
Well-Known Member
Or Bob, the intern down in accounting.

...damn, Bob...
Even Bill from accounting?


Well-Known Member
Isaac waved a hand dismissively. “Bah. Nothing interesting happened anyway.”

Nothing interesting.
No bridges were blown up.
No assassination plots were foiled.
At all.

That's right, I finally started my thing that I've been talking about for ages (and filled the site with pasta again in the process). Check it out in the short stories thread if you are so inclined.

Would recommend the "Stone Cold" track from the Payday 1 soundtrack for the bridge mission, almost purely for the build-up.


Well-Known Member
Alright, somewhat disappointing but important announcement incoming:

We're not going to get to Forseti by the beginning of August. Sorry, but between many of the core members being ridiculously busy and myself having to worry about learning how to drive and 3 AP summer assignments, it's just too much. So here's the plan, keep in mind these are all RL dates:

July 13th-17th: The packed week. I'm gonna try and handle the second major mission, and the other two minor missions. MAJ 2 includes myself, @MarineAvenger, and @Black0ut. Then on Thursday, Minor Mission 2 includes @Taxor_the_First and @Euan (If he's still around, haven't seen him in awhile), and Minor Mission 3 (On Progressus) includes @Zain Shah and @Alzdude28, with a little cameo from me and @Mangrale if he has time for it. MAJ 2 will be today or tomorrow, MIN 2 will be Thursday, and MIN 3 will be Friday. Packing a lot of missions together, but for a reason.

July 18st-19th: Working on another story project, will be largely unavailable but I might be able to squeeze in an important collab or two.

July 20th-24th: Hiatus for the story. Time is effectively frozen in the story in this period of the time, since I'm going to be working on homework and won't be available for VoF. Will be working on Rulers of Shambhala if me and the others have time, but I make no promises. You guys can work on solos during this time and post them once time is unfrozen again, but I don't want people to be doing a ton of content when I and potentially a few others will be away, plus the fact that it'll all weirdly be happening in the span of 3-4 story days.

July 25th-26th: More on the other story project, though time is unfrozen again so you can post any content you created during the previous span of time. I'll be largely unavailable, but I might be able to do a collab or two.

July 27th-31st: Things are running at full speed again, and here is where things get a bit iffy. I have two important missions left, MAJ 3 and MAJ 4. I'll finish MAJ 3, but I won't have time for MAJ 4 since that will take several days... it's a big important mission. So collabs and stuff are active again for these five days, and what will end up happening is I'll post the mission closer to the end of this span of time, and the Einherjar is basically... detoured. And if I still have homework left over (Knowing me, that's probably going to be a yes), I won't be highly available for collabs, but I'll try to get 1-2 in a day, or at least a solo in its place..

August 1st-2nd: For the third time, weekend side project, I'm unavailable pretty much entirely this time. Story continues, but make sure to wrap up anything you want before the next hiatus. Might see one "Flow of Time" post from me on the 1st, but that's it.

August 3rd-7th: Hiatus hits, and the story is frozen again. I will be 95% unavailable during this time, so pretty much all I'm going to have time for is to answer any quick questions in the evening and maybe talking to my friends if I'm not wrapping up any unfinished summer homework.

August 8th-15th: Things get weird here. Essentially, I'm having to go on another vacation after the camp that took place during the span of the previous time chunk, so I won't be available for story stuff, unfortunately. Maybe towards the latter half (Think the 10th-15th) I might become available for some collaboration, but no promises. HOWEVER, I will lift the hiatus, you can start writing again. I'll set up a week of story time in which these events take place in subspace, continuing our detour from the 1st and 2nd of August.

August 16th-End of Summer Vacation: I become available again. Hopefully there will still be enough time left in the summer to do Major Mission #4 before school starts again, but the story will be flowing from here on, and at a more misc. pace. We'll arrive in Forseti around when school starts ideally, and then the (2 story days per 1 RL day while the story is active) thing will be lifted, and time will be more loose.


Well-Known Member
If you want a summary, here.

July 13th-17th: 3 missions, story is active, Gem is somewhat available.
July 18st-19th: No missions, story is active, Gem is mostly unavailable.
July 20th-24th: No missions, story is NOT active, Gem is unavailable.
July 25th-26th: No missions, story is active, Gem is mostly unavailable.
July 27th-31st: 1 Mission, story is active, Gem is (hopefully) mostly available.
August 1st-2nd: No missions, story is active (Einherjar detoured), Gem is unavailable.
August 3rd-7th: No missions, story is NOT active, Gem is unavailable.
August 8th-15th: No missions, story is active (Einerherjar detoured), Gem is unavailable for awhile, then (hopefully) somewhat available.
August 16th-End of Summer Vacation: Big Mission, story is active, Gem is available.


Well-Known Member
Haven't adjusted the current date due to the mission delays. Still the 8th of February, though that'll change in the afternoon/evening tomorrow. Sorry for the weirdness.


Game Master
Staff member
Damn it... excuse my language, but Chicago is HOT AS BALLS!

Hate this weather... sunny, around 78°F with about 0-20% humidity is my comfort zone. Not this 90°, 62% humidity b.s....


Operator 21O
Staff member
Well this is saddening news, Satoru Iwata passed away. I do love Nintendo so I am a little sad about this.

(Skip to 3:52)


Operator 21O
Staff member
That's it. Fuck this, fuck the roleplay, I'm done. Do whatever the fuck you guys want with my characters, I can't take this.