[This thread is ONLY for recruiting. Please do not post anything in here unless you're applying to be a recruit.]
Last season was absolutely amazing, although a little bit short. Those god damned aliens got the better of me, and I cannot let that stand!! I was considering waiting for The Bureau to release before I started Season 3, but I'm not sure how it'll lend itself to a role play, so here we are, back with Season 3 of X-COM Enemy Unknown.
Regarding the role play aspect, I learned a lot from the last two seasons of X-COM. By providing more structure as explained below, it should make for a more effective world and even better experience for everybody!
The Time Line
The Rules
Now that you have read about the time line, rules and tips, you can get started on your character application. Just follow these simple steps.
Step 1.
Reply once to this thread with the following format:
First Name:
Last Name:
Gender: (Male or Female) I am using a mod that will let me choose the gender of the person I am hiring, so everyone can ensure they get what they want.
Biographical Synopsis: [This is where you start your backstory. You do not have to reveal everything if you intend to make it part of your journals, but "very little is known" is not enough. Make it count, soldier! This is where the approval process will come into play.]
Pledge: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.
Step 2.
Await approval from either Grelite or Myself. Approval posts will be made at least once every 48 hours, given there is at least one application to process. Approved characters will be added to the bottom of the roster. Yes; it's still first-come, first-served.
Step 3.
Once approved, you can start writing journals right away.
Step 4.
Have fun!
Final Remarks
I know English is not everyone's native language, you can always send a PM to Grelite for help. He's also made himself available to bounce role play ideas off of. Thanks for the support Grelite.
The List (In Order)
Active means you are listed in the game itself and can be taken on missions. Inactive means you are not, but you are presumed present at the base.
Space Paddy - KIA
Booker Conan
Anja Kjær
Presariov Astaeri - KIA
Zain Shah
Rex Rumbler - KIA
Vash The Stampede - KIA
Jorn Lemonade
Joel Freeman - KIA
Colum Campbell
Big Farmer
Daniel Oudwater
Colin Weger - KIA
Axton Van Dam - KIA
James Love
Caesar Martinez - KIA
Stevie Steve
John D. Eddings
Leon Ensslin
Aaron Bryant
Anna Stone
Ayame Kasagi
Jesse Cooper
Nadia Ali
Samuel Wright
Zeke Kraven
The Captn
Ed Cameron
Roger Jarvis
Cyrus Hart
Evan Royce
Ray Heiven
Persephone Brown
Gavin Balter
Thef Rebell
Ian Mond
John Cooper
Necron Overlord
Tim Foster
Thomas McKenzie
Tilly Hunt
Paedar MacLochlainn
Joshua Sherill
Robert Robinson
TDog Jackson
Dylan Villerot
Thomas Kincaid
Jasmin Lebed
Peace Keeper
Leo Bernervall
Joachim Bloodas
Active Interceptor Pilots:
Derick Lee - Asia
Pierre Manglaise - North America
Bahhar Jurist - Africa
Jett Storm - Europe
Pinky Pirate - South America
Inactive Interceptor Pilots:
Skyranger Pilot:
Toni Szanches

Last season was absolutely amazing, although a little bit short. Those god damned aliens got the better of me, and I cannot let that stand!! I was considering waiting for The Bureau to release before I started Season 3, but I'm not sure how it'll lend itself to a role play, so here we are, back with Season 3 of X-COM Enemy Unknown.
Regarding the role play aspect, I learned a lot from the last two seasons of X-COM. By providing more structure as explained below, it should make for a more effective world and even better experience for everybody!
The Time Line
1947 - An alien probe arrives in the Solar System. It arrives on Earth by July, scanning the surface from space for a few days before sending out a go-signal and crash landing on July 7th in Roswell, New Mexico in the United States. Its remnants are recovered by the US government and the event is covered up. Civilians are unaware of this occurrence.
2014 - An alien scout arrives on Earth and sets up an alien base in a remote location. It goes unnoticed and the scout calls for the rest of the fleet once the base is set up.
2015 - The fleet arrives in the Solar System, its advanced cloaking technology hiding it from being detected. On March 1st the first of the alien strikes is ordered in a civilian centre. The local military team sent in to investigate went silent. The XCOM Project is launched as one of the protocols set for these situations. Commanding this Project is Commander Odd and the project is financed by the Global Council. While an underground base is prepared, a squad of four XCOM soldiers is sent to investigate the site.
2014 - An alien scout arrives on Earth and sets up an alien base in a remote location. It goes unnoticed and the scout calls for the rest of the fleet once the base is set up.
2015 - The fleet arrives in the Solar System, its advanced cloaking technology hiding it from being detected. On March 1st the first of the alien strikes is ordered in a civilian centre. The local military team sent in to investigate went silent. The XCOM Project is launched as one of the protocols set for these situations. Commanding this Project is Commander Odd and the project is financed by the Global Council. While an underground base is prepared, a squad of four XCOM soldiers is sent to investigate the site.
