "Something about waves I think..."

Ammelia looks relieved, "Finally, word got around that I'm Blind and Mute, I really felt like a broken record having to explain it to every single person I meet." She giggles a little.

"Maybe you need a nametag or something outlining that," he says. "Only if Van Dam has to wear a shirt saying "Beware of Psychopath, though," Modya continues, seeming to be able to keep a straight face saying that.

Ammelia bursts into laughter with him and smiles, " Yeah, that girl is nuts, did you know she attacked me on my first day here? I've been avoiding her ever since. "Ammelia cups her head in her palm when she realizes what she just said, " Don't tell anyone I said that alright? I kind of don't want that information getting around. "

Modya nods. "Sure...but there have been rumors of that before...so I don't think it's exactly a secret. Word travels fast with a good portion of the soldiers here with nothing to do." He sighs. "That would include me, of course...although I'm nervous like any sane person about fighting those things it would possibly be better than waiting in an underground base for weeks."

"Yeah, I'm nervous too, I don't even have any battlefield experience and my first op is going to be against those, things..." Ammelia visibly shutters at the thought.

"You know, if you wanted actual combat experience I could teach you in the firing range...I've been in actual battles before..." Though I'll have to teach you to not be a coward like I often am...

Ammelia smiles brightly, " Well, Training is not the same as combat experience but I'll take what I can get I guess!"

"Well, I was thinking more you against me with blanks...I want to see how you function against an opponent," Modya explains, while starting to walk out of the gym with Ammelia.

Ammelia looks at him, "So where are we going for this training, exactly?"

"There's a shooting range we can go to under escort," he replies. "That should work out for our purposes. I can probably have them recreate something of a combat zone for us."

"Sounds like it'll be fun, I'm looking forward to learning a thing or two from a trainer other than my bodyguard back home!" She says, matching his pace, "He always told me to vary my experiences, so learning how you fight might give me an edge out in the field.”

"I'm glad to be of assistance." Modya leads her to the room in question, and has the staff there start setting up a mock-up of an urban combat environment, while he retrieves some body armor for them and weapons with rubber bullets. He picks up a non-lethal rifle. "Feel free to use whatever you want, and once they've set it up we can begin."

Ammelia grabs a suit of body armor, and walks over to the weapons table with him, she considers her choices for a moment before walking down to the right side and picking up a compact Sub-Machine gun that's light enough for her to use effectively, " his one looks good. " she says with a smile.

He nods. "That works," Modya says quickly, looking over the battlefield. "Alright, it's set up; we can begin whenever you are ready." He heads over to a fake portion of a building they set up.

Ammelia quickly surveys the area, lots of low lying cover with a fake two story building at the far end, she gets behind a medium sized rock and moves herself so that she can't be seen from the other side, "Alright! I'm ready!"
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Well-Known Member
DarkGemini24601 and Frostlich1228: “Field Experience, Part 2”

"Very well then. I am now for all intents and purposes an alien,' Modya says, and takes cover on the wall bordering a window missing glass, his back to it, and listens for movement, occasionally peering over briefly.

Ammelia places her pointer finger in her ear and activate the Sound Amplification System. She thinks for a second before silently peeking around the corner of the rock.

Modya opens fire when he sees her, trying to keep her down mostly. He only moves slightly out of cover though, and is prepared to duck behind it if she returns fire.

Ammelia looks over at a concrete barricade a few feet to her right, she fires at the window where he is in cover, and when he ducks behind the wall, she makes a run for the Barricade.

By the time he peers out again she is already in cover. Well done, staying in cover and not giving me time to shoot back. Modya uses that chance to pull back behind a section of the building further in, and go quiet, having his gun pointed at the open doorway beside him. There is a door behind him but it is closed.

Ammelia sits in cover, keeping her head down and slinking to another barricade closer to the building. She stops, trying to remember her training with Dorian.

Combat isn't like those action movies you always see, at least, not when professionals are involved, Combat is quiet, it's a waiting game, sometimes all you have to do is be patient and wait for your opponent to make the first move, the first mistake, then make them regret it. Kind of like chess, when you think about it.

Ammelia props her gun on the top of the barricade and watches the building for any sign of movement, ready to fire at the first thing she sees.

Modya kneels down, pulling out a 'grenade', for his purposes a smoke grenade that is compressed enough that it will spread out and not provide cover, but rather simulate an explosion by popping open with bursting force and blasting red smoke out into the air. I'm patient...but I won't just let you sit there, and if those aliens are smart at all, they're going to field explosives at some point. You'll have to be ready for that, Ammelia.

The Russian soldier rolls the false High Explosive grenade out of the door, having it turn over itself quickly towards where he last saw Ammelia. You might not be there, but it's more of a flushing tool than anything in this case.

The smoke grenade lands behind her and she vaults forward, and runs to the outside of the building, taking cover next to the window, "A grenade?" she says quietly, "Is that what we're doing now?"

Now, a good soldier won't just let you sit there all day long, he'll either flank you, which shouldn't be a problem while the Sound Amp is on, or he'll throw a grenade to make you move, the most important thing is not to panic, panicking gets you killed, move out of the grenade's effective range, but not somewhere you haven't cleared yet, then try to predict where that grenade came from, and with the Sound Amp, the sound of the pin pulling will give his original location away, use their lack of knowledge about the SAaIDA to your advantage, the element of surprise is one of the most powerful things on the battlefield.

Ammelia grips her sub-machine gun tightly and circles around the building, trying to find a way to sneak up on him.

Ammelia finds the back door while Modya positions himself behind some bins in low cover, though there are gaps that he is not happy about, and takes up the same position as before, ready to fire when someone comes into the room. A bit of sweat is on his brow, as he is not used to fighting close up like this, regardless of whether it's a real battle or not. His eyes dart between the open front door and the closed back door.

Ammelia finds the closed door and takes cover near it.

When walking into an area that hasn't been cleared, be very mindful, check your corners, and make sure you're ready for anything. In close quarters you're at a disadvantage, you won't win a straight up fight, you just don't have the strength, also, remember that the SAaIDA cannot see through walls, so you have to rely on your Sound Amp in a situation like that.

Ammelia stops and listens for anything that could help find him, she hears a slight breathing but can't pinpoint what floor it's coming from. She places her hand on the closed door and opens in inward, her hands, slick with an anxious sweat, she pushes the door slowly and she points her gun inside as she opens it.

When the door opens, Modya swivels his gun in her direction, and, although intending to wait half a second to get her further in, opens fire at whatever part of her he can see. Damnit, shouldn't have done that so quickly...she'll probably have time to take cover, and I'm pinned now.

Ammelia jumps back when she hears the gun fire and swings the door open, taking cover behind it. Occasionally she sticks her gun around the corner and fires at his cover, trying to hit him through the gap.

Modya's heart races and he tries to get behind the cover, some of the bullets from Ammelia hitting home. He says something very fast in Russia, repeating it, and then throws down his gun, seeming panicked. After a few more seconds he puts his hands up. "Alright, alright, you win..." he concedes in English, seeming to be a bit on edge and trying to calm down. Due to that, his grasp of the western language is not as crisp as it usually is.

"I Do?" She says in a surprised tone of voice, lowering her gun to her hip.

Modya just nods, wiping the sweat from his brow, and sits down, wringing his hands together in frustration and in an attempt to return to a normal frame of mind. It's just training...it's just training...it's not...

Ammelia sits down next to him and gives him a concerned look, "Are you feeling alright? If this is about me winning, I should probably let you know I kind of cheated..."

He shakes his head. "It's not that...I just...I'm not used to being pinned down like that...that's not how I usually fight..."

"How do you usually fight then?"

"I'm usually in the back of the lines firing rockets into the enemy forces...rarely am I having to go one on one like that...I usually had other people to defend me," Modya explains, looking a bit flustered still and certainly not happy with himself for breaking down like that.

"My trainer was Ex Special Forces, so he taught me to keep out of sight and make my opponent nervous, we did mock fights like this all the time, So I guess I had a bit of an advantage there. "Ammelia crosses her legs. "I don't blame you for panicking there, it was a really tense situation."

"It still was unprofessional...when I knew I lost I should just have surrendered normally...if I'm like this on the field I won't be of any use to anyone," Modya laments.

Ammelia places her hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry, you'll do fine out in the field, we'll be there to back you up!"

He is quiet for a moment, and then nods slowly. "Thanks. I think we're good for now..." He stands up. "You're more than ready for actual combat, I believe." More than me... Modya thought bitterly.

Ammelia stands up with him, "Come on, I have a chess set back in my room if you want to play a match."

"Maybe another time, sorry, Ammelia..." Modya says, starting to walk off. "I just...need some time to think, is all..."

"Alright!" She waves, "Maybe later then!"

Modya nods distinctly enough for her to see, and then rounds the corner, disappearing into the hallway.
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Well-Known Member
DarkGemini24601 and BMPixy: “Handful of Hope”

Modya headed to the bar after the practice with Ammelia, his thoughts clouded by personal demons. He sat down at the bar, and had the bartender slide him a shot of vodka, which he drank readily, sighing in frustration. I can’t believe I acted like that during a simple practice fight...if words gets around I’m going to lose all credibility, the Russian thought to himself. He pulled out a cigarette from his coat pocket and lit it.

Albert strolled into the bar a minute or two later, a small scowl splayed across his face. Taking a seat a couple spaces down from the Russian, he motioned for the bartender to pass him a glass of water. Gently squeezing the lemon into the drink, he took notice of the smoking person next to him.

“You do know that doing that kills, right?” Albert asked of the man.

“I don’t do it often,” Modya replied, glancing over at Albert and taking stock of the other soldier as he continued to smoke.

“That’s what the last guy I knew said about the habit. Of course, when the guy on the other side has heat seekers…” Albert grimly chuckled to himself, and offered a hand to the Russian, “Albert Foulke, British Army.”

Modya was silent for a moment, and then shook his hand. “Modya Dragomirov…” he said in fluent English, but with a damning accent that he could never seem to hide like the Commander could hide her Irish accent. “Russian Army, if it’s not obvious already,” he finished; no humor was evident in his somber tone.

Albert gave a gentle shrug, and replied, “Eh, coulda been Peace Corps, but I suppose it’s best XCOM gets people with a good amount of military experience.” He took a quick pause to take a few gulps of his drink, and added, “So, what brings a husky Ruskie like you down here?”

Modya raised an eyebrow. What the hell is… “Do you mean to XCOM or to the bar specifically?”

“Depends,” the Amero-Anglican said, “Which one is the more interesting story?”

“Well, the first is the same as everyone else, protecting the world and all that… Not the complete truth, but… “I don’t feel like talking about the second.”

“Really, that’s it? Huh, last few guys I talked to had a whole song and dance over how they got recruited. Then they got called on that March 3rd op… Well, you probably know what happened to them.” Albert paused for a moment, as if contemplating something, then said, “Since you kinda-sorted opened up, I figure I might as well do the same. So, whaddya wanna know?”

“What, is your story more interesting than mine? Otherwise I can’t think of anything that I’d care to ask…” Modya said, removing the cigarette briefly to finish off his shot.

“Eh, I’ll let you be the judge of that.” Albert fished around in his pocket for his wallet, and continued, “So, I assume you know the various varieties of X-Rays we’ve run into?”

“Small grays, robotic drones, and then the infiltrators...that about covers it,” Modya replied.

Having finally scrounged up the battered piece of leather from his back pocket, Albert opens it and pulls out a photo and displays it to Modya, the photo showing two men, one obviously Albert and the second bearing resemblances to the aforementioned soldier. “Operation Curtains Up. Infiltrators were on the field. Took my bro from me. And that’s why I’m here.”

“Revenge, huh?” Modya replaced the cigarette, though it was starting to wear down. “At least that’s better than the psychopath…” he said with obvious distaste.

Albert slid the photo back into his wallet, and placed it back in his pocket, followed by a few last gulps of his water. “Don’t even get me started on her. I realize that it was our first combat op, but getting three good people killed because she was a bit impulsive just puts a bad taste in my mouth.”

“Not to mention what-” Modya catched himself, remembering a promise he made. “...not to mention the fact that she hit one of them before the mission had even begun. Sumasshedshaya suka…”

“And she’s still on the team? Damn, we must really be desperate for recruits if we let people like that continue to roam the halls.”

“I heard she was more calm when going to the engineering section to pick something up...but I don’t buy that act…” Modya taps the Makarov pistol on his hip. “If the bitch threatens me she’s getting a bullet to the face, I’m not as understanding as command seems to be here.”

“While I’m not too eager about your solution, command does seem to be letting her get away with a lot.” Albert snorts, and adds, “Only a week and a half out, and I’m already talking like a non-com again. Still, somebody does need to do something to get her either in a jacket, or at least out of our sight.”

“A non-com?” Modya asked, not familiar with the phrase.

“Non-commissioned. Your general enlisted, y’know?”

“So you were an officer then?” Modya questioned, finally sighing and getting rid of the cigarette.

“Yeah, a Captain. OF-2, if you’re familiar with NATO codes. Then one thing led to another, and I’m a Private here.” Albert shrugged as he finished his statement.

“Hmph...you outranked pretty much everyone I know here then...not that the number I know is very large. Highest ranking person, at least previously that I know is Atka, a former lieutenant.”

“Well, at least from my experience, a lot of the people here are people with a good few dozen hours of combat time, or at least the equivalent there-of. Hard for higher ranking commissioned officers to get that much time, considering all the planning that needed to be done to get the little guys through the op.” Albert paused, swirling the ice in his empty cup, and asked, “So, what did you do back before you joined up with XCOM?”

“I was a demolitions expert...typically involved firing rockets into enemy infantry or vehicles. I wasn’t an NCO or a commissioned officer,” Modya explained, ordering another shot of vodka.

“So if the X-Rays have any armor, you’ll be the guy taking it out? Sounds fun.” Albert stopped to think on what he said, and adds, “Though in all honesty, I hope you just end up being stuck with nuking infantry, for all our sakes.”

“Considering their aircraft and drones, I seriously doubt the aliens don’t have some sort of ‘machine of death’ in storage. We aren’t going to be that lucky,” Modya lamented, starting to drink his second shot.

“Right, but a man can hope, y’know. I mean, I’ve heard rumors that this is just a scouting party for a much larger invasion years down the line, or that even our existence is a threat against the alien’s religion. No fault in having a little hope that things can’t get worse.”

“Except you’re being outlandish,” Modya responded, looking frustrated with Albert. “They’ve proven to send abduction attacks all over the world, and already have been sending sharpshooters that can poison us if by some miracle they can’t hit us. We have to be prepared for the worst, or we’re going to have another Operation Devil’s Moon.”

Albert’s brow furrows at the mention of the sharpshooters, and he replies, “You think I don’t know that? While you’re right on the preparing for the worst, you forgot the most important part: hope for the best. This is probably humanity’s darkest hour, and so even if our hope comes from a little thing like ‘yay, no alien death machines burning down my home’, it’s still worth it to foster it.”

“Or we could spend our time making ourselves better so that we don’t lose to them. If we put any real stock into hope we’re doing ourselves a disservice. Leave that to the civilian populace that can’t do anything BUT hope for a favorable resolution,” Modya replied with a noticeable amount of venom.

Albert slowly shook his head, and said, “Hope is not a disservice. It’s what gets us to carry on when everybody else is dead around us. It’s probably the one thing we’ve got the X-Rays don’t, so we gotta use it to our advantage. Fight them on the beaches, fight them in the streets, never lose hope, all the Churchill jazz.”

“I’m not putting any undue faith into anything,” Modya shot back, clenching a fist. “We have no idea what our enemy is capable of, and I won’t make predictions until I do know. I can’t put faith into other soldiers for fear of them letting me down and costing me my life, Scarlet especially, and I can’t even put faith into my-” Modya stopped, and was silent.

Albert ignored the sudden stop, and replied, “Then we have a fundamental difference in opinion. You don’t trust those by your side, I have to. Shame, thought we could get along a bit better than this.” Albert took a quick glance at the clock, and said, “Huh, look at the time, best hit the gym. I suppose I’ll see you around.”

Modya was just quiet, letting him leave. Once he was gone, he stood up, and then tensed in anger and frustration. “Bog Chert!” he swore, and kicked over the bar stool he had been sitting on previously. Ignoring the concerned look of the bartender, he stormed off to his room, more frustrated than he was before, mainly with himself.


Well-Known Member
This is a Collaboration between Frostlich1228 and Dahlexpert (Ammelia Cross/Scarlet Van Dam)

X-Com Dining Area
Time, 1800 Hours, Standard Time

Ammelia walks into the Dining Area and grabs a balanced tray of assorted vegetables, fruit, a slice of bread, and a small portion of stew. She walks over to the table nearest to the kitchen and takes a seat next to a dark skinned man wearing the standard X-com green uniform with black dreadlocks and yellow highlights.

" Hello there sir, my name is Ammelia. "

He looks at her and smiles, " Nice to meet you, I'm Madison. "

Lilith walks in to the dining area and grabs a tray of mostly meat and some vegetables and sit's next to Ammelia.

Man, I've been waiting to eat for a while. Lilith turns to her right and sees Ammelia. OU hay your Ammelia right?

" Yeah! Nice to- " Ammelia turns away from Madison and towards Lilith, when she sees her, Ammelia's eyes widen and she freezes in place, unable to move or talk.

Lilith get's a confused look on her face. OU right your scared, I see you still have that shiner on your eye, you might want to put ice on that.

Amellia glares at her, " Of course I'm scared after what you did to me! You punched me senseless for no reason! "

Madison has a confused look on his face, " Wait? You punched her? "

I didn't punch you, let me introduce myself I'm Lilith van dam , the one that punched you was my other half scarlet and she had a reason for punching you.

Her glare eases but still looks at her suspiciously, " So... You're sisters? What reason could she possibly have for beating me up!? "

"Sure my sister right, any way the reason why she punched you is because she thinks your an maroon, she thinks some on with no combat experience is willing to put her life on the line, and her excuse is (I'm dying for the good of man kind.) she punched you because you have no idea what war is like, she punched you because she is concern for your health".

" Well you can tell your sister, that I didn't mean I want to die for the good of mankind, I meant that the worst thing that could happen to me was to die for the good of mankind! " Ammelia gets up out of her seat and looks Lilith in the eyes, " You tell her that I'm here, I'm going to fight, and I don't care if she doesn't think I can do it, I'm not at X-com to make your sister happy, I'm here to save the world from these aliens! "

Madison looks at both of them like they're crazy, " You know... I think I'll sit over there... Somewhere... "

Lilith Grabs Ammelia's arm Let me ask you something child, do you fell fear.

" Oh I do, Cause I'm Human, but you? What are you? You're a gun, a gun with legs... You and your sister... " Ammelia swallows hard, " If you want to hurt me, go ahead... Because everyone here is watching us... and I'd be glad to see you and your sister gone... "

Madison stands up and wedges himself in between them, " Girls, this is no way to act, this is a military base, Pretty bickering is fine, but this has gone way too far! "

Scarlet get's a big smile on her face. you no that's what I like about maroons you have no Idea what your talking about, let me ask you something little human I see you right now scared to death of me of me hell you look like your about to piss your pants just by looking at me, So I ask you what if I was an alien no a one of those human looking aliens what would you do right now?

" Easy! I'd protect everyone from you! You're already a danger to this entire project! Your sister got her entire squad killed by rushing forward like an idiot! I've never even been in combat and even I know how stupid that is! Now your willing to threaten a Blind girl in front of the entire base!? You're nothing but a time bomb! "

Madison yells as loud as possible next to them, " ENOUGH! If this goes on any longer I will personally walk into the commander's office and bring her here myself! "

Scarlet calms down. "you no what your right let me stop now and explain to you what happen on my mission, you see my mission was an ambush and no one was prepared for it not me not my comrades and not central, and you saying it's my fault your alone on that one because not even the commander fully blames me for that mission, and me charging the that alien was me letting out me anger on that alien slime. But your time will come and when it does I can't wait to see how you react, will you cower in fear like one of the dead men, or will you actually fight.

Also two things: One if your serious about fighting the aliens you will train with me tomorrow evening at 1300 hours, and if you don't come well see how long you will last.

And two: Scarlet walks up to Ammelia. I'm sorry for punching you in the eye wither you believe it or not I am worried for, I'm scared that your inexperience in the battlefield will show and you will have no idea what to do, that's all I'm trying to do kid I want you ready I want you prepared, bravery will only get you so far, so I'm hoping you come and see me tomorrow and if you don't well....just come and see me tomorrow alright kid, and once again I'm sorry.

Ammelia's rage quickly turns to confusion, " What do you mean your mission? Your sister went on that mission, not you... "

Kid who do you think you've been arguing with this hole time, My other half would have told you from the start that I fell sorry for you and I just want you ready to fight and not run away.

" Fine, Maybe I'm not ready to fight those things, But Why would I want training from a psychopath like you? you're clearly so unhinged that you've made some kind of alternate personality for yourself, and there are so many other people in this base that could train me far better than you ever could! " Ammelia clenches her fists, her anger returning, " I don't want to be like you, a ruthless killing machine that's only in for the fun! I know how many lives rest on my shoulders, on all our shoulders, I'd rather die than abandon them! But you've clearly shown, that rather than die to protect the people you're responsible for, you'd sacrifice them all just to protect yourself, maybe if you had stayed with your team, they wouldn't be dead right now! Did you even think about that? "

Kid let me tell you something, the commander the person that hired you, said to me that if I hade fallowed orders and fallowed my team I would be dead just like them so even the commander agrees what I did saved my life, and when you say that I will gladly sacrifice every one here, Lewis Lewis was the firs one on my team that died, and he died because a human that was being controlled by an alien If I could have saved him I would.

And two more things, one Scarlet grabs Ammelia by her shirt. How fucking dare you say that I will Sacrifice my men you little shit, I've been fighting since I was born I saved my cousins life soldiers lives and god no's how many civilians lives by putting my life at risk over and over and over again. YOU have not done shit you saved no one you have never saved a child from gun fire never saved a family from the mafia, you never took a bullet for your family or some one you never new, I may not no these people but I will give my life to see them go back home to there wives and children, So don't you ever say that I will sacrifice these men. And sacrifice you do not et to use that word, what have you ever given up huh.

Scarlet bring it down a notch.

Scarlet takes a deep breath. the second thing I've actually fought these aliens, and I've seen more combat then any one on this base, so I will not make you me I will turn you into a solider.

Ammelia pushes scarlet off with all her strength but it only sends her back about a foot, " I'll think about it... But if we do this I want someone watching, I want to make sure you don't try and kill me when no one's around! "

Fine get who ever you want to watch us I won't kill you, because if I wanted to and I mean if I really really wanted to kill you, I would have done it the first time you smart mouthed me when you said I would die in a back ally, I could have killed you right then and there but I didn't instead I punched you in the gut, any way see you at training runt.

" Yeah... See you at training, psychopath... " Ammelia grabs her untouched food tray and leaves the cafeteria with it, not giving scarlet another look.


Well-Known Member
-Exalt Data Base-
Username: Visellius
Password: *****************
Processing Data...
Welcome Lady Exalt

Video Log #12

The Camera turns on with Lüsett and someone else in the background appearing on the screen. Lüsett has her hair tied back into a pony tail as usual, however her eye's seemed to have changed. Where the Blue eye's once sat, now the pupils of a lizard roam within yellow eye's.

"Okay, this is Video Log nummmmmmberrr-"
"Number 12" Avanix interrupts
"Ah yes twelve, thank you Avanix. Now let me get up to date, the aliens have recently started attacking planet earth, for the moment I should be save. I have instructed Avanix to keep constant watch in security, just in case these aliens are a bit smarter than humans, however recent activities have shown that this might not be the fact, it seems that these aliens are "bred" for Combat and not thinking. I went out into the field and managed to capture several aliens. Now I can't wait to get my hands on their knowledge, it gives me an Orgasm just thinking about all the stuff I could learn about them-"

Lüsett looks straight into the camera with a somewhat embarrassed look.


Lüsett turns red

"Forgot I was recording..."

From the background a young brunette girl speaks up

"What is a Orgasm mother?" She asks with no emotion

"Uh...well...it this thing when, well, um, uh, I will explain later Eve."

"Back to business, my daughter has been aging at a normal human rate, however human emotions are not shown, might be still in development, but my dear girl has already learned to walk and can now see thing's through her own eye's. You might recall form a previous log that she was blind upon birth, in the future I will have to speed that process up for the other clones. Saying that. Avanix add another dose of Element Tz6 to test subject 127 in Colto tank 2."

"How much do you wish my lady?"

"Try 76%"

"Importing fluid..."
"Subject 127 heart rate is slowing down"

"No, fuck Avanix, extract the fluid quickly!"

"Extracting fluid..."
"Lady, Subject 127 is now deceased."

Lüsett slams her fist on the table.
"That went to fast...Alright, fuck that shit, have you contacted the bounty hunter's like I request you to?"

"Indeed I have my Lady, Eve will go out to the meeting place in the coming day's and brainwash them with the liquid that you created after she exchanged the money. After that they should be willingly kill themselves after we got "Subject P1". Any money lost during this transaction should be returned to us after the mission is completed."

"Good, now Eve."
Lüsett turns to Eve.

"You do not have much time, make sure that ever single member drinks to the last drop. TO THE LAST DROP! I paid them enough to keep there mouth's shut. However if anyone asks you why they have to drink the liquid, give them a friendly reminder. Then return home as quickly as you can, did you get that my girl?"

"Yes Mother."

Lüsett turns back to the camera and turns it off.

Subject 0: Eyes Genetically Enhanced -Success- (Female)
Subject 1: Alive Cloned (Eve) -Success- (Female)
Subject 3: Deceased -Failure- (Female)
Subject 4: Deceased -Failure- (Female)
Subject 5: Deceased -Failure- (Male)
Subject 6: Deceased -Failure- (Male)
Subject 7: Deceased -Failure- (Female)
Subject 8: Deceased -Failure- (Male)
Subject 9: Deceased -Failure- (Male)
Subject 10: Deceased -Failure- (Female)
Subject 11: Deceased -Failure- (Male)
Subject 12: Deceased -Failure- (Female)
Subject 13: Deceased -Failure- (Male)
Subject 14: Deceased -Failure- (Male)
Subject 15: Deceased but Cloned (Subject 16) -Success- (Male)
Subject 16: Deceased during birth -Failure- (Male)
Subject 17: Historical Gene's that lead into the Renascence (Former Male Assassin)
Subject 18: Deceased -Failure- (Male)
Subject 19: Deceased -Failure- (Male)
Subject 20: Deceased -Failure- (Female)
Subject 21: Deceased -Failure- (Male)
Subject 22: Deceased -Failure- (Male)
(The list continues down with Failed Subjects)
Subject 42: Alive Perfect Clone (Desmond) -Success- (Male)
(The list continues down with Failed Subjects)
Subject 127: Alive Colto Tank 2 -In Testing- (Male)
Subject 127: Deceased -Failure- (Male)​

Zain Shah

Well-Known Member
Sectoid Autopsy
In the middle of a room is a glass tank with a sectoid corpse on a table inside the tank. Scientists crowd around as Leon steps into the tank with a full body hazmat suit.
"This is believed to be aliens' weakest organic creature. We have classified these creatures as sectoids."
Leon grabs a scalpel from a set of instruments and jabs it into the sectoid's head. When he pulls the knife out, it is covered in green slime. He wipes the green slime off and into a box labelled "Blood sample." He puts the knife back into the cut, cuts along the head and through the quite weak skull, revealing a purple organ; the organ is unlike the human brain, it is a single sphere with many veins and arteries carrying the blood around the head.

"Amazing, this seems to be an antenna meaning that these creatures do not have free will."
A scientist in the crowd says "Is this how they have that mind magic?"
"Clarke's third law: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic...Therefore the aliens must have some sort of way to implant these minions with the ability to merge minds."

Leon then cuts through the scrawny arms and legs; this reveals that the sectoids do not need nutrition as they are simply vessels. The arms and legs have the same green blood running through them. Finally, he cuts the chest open to find no organs but a simple pocket for storing a yellow material.
"This could be linked to what we found in the field however the stem cell-like feature of this material means that it has likely adapted for use by sectoids only."

Leon steps out of the glass tank and delivers his closing words "This is likely only the vanguard of the aliens' arsenal and we must learn to manipulate their abilities for use ourselves."


Well-Known Member
A talk between family

Scarlet is on her computer trying to contact Axton/Ashley, unaware that Communication to the out side is being watched.

yo Ax ash you there.

Axton is on the computer. Hay Scar what's up, how are things with the military.

Well, I have this little shit named Ammelia constantly bad mouthing me and is making me want to beat the ever living shit out of her.

Why is she a bad mouthing you, wait what is she.

She is a rookie that never killed any thing.

OU great,one of those people let me guess you told her your a blood thirsty mercenary, and that you love killing, and she called a psycho path and that you don't care for any one right.

Yep pretty much, just like every other person that I met, A complete and total dumb ass.

And the Client what are the like.

Well she's not bad, she's proven that she can lead but she is a pain in my ass and i'm a pain in her ass.

So what kind of person is she.

She's Irish, a good leader but get's to attached to her soldiers.

Scar I would call that lucky, yes I no you don't like people trying to lead you or "Control you", but you have a person that is concern for your well being and is not a military bastard, I will call that lucky so play nice with her.

Fine, but Ax I hate this place the people her are cowards there all talking about me behind my back and constantly wondering why i'm here, and none of them have the balls to say to my face you don't belong here.

That's because you will beat the shit out of them Scar.

And your facing aliens, and your more scared of a highly trained psycho then an alien what a bunch of bitches.

Scar. Axton and Scarlet here crying in the back round, Axton get's off camera and get's his child. Axton grabs his kid and brings her to the camera.

Hay Cassia look it's aunt Scar say hi to her.

Auntie Scare, hi Auntie.

Scarlet get's a big smile on her face. Hay Cassia how are you, wow your getting bigger, your birthday was yesterday wasn't it.

Yea i'm this many now, baby Cass holds up 3 fingers.

Wow three years old, it won't be long until you go hunting with your father, and supporting them.

Yea, pretty soon i'm going to be as big and strong as you auntie.

Yea..... as big and strong as me.

Cass get's a confused look on her face. Auntie why are you crying.

i'm not crying i'm just happy that some one wan's to be like me, listen Cassia I want you to be better then me OK I want you to be nicer then me alright and listen to your father.

OK auntie ill be a better mercenary then you. Axton wife comes in waves at Scar and tells Cassia it's time for bit.

OK mommy by by Auntie, I love you and stay safe.

I love you to Cass and you be carefuller and listen to your parents.

Alright by Auntie, Cassia get's off the camera and Scarlet wipes the tears from her face.

I'm going to miss her.

Axton get's a small grin, You act like your going to die, look Scar just play nice with these people chances are you will never see these people ever again, so be nice.

Fine i'll play ball but it's going to be hard, and if people try to be a smart ass around me and keeps tempting me then I might have to take them down.

Scar just deal with them, and try not to kill them.

Fine ill try to be nice, and it's nice to see you again and I hope to see you soon.

Same here alright good night Scar.

By Ax.

Scarlet turns off her computer.
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