X-COM Season 2 - Journals

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Active Member
Name: Joseph Andrews
Rank: Trainee
Status: Conflicted

Audio Log:

I came back from lunch with Anna and Ayame a while ago. I'm so glad I made up with Ayame. It sure takes a load off my mind. When you actually get on her good side, she's really fun to talk to, just like Anna.

Speaking of Anna, I noticed her giving me this look out of the corner of my eye. I doubt she was jealous, so I wonder if she still doesn't trust me. Maybe she doesn't think I have the best intentions with Ayame. Not that it matters, since I doubt Ayame is interested in me. Just because she's a bisexual doesn't change the fact that she has eyes on Anna. Not that I'd turn Ayame down, she's quite the catch.....ahem, and not that I blame Ayame for liking Anna. Just like Ayame, Anna is smart, kind-hearted, and is more attractive then a woman who has to talk to my ugly mug should be.

.....wait, do I have feelings for Anna too? .....wait, too? Does that means I also have feelings for Ayame? Whats wrong with me, this is no time for these kind of thoughts, especially with two women whom I have no shot with. I mean, Ayame likes Anna so much she doesn't seem to care if Anna returns the affection, and I don't think Anna cares much for Americans, and I feel like she might have been burned in the past, but maybe if they got to know me better, and what the HELL am I talking about, I sound like a complete IDIOT.....damn it, this is why I like written logs, and least I can scratch out the embarrassing things I write.

Maybe I should ask one of the other guys around here, without mentioning either Anna or Ayame, of course. I feel like I haven't talked to Tyler in forever, and he always seems to have some good advise to give. That Davin guy said I could always talk to him if I needed it, and I connected with Foulke the other day.

In the meantime, I was going through the videos of the last fight. Its interesting to see how the aliens move. I noticed that they seem to freak out the moment our soldiers catch sight of them. I wonder if their psychic powers allow them to, I don't know, telepathically sense our soldiers thoughts, or feel our soldiers rise in hostility when the see them. I don't know, maybe I'm grasping at straws here. I don't know how knowing this would help, in any effect.

...nope, I still feel stupid. How do I edit th......

*End Recording*


Game Master
Staff member
Name: Ayame Kasagi
Rank: Trainee

Video Recording, Room of Anna Stone, March 17th, 2015,

[Anna sits in a chair in the middle of the room, watching Ayame as she locks the door]

[AS}: So, what are you going to do? Do I close my eyes while you count to ten?
[AK]: We could do that, but that would only bring back memories on the surface, memories that were simply forgotten. What we want are the deeper memories, ones that have been repressed and buried.
[AS]: You're not going to see all my memories, are you?
[AK]: I promise I'll try to only look at the ones we're searching for.
[AS]: Okay, I trust you. So how does this work?
[AK]: I'll create a link between our minds, and search for the appropriate memories with your mind as my guide. Just because you can't remember something doesn't mean the memory isn't there, it just means there is something stopping you from accessing it. However, it won't stop me from seeing it. I'll remember it for you, and then, I'll slowly help you remember it.
[AS]: W-will it hurt?
[AK]: No, no, you'll feel nothing.
[AS]: I know you wouldn't do this if it did. What I meant was, will it hurt you?
[AK]: Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I've done this before. The last time I used it was about ten years ago to find a kidnapped child. It was difficult then because the person I was reading was unwilling, but this time is different since you are willing.
[AS]: ...okay.
[AK]: You are willing, right? You do want this, right? Because it is kinda invasive, and I can't guarantee I won't see some memories other then the ones we're looking for. I wouldn't want to do this if I'm somehow forcing you into it.
[AS]: (Deep Breath) No, this is my decision, and I say lets do it.
[AK]: Alright, then lets begin.

[Ayame stands behind Anna. She cups her hands in front of her face and exhales softly. A light blue wave of energy flows from her mouth, forming a sphere in her hands. She separates it into two smaller spheres in each hand, and holds them half an inch from Anna's temples.

[AK]: Alright, now just close your eyes, and empty your thoughts of everything but the crystal alien. Picture it in your mind, and I'll use that to search your mind.

[Both close their eyes, and are silent for several minutes, as Ayame's eyes twitch occasionally]

[AS]: I-I'm seeing something, but I don't think they're my.....
[AK]: I'm having problems sifting through these mental blocks, I don't think they're all natural, a-and...and some of my memories are probably bleeding through...
[AS]: Are you okay?
[AK]: Yeah, don't worry about me, just con...

[Ayame suddenly gasps loudly, lifting her head and going wide-eyed. Tears start streaming down her face]

[AS]: Ayame? ... Ayame, what's wrong?
[AK]: W-what do you...you want with her?!
[AS]: Ayame?
[AK]: (Sobbing) I-I see them...so much pain. I, I.....they're screaming out for help...(voice cranking) they're all dead, friends, colleagues, all slaughtered like cattle.....why? Why do you want Anna? GET OUT OF HER HEAD! GET OUT!
[AS]: Ayame, stop this. Please, you're scaring me.
[AK]: I'm...I'm t-trying, there.....someone else has been here, I can't con...control...so much pain, flooding in! I can't stop them. So many people, hurting you, all your life, an older woman...mother.....men, doing terrible things to.....I can't...
[AS]: Please Ayame, you're in pain, how can I stop this?
[AK]: P-push me out...concentrate, c-close your thoughts. Reject me from your mind!

[Anna closes her eyes, a strained look on her face as she concentrates. Moments later, the spheres of energy disintegrate and Ayame collapses on the floor. Anna runs to Ayame's side , but once Ayame regains her senses, she yells that she's sorry, and runs out of the room. Anna runs after Ayame, turning the camera off as she leaves]


[(OOC) Please let me now if you want me to change anything]


Well-Known Member
Name: Anna Stone
Status: Bored

Time : 2:37 PM ( Before the Hypno Session)

(Video Log)

Anna Stone : Well I sent Ayame an email saying I am ready for the hypnosis thing....sooo what shall I do while I wait for her to get up here...

(Anna Rummages around in her closet)

AS : Huh...I probably should've took some more stuff with me....there is nothing in here...

AS : Okay I know what'll do...I'll uhh...Look at pictures of all the recruits and see if I can guess who they are!
That might be fun...

(Sounds of typing and Clicking)

AS : That's Scruffson...


AS : I think that's Davin...


AS : Wait...Does that guy have Cat Ears?....Okay someone had to have photo shopped that...

Okay...I am bored...

*Ping Noise*

AS : Oh someone wants to video chat with me...


Jessica Andrews : Hi Joey! I....

AS : Uhh...I think you called the wrong person...

JA : Oh...I-I think I D-D Did...

AS : Aren't you Joseph's sister?

JA : Y-Yeah, You're name is H-Hannah right?

AS : No...But I guess that is close enough...

JA : You're as P-Pretty as Joey said you were!

AS : He said I was pretty?

JA : Y-yeah, he talks about you al-all the t-time!

AS : Really?

JA : Yeah he- What's t-that p-picture you got in the back t-there?

AS : Oh no don't look at-


( Video cuts out)

AS : That damn picture...always scaring the crap out of people, must run in the family I guess...
Let's hope I didn't scar her for life...

AS : I wonder if there is anything I can do down in Engineering, guess I'll leave a note for Ayame and go check...

*End of Log*


Well-Known Member
Name: Anna Stone
Status: Guilty

Non-Combat Log 16 :

Oh No, No, No, No!

I knew shouldn't have gone through with that Hypnosis Bullshit!

She started freaking out, I don't know what Happened but I guess she found something in my mind and she just couldn't handle it!
She bolted out of the room, I followed her but I couldn't catch up and lost her.........

What did she see that freaked her out so much!?
She talked about Mother, and those damn Americans, but there was something else, something I don't remember happening, she said something about my friends being slaughtered....
I don't remember that! I only remember them slowly disappearing one by one, I guess their are things in my memory the have been blocked out...
I Have to find her...I need some answers about what happened and what she saw inside my head...
I really hope she is ok...This is my fault...I shouldn't have gone through with it...I should've known what would happen...

This is my fault....
Base Journal
Name: William Aronus Davin

I forget what number this is, all my recent journals have started to meld together. So from now on, its going to be Base journals and Mission Logs.

I was on my way to mess hall after coming from engineering and saw Anna in the corridor. She looked like she had been crying or something, her shoulders were slumped down and she just looked like she had a heavy burden weighing her down. Maybe I should've said something. Maybe I should've tried to comfort her. Maybe I should've asked what was wrong.
I'm a coward. I couldn't even dig up the courage to ask her if she was alright.
Saw Tyler at the shooting range. Still doesn't talk much. And he still wears that helmet everywhere. I've honestly given up trying to ask why he wears it. Guys a damn good shot though. I thought he would honestly be more.......unhinged given his love for rockets and explosions. guess it just shows that you can't judge people by what they love........or if they have a tail or not. I don't know exactly what Zatch is, he looks sort of like a fox in my opinion, but I really don't care if he's human or not. He's a nice guy. Little nervous at times, but he's friendly and helpful. I could tell he didn't want me to mention his tail the other day when I passed him in the corridor.
Spotted Momma Bear in the mess hall laughing and getting along with others. I should go introduce myself later.
I think i'll go get some much needed sleep. My insomnia continues to get worse. Thus far I've been helping out in engineering and medbay but they've started to run out of things to give me to do. The doc gave me some sleeping pills but just like everything else I tried, they don't work. Guess I'll start drawing again.

james love

New Member
Name: James .C. Love

Research log: 3/19/15

[log start]
recent review of the archives shows this XCOM initiative has been prepared for 35-40 years... it appears that the UN has concieved this situation for a long time... small refrences to area 51 and all other known or unknown events in the past... the usual coverups... wait... what is this... turns out they have backgrounds on all of is... and they had predictions of possible abduction sites... even ...the areas that we were all living in were targeted by the aliens... as well 10 days before the first abductions the computers in this facility were hacked into and data on all tracked people of interest were taken by what i can only presume were the aliens and with that information I beleive... that the death of the family members of the soldiers of XCOM is on the hands of XCOM itself... this is disturbing news... im not sure i should inform the other soldiers of this new information it could create anger... especially in skruffsons... state of mind.
[log end]


Active Member
Name: Rick Warren
Rank: Rookie
Status: Healthy

If you try to play dumb but end up feeling like an idiot, what did you accomplish? Ugh, I need a drink. Fuck these journals...


Well-Known Member
Name:Alex Alcatraz
Status:a little tired

Sigh damn when I asked Aribeth for medical training I know it wasn't gonna be easy, but good lord she is pushing teaching me about plasma burns,punctured lungs,and how to us the med kit. and you know what it's pretty fun,i mean yea i'm working harder then I ever worked in my life.and you know what i'm normally good at killing not healing but i gotta say I have a new respect for Aribeth and what she does.and I promise to get better at being a medic and once again thank you Aribeth for this opportunity.


New Member
Name: Kelvin Jones

I went the base bar today and met a few people.Some of the people i met were nice others ehh.


Game Master
Staff member
Excerpt from the Personal Journal of Annette Birch, Janitorial Service

Damn soldiers, they think their little pranks are funny, but they obviously don't care about who has to clean up after them. Somebody went into one of the woman's showers and covered every wall, the floor, and somehow, even the ceiling, with some weird, alien like symbols, and a bunch of pictures that look like that crystal bug thing. I can appreciate how much effort this probably took, but it took ME three hours to clean it off. If I find out who did this, I'm gonna give them a piece of my mind.

Excerpt from the Personal Journal of Amanda Ortiz, XCOM Lab Tech

It was an odd day today, even weirder then you'd expect when you spend most your time examining dead aliens and alien technology. About an hour ago, right before my shift ended, some short Asian girl came in yelling "where is it!" Her eyes were beat red and her voice was cracking, like she'd been crying, but she looked more pissed then sad. I asked her what she was looking for, and she said she was here to smash the Chryssalid into a million pieces. One of the other lab techs asked what made her think she could come in and destroy research material and tried to escort her out, but as he reached for her, she grabbed his hand and squeezed it so hard, he dropped to his knees and begged her to let him go! I quickly lied and told her our research of it was done, and it had be disposed of, and she stormed out. What is going on around here?

Excerpt from the Personal Hand Recorder of Ayame Kasagi, Soldier in Training

(Ragged Breathing) I s-saw them there, in her mind. They implanted thoughts, suggestions, blocked memories, they, they they they VIOLATED her mind. But not..not just her, several, many, DOZENS of people here, all have been touched, there is some reason, I-I don't, I couldn't see why, I tried.....I tried, but they stopped, they attacked me, they assaulted me, they.....that thing, that Chryssi.....Chrss.....that THING, it...it.....

[Heavy, labored breathing, then deep sobbing and crying]

Oh god, I'm so sorry Anna. (Cracking voice) How could they do that to you. Four years. So much suffering, so much torment...(Sob) T-those weren't my memories to see. How will I face her again. I...I've, I betrayed her trust. I...(sob)

*End Recording*


New Member
Name: Ashely

Dear diary today at the bace was fun and I went to the camand center, workshop, and also the labs. After I want to my room and started to unpack and I found my armerd bikini. Peaple think it's unconfterbul but it is exterimly confterbul and I ware it when I was a stripper but that was before I was in the military and this is a riminder for my it soon going to be the second year in the military and I mit be a stripper on that day if the boys like it I mit gust keep doing it and wanted to help in the labs. So this is my ferst diary at XCOM. P.S. the day of the anniversary is 3/24/15


New Member

Finally got me out there I thank you for that the one thing that bugs me about it is I missed a shot I've learnd in battle one missed shot can be the diffrance between life and death not just for me but for all of us at least I got what I wanted a kill but theres something I haven't told anyone this but the whole reason I'm considered an ex-marine is the government forced me to be a hit man for the cia in a sense I had to move all over the world killing or capturing anyone the government wanted lets get to the point I heard you need someone to capture one of those fuckers Im requesting you let me do it when I bring it back do me a favor cut its arm off

james love

New Member
Name: James.C.love
Research log entry: 3/19/15

[Log start]
It seems that tensions are high ever since this... "Chrysalid" was intoduced into the base lab... many people seem mentally fractured, most likely due to fear of the creature... even though in examination of the corpse it shows no such mental power such as the "sectoids"... im not sure if its actual mental strength... or could it be that it uses fear to attack people instead of enhanced mental powers... in that case this kind of creature should be eliminated with extreme prejudice to show its just a normal beast that can be killed by normal means... i should report my findings to the commander at once.
[log end]


Staff member

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around the Journals much lately. I've been crazy busy with real life :) This week will probably be similar, since my father is coming to visit me for the week and I haven't seen him in over a year! I'm reading through the Journals now to catch up (since I'm recording Xcom today) and I'll try to reply to things as necessary.

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around the Journals much lately. I've been crazy busy with real life :) This week will probably be similar, since my father is coming to visit me for the week and I haven't seen him in over a year! I'm reading through the Journals now to catch up (since I'm recording Xcom today) and I'll try to reply to things as necessary.

OOC: Go ahead and take your time man. As long as you keep up the damn good work, I'm willing to wait.


Well-Known Member

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around the Journals much lately. I've been crazy busy with real life :) This week will probably be similar, since my father is coming to visit me for the week and I haven't seen him in over a year! I'm reading through the Journals now to catch up (since I'm recording Xcom today) and I'll try to reply to things as necessary.[/quote]

(ooc) Hay go ahead and take your time off man. and enjoy all the time you have with your father.


Active Member

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around the Journals much lately. I've been crazy busy with real life :) This week will probably be similar, since my father is coming to visit me for the week and I haven't seen him in over a year! I'm reading through the Journals now to catch up (since I'm recording Xcom today) and I'll try to reply to things as necessary.
well have fun with your dad Odd


Active Member
Name:Trevor Conan
Current Rank:Squaddie
Status: Healthy
Some hours before the next mission.

Well sooner then later the aliens will attack again and we be there waiting for that moment during the hard hours. i am here being ready for action some days i fell think some people fell frozen in fear after the death of Huey for some time now. one solider named James says that this new alien from the triad mission he calls that thing a "Chrysalid" from his report i can understand why. i fell like that thing in the morgue in the lab but to pass the time for me after the training & working on the training school playing chess with a computer just to get though things and see videos on the internet. well i will have to wait and see who goes and stays.


Active Member
Name: Joseph Andrews
Rank: Trainee

Off Base Two-Way Video Feed, Audio Log #4

Video Feed [1]: (Joseph Andrews) Hey Jessie, my, uh, the logs say you called the base earlier today. Did you talk to someone?
Video Feed [2]: (Jessica Andrews) Yeah, I talked to A, uh, Aaa.....
[1]: Ayame?
[2]: N-no, it was, uh, H-Hannah.
[1]: Hannah? I don't...do you mean Anna?
[2]: Uh, I think...maybe? Is she one of the g-girls you talk about?
[1]: Yeah, that was probably her. Good, I'd hate to hear you talked to someone I don't know.
[2]: You were right, she is very pretty.
[1]: Well, yeah, I...wait, did you...oh god, did, did you tell her I said that?!
[2]: Uh huh. She asked me if you said that, and I said yes, and that you say it all the...J-Joey, are you okay?! Y-your face is t-turning red!
[1]: No, Jessica, you embarrassed the f...the heck out of me.
[2]: I'm s-sorry, do y-you want me to tell her you di-didn't say she's pretty?
[1]: No! Nononononono.
[2]: So y-you do think she's pretty?
[1]: Yes, but you can't just tell her that.
[2]: Why?
[1]: Because its embarrassing.
[2]: .....w-why?
[1]: I.....I don't know.
[2]: I'm c-confused.
[1]: Yeah, me too.
[2]: .....
[1]: (sigh)
[2]: Joey?
[1]: What, Jessica?
[2]: Why does A-Annie have that picture of a monster?
[1]: You saw Anna's picture? Was it the big-headed alien that attacked us?
[2]: No.
[1]: Oh. Well, did it look like a big bug made out of crystal?
[2]: N-no.
[1]: Then what did it look like to you?
[2]: I-it was tall, a-and really, really skinny, l-like it n-never ate before. It had f-four long, grey arms, a r-red robe, and a big mask o-on its head.
[1]: Hm.....why...why does that sound familiar.? Jessie, are you still having those weird dreams every...
(Sound of door slamming open)
[1]: Ayame? Damn it!
[1]: Anna?
[1]: Joseph, have you seen Ayame?
[1]: No, why? What happened?
[1]: She tried to do something to help me remember buried memories, but something went wrong, and she freaked out, and I can't find her, and its all my fault, and I...
[1]: Okay, calm down, I'll help you look for her. Sorry Jessica, I've got to go.
[2]: O-okay. I h-hope you find h-her.
[1]: Thanks. Now, can you think of anywhere she might...

*End Transmission*


Well-Known Member
Mobile Call intercepted.
From: +44 074XX XXXXXX (Caller from XCOM HQ, Philippines)
To: +44 151 XXX XXXX (Recipient in Liverpool, UK)
Displaying Transcript....

RF: C’mon, pick up....
JF: Hello?
RF: Hey, Jane..
JF: Oh, Richard! Didn’t expect you to call.
RF: Heh, neither did I...so, uh....how are things going over there?
JF: .....
RF: Tough for you too?
JF: Yeah...
RF: I honestly can’t imagine how hard it must be for you. I mean, he was my bro, but Al was practically your soul-mate.
JF: I can still feel his presence, I keep expecting him to walk in the door any minute now, complaining about the Glasgow Police Force and the trouble he had getting such and such crook back to the country that wanted to try them.
RF: I know that feeling, keep expecting him to call out of the blue myself.
JF: You know, usually you write a letter, considering how spotty connection is over there in Africa, but your call is surprisingly clear.
RF: Oh, uh, I’ve been transferred. Probably should have let you know earlier.
JF: Where are you now?
RF: Philippines.
JF: I haven’t heard anything on the news about any peacekeeping actions there.
RF: Well, uh, strictly speaking, this isn’t a peacekeeping op.
JF: Then what is it?
RF: I can’t tell you. All I can say is that people are working towards avenging Al.
JF: What do you me-
RF: Listen, I’m stretching my clearance just by saying that. I’m sorry, but I can’t say anything more.
JF: O-okay. I just hope you are sa-
A muffled door slam is heard.
RF: The hell is that slamming for? Third one in the last hour. Listen, I’ll talk to you later, gotta find whoever is causing such a racket and give ‘em a piece of my mind.
JF: Alright, bye....

End transcript.
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