The Rules
- Minimum of 1 journal entry per episode if you are in the active squad that went out on a mission. Feel free to write as many journals as you'd like as long as they follow all of the rules/guidelines. If you're not in the active squad and your application was approved by Grelite or myself, you can still write journals.
- The role play takes place in the X-COM universe as laid out by the game.
- X-COM chooses the best and brightest people from around the world. You're not sure why, and you're not sure for what, but you've been chosen for something. And it's big.
- You are a human being, aged 18-40, without special abilities or powers.
- The only alien attacks that occur are the ones displayed in the game. They're small and fast, XCOM is the only first-response team that has experience by the time multiple strikes start to happen.
- Previous seasons of X-COM have not occured from a role play perspective.
EDITED, MOVED FROM TIPS TO RULES FOR MORE VISIBILITY: Currently, we are unaware of alien invasions, so they probably didn't kill your family.- Since all new applicants will arrive post the events of the second episode, you can assume aliens are now common knowledge, but there have only a few locations that were struck by the aliens (see episodes for details), some were cleared by X-COM (missions so far), the others fell to the threat, making it unlikely that any soldiers have had a surviving encounter with aliens before joining X-COM.
- Remember that Journal entries are personal. They cannot be read by other characters without your permission
- Be creative with your back story.
- Think about a profession you may have. X-COM chooses the best and brightest. You'll likely have some military training.
- Soldiers do not have access to lab specimens and equipment, if even the floor. There are windows and you can talk to scientists, but it is unlikely anyone will let you in.
- You are not a hacker and even if you were, breaking into the XCOM systems is practically impossible. An alien computer would likely be able to do it, but no human-alien computer interface exists.
- Do your research, if you are not sure about something ask someone or try to look it up. If you wonder if field medics (which supports really aren't, since they just know how to apply a med-spray) can perform medical procedures in the facility, you'll soon find the answer is no. They did not study medicine, they are trained as soldiers.
- Regarding other characters' journal entries: Perhaps your characters keeps to him/herself; the base is large and not everyone is social. Or perhaps you simply do not have the time to read it all.
Now that you have read about the time line, rules and tips, you can get started on your character application. Just follow these simple steps.
Step 1.
Reply once to this thread with the following format:
First Name:
Last Name:
Gender: (Male or Female) I am using a mod that will let me choose the gender of the person I am hiring, so everyone can ensure they get what they want.
Biographical Synopsis: [This is where you start your backstory. You do not have to reveal everything if you intend to make it part of your journals, but "very little is known" is not enough. Make it count, soldier! This is where the approval process will come into play.]
Pledge: I have, on this day, voluntarily enlisted myself, as an elite military soldier, in the X-COM special forces. I am giving myself, unconditionally, to the cause. I do bind myself to conform, in all instances, to such rules and regulations, as set forth by my supreme commander ChristopherOdd. I trust him with my life. And by taking this oath, I realize, I may ultimately lose something while defending the planetary systems. My life.
Step 2.
Await approval from either Grelite or Myself. Approval posts will be made at least once every 48 hours, given there is at least one application to process. Approved characters will be added to the bottom of the roster. Yes; it's still first-come, first-served.
Step 3.
Once approved, you can start writing journals right away.
Step 4.
Have fun!
Final Remarks
I know English is not everyone's native language, you can always send a PM to Grelite for help. He's also made himself available to bounce role play ideas off of. Thanks for the support Grelite.
The List (In Order)
Active means you are listed in the game itself and can be taken on missions. Inactive means you are not, but you are presumed present at the base.
Space Paddy - KIA
Booker Conan
Anja Kjær
Presariov Astaeri - KIA
Zain Shah
Rex Rumbler - KIA
Vash The Stampede - KIA
Jorn Lemonade
Joel Freeman - KIA
Colum Campbell
Big Farmer
Daniel Oudwater
Colin Weger - KIA
Axton Van Dam - KIA
James Love
Caesar Martinez - KIA
Stevie Steve
John D. Eddings
Leon Ensslin
Aaron Bryant
Anna Stone
Ayame Kasagi
Jesse Cooper
Nadia Ali
Samuel Wright
Zeke Kraven
The Captn
Ed Cameron
Roger Jarvis
Cyrus Hart
Evan Royce
Ray Heiven
Persephone Brown
Gavin Balter
Thef Rebell
Ian Mond
John Cooper
Necron Overlord
Tim Foster
Thomas McKenzie
Tilly Hunt
Paedar MacLochlainn
Joshua Sherill
Robert Robinson
TDog Jackson
Dylan Villerot
Thomas Kincaid
Jasmin Lebed
Peace Keeper
Leo Bernervall
Joachim Bloodas
Active Interceptor Pilots:
Derick Lee - Asia
Pierre Manglaise - North America
Bahhar Jurist - Africa
Jett Storm - Europe
Pinky Pirate - South America
Inactive Interceptor Pilots:
Skyranger Pilot:
Toni Szanches
Last edited by a moderator: