The Starstream Adventures! (Sci-fi RP)


Well-Known Member

Fighting practice 101

Training room

Bonny was on a bench press, lifting about a 175 pounds she lifted the bar twenty five times before putting it back into place and grabbing a bottle of water, She was wearing a sports bra with some sweat pants and some workout gloves. " Okay so that's a good warm up, now then do I do a couple of matches with a simulations or work on my guns Ou the possibility's, hum I could go drinking get to know the crew better?" Bonny sat pondering.

"You can get to... know me better." JJ poked her head in the room, an unusually meek look on her face. "Maybe while we... work out?"

"Ou JJ it's been a while since we talked um sure we could talk, come on in we can train together."

"Well, um... I didn't want to train with you as much as I wanted to train... under you..." Jackie-Jackie walked over and hung her head. "Have you ever been in a fight and... totally had your ass handed to you as the humans say?"

"A few times when I was younger and learning how to fight, why did you get your ass kicked badly?"

JJ nodded. "Um... broken ribs, broken arm, stomach trauma, concussion... the works..."

Bonny eyes widen and she pulled JJ away from her and stood up. "Alright um JJ there's a difference between getting your ass kicked and becoming a living punching bag, what in the hell happen to you?!"

JJ let out a long sigh. "Have you ever heard of Sirius Ravenwood and his band of Bounty Hunters?"

"Ah yes the killers turned bounty hunting company, yea I heard of them so you ran into them on the last job."

JJ nodded. "Tried taking Sirius on himself. It... wasn't even a close fight. Honestly, I'm surprised he didn't kill me. I didn't believe him one for sentiment..."

Bonny sighed. "JJ I hate to burst your bubble but there's a difference between mercy and making a statement, he saw you as a non-threat not worth killing. He kept you alive so you could live with the defeat."

"Yeah... yeah... well... I'm living with it... and it sucks." JJ made a fist. "But next time I'll be the winner. And you'll help make sure of that. I saw you fight. I could see immediately that not only did we have the same fighting styles, but you're far better. You hit harder, you move faster. I wanna be as tough as you."

“Well Yea that one part I’m slightly gen spliced, but it’s mostly because I’ve been in boxing MMA and areas.”

"Can... can you teach me some things?" JJ rubbed her ear nervously. "I might make for a lousy sparring partner, but a person is better than a predictable computer program, right?"

“Um look JJ I don’t know, I mean yea you’ll be better than a simulation. But come on your hurt and need rest.”

JJ flexed her muscle. "I am fit as a horse, or whatever the saying is. Blaze fixed me up good. Come on. If you won't train me, how will I get better? We can go easy at first then ramp it up."

Bonny rubbed her head.” Ugh fine let’s start with stance, show me your fighting stance.”

"Um... okay." JJ placed one leg forward, knee slightly back, the other leg back. She brought both arms up, elbows bent 90°, fists ready to both attack and defend.

“Hum alright then now try and punch me.”

JJ nodded. She rolled her neck, shifted her weight, and threw a right hook.

Bonny then dogged the punch and kicked JJ ribs.” First mistake while your stance is good for boxing, this is a fight we’re legs are involved. Second you’re not moving, be light on your feet. Try again.”

JJ rubbed her stomach. "Thought we were... going easy." She stood up straight again started hoping back and forth, jumping back then rushing forward with a left hook."

Bonny dogged again.” It’s something.” Bonny then threw a few kicks towards JJ ribs again.

This time JJ was prepared, blocking with her arms while jumping back.

“That’s good however.” Bonny quickly pushed herself forward and tackled JJ to the ground.

JJ was caught off guard, easily knocked down. "Hey!" She tried to push to the side to get on top.

Bonny raised her fist like she was gonna punch JJ but instead stood up and offered her a hand.” You need more work than I thought.”

"I-I wasn't... giving it my all. I thought we were going easy. That was pretty rough for going easy."

“Yea will like I said I’m augmented was the person you fought augmented as well?”

"I... I don't know. I don't think so. But it doesn't matter." JJ punched a fist into her palm. "Augmented or not, I'm going to beat him next time, no matter how rough you have to be on me. Got it?"

"Well that's good to hear now then let's get to work number one, let's work on your stance. Your stance is good but well your treating things like a boxing match, when guns are involve you are obviously quick and nimble but can you put some force into your punches or kicks? Now this time I am gonna let you hit me alright so come and hit me."

"Um... if you say so." JJ cracked her knuckles before sending a solid forward punch to Bonny's chest.

Bonny rubbed her chest and sighed.” Ok it’s soled but now you need a little bit more force in your punch.”

"Right, more force. Um... how do I do that?"

“Well for one getting A punching bag, sec.” Bonny pinched JJ arm. “Ugh upper body work out Mrs Noddle arms.”

"Hey! I have muscles!" JJ poked her fingers together. "They're just... kinda small..."

“Right, looks JJ your body is good for a Cartus. But a fighter it’s um, well warm up fight level.”

"Warm up level?" JJ pouted. "I was always warned skipping fight lessons would come back to bite me..."

Bonny placed her palm in her face. "Ou boy we have a lot of work to do, alright then grab your gear or whatever you consider to be workout gear were going to the gym."

JJ nodded, and hurried out to change.

After about three hours of weight lifting push ups, hitting punching bags and a little bit of sparing Bonny sat on a binch drinking some water." Well that was a good work out, Captain how are you holding up?"

JJ laid on the floor, pained arms spread out, groaning softly. There wasn't an inch of her body that wasn't covered in sweat. "Do you... exercise... this hard... everyday?"

“Yep well not every day I do take breaks.” Bonny then sat next to JJ.” Need some water?”

JJ slowly, very slowly, sat up. "Yes... desperately..."

Bonny chuckled and grabbed another water bottle and putting it in JJ mouth. “There you go, cold water is just the perfect thing for a three hour warm up." Bonny said with a sadistic smile.

JJ spit some of the water out. "W-warm up?!"

"Relax captain i'm joking with you, I figured that I have to joke after doing all that this to you."

JJ smiled and laughed, and took another drink of water. "You know Bonny... you're alright. Can I share a secret with you?"

"Sure by all means, i'm shocked that you wanna shire a secrete with me after I put you through some entice training."

"It's nothing big. I just..." JJ took another slow drink. "I love the whole crew, but... I've felt kinda lonely, away from my kind. Ever since Yip left, you know. It has been kinda nice having another Cartus aboard. I feel you and I can... talk about things I can't talk about with others."

"Hum I won't lie it is nice being around another cartus as well, but what kind of things do you like to talk about. How were different from other Cartus?"

"For one, yes. How it's... nice to be free. How it is nice to be around people that don't think your stupid just because you're a Cartus."

“Heh Yea though playing dumb does help, when pretend to be lost and they just ignore you. But that’s we’re learning how to fight comes in handy, don’t need guns to hurt people.

"Nope. Learned that the hard way." JJ sighed and pulled her legs close. "The guy who taught me to fight? He was even rougher on me. Which would have been fine I guess but... I was much younger. I couldn't handle it. Felt more like abuse then training, but he was trying to make a fighting machine. So I found any excuse not to learn from him. Trained by myself. Obviously... it wasn't enough..."

“Hum JJ do mind if I share a secret with you, it’s a personal one.”

JJ nodded. "Go ahead. I can keep a secret."

Bonny ears drooped."Ugh you ugh remember why I that my dad bought me and my mother?"

"Was there something you left out of that story?" JJ asked.

“I’m yes my actual father, was my mom’s slave master. Which you could imagine made his wife very angry, I’m not gonna go over the unpleasant things she did. But that’s why we were sold to a human.”

"I see..." JJ shook her head sadly. "I'm sorry. So does that make you part Shinso?"

“Unfortunately yes, which means certain Shinso knew this I would probably be hated more than most. But that’s we’re my human father came in, he decided that in order to defend myself I need to learn how to fight. Which I then grew to love.”

JJ smiled. "That's good to hear. Did he teach you how to fight himself?"

“Yea at first, then came trainers mentors all that. The point is JJ this is just the beginning, you will learn to be a heavy hitter in no time.”

JJ grinned. "But I bet no matter how far I come, you'll always be there to kick my butt if I get too arrogant."

“Ou you’re damn right, I will personally beat the shit out of you if you start thinking you’re unbeatable.”

JJ nodded. "Good. Everyone needs someone like that. Hopefully, with time, I'll be that person for Mister Ravenwood."

“That’s good to hear, now then drink the rest of your water. Because I need to see if you’re legs still work or not, because I’m not carrying you back to the ship.”

JJ laughed, but there was a bit of nervousness to it. She too wondered if her legs would carry her.


Well-Known Member
Black0ut & Dahlexpert present:
Awkward exchanges

As the Wind sometimes let out soft creaks or the rare audible hum of power, Bar had grown... annoyed. He missed the silence mixed in with the occasional crowd, and despite the ship's crew being abundant, he seemed to almost always miss them. He let out a telepathic sigh as he paused near the holoroom, debating if he should use it to relieve some of his loneliness.

When he opened the Door he saw a blonde Cartus fighting in an octagon, ground punching a hologram.

Another Cartus! And what is your name, small one? Bark stepped in, not yet fully understanding the rules of holoroom usage and that he shouldn't enter when someone else is in there.

“What the fuck?” Bonny turned to see a tree like man staring at her.” Ok Bonny I think it’s time to stop training, because I’m now clearly seeing things."

Hello. I am Bark of Green, or Bar, if you prefer. What is your name? The plant man walked forward, sitting down a few steps away from Bonny.

“Ok well my day just got interesting, um I’m Bonny. Bonny Van Dam, and how are you talking to me?”

Telepathically. Do you also like getting scratched behind the ears? Captain JJ seemed quite content with it. Bark offered, showing a clawed hand that could probably easily rend flesh.

Bonny glared at Bar and stepped back. "Easy there tree man, I may like having my ear scratched but I’m not JJ. I don’t know you or trust you to do that.”

Oh. My apologies, I didn't mean to offend. I just thought that was a way for someone new to greet a Cartus. The plant replied, sending an apologetic smile with his words.

“Yea JJ is very laid back person, she’s very go with the flow. We’re as me I’m not very trusting, but you didn’t offend me.”

Oh. Well is there any way for me to prove I am trustworthy? Bar asked a bit hopefully.

“Well that depends, I would like to know a few things. First off what are you, and second how did you join us?"

I'm a Photecian, and I joined because Aya, JJ, and Titania prevented a war from engulfing my home.

“Really I miss all the fun bounty’s, but alright then what is a photecian. We’re do you come from because I’ve never seen your kind in GFP space?”

I... don't know. My Hyperion never told me. I assume the planet had some sort of disaster befall it, but... Bar raised a clawed hand up to his face plate and scratched it. He offered a shrug afterwards, to finish his statement.

Bonny patted his bark of a back. "Well will find out what happen to it." Bonny then lead her head towards Bar. "You can rub my ears if you want."

Fauna are weird... The plant man thought internally, reaching a hand to gently scratch behind her ears, and wondering what her particular reaction would be.

Bonny tail started to wag, but she wasn't purring like JJ would be. Instead, her fingers were twitching like she was purposely trying not to pur.

Bar maneuvered his finger into different spots, projecting an aura of curiosity. His golden eyes glowed, as he asked, Would you mind if I connected our minds? You might understand me a bit better than I can explain...

"Um sure why not, it would be an interesting experience, if not nerve racking."

Bark's eyes turned a vibrant purple, replacing the natural golden hue. The Cartus bounty hunter felt her mind open up, as if someone had unplugged a cork that had been limiting her. Time seemed to slow as Bark continued petting her in what seemed like slow motion. Can you hear me and if so, are you okay?

Bonny looked confused as she saw everything around her moving in slow motion. "What in the, what have you done? And why is everything moving so slowly?"

I connected our minds. I can give you my memories, and share anything with you when we have a link set up like this. For example, Bar started, as a foreign memory appeared in her head. It was when Bar first dived underneath the waves of his planet and came face to face with what could be described as a cross between a shark and Octopus. It was easily bigger than the Wind in size, and Bonnie could feel the fear Bar felt, definitely, but she also felt the awe of being in front of such a massive and powerful creature.

"What in the hell is that thing, i've never seen anything like that. What kind of place is this, is this your home?!"

It is. Great beasts dwell under the waves and there is not much land to use. That however... I believe a Cartus I met called it a... a mental frown appeared in her mind. She gave a word your kind uses for 'great beast' I couldn't understand it. So...

"Yea a monster you can call that, my god that thing is huge, I was expecting your planet to be more green not completely under water."

Not... my planet. Bark tried to hide the sadness that was laced within his tone and the hidden longing, but the link ensured that Bonnie knew.

Some memories bled through, of a myriad of questions asking where everyone like him was, of why it was just him and his mom, why they were alone. Of why he was a fr-

The memories snapped away, as one might yank away a box that held dear memories. Apologies. I lost my control for a moment.

"Did you wanna join us because you were sick of being alone, and want to find some meant out here. Or find out what happened to your kind?"

I... wasn't alone. Not in the normal sense. I had many different races onboard this floating amalgamation of ships but... my, you would call her this, mother was the only other Photecian. So in a way, I do want to know what happened to my homeworld and... if I'm one of the few left. More emotions washed over Bonnie: Sadness, determination, and hope.

"Ugh look i'm sure you will find what happen to your kind, um just out of curiosity can your go through my memories as well?"

I could access them, but not project them. You have to send me some. To do that... just think about them. Bar advised, a couple scritches behind the ears happening in slow-mo.

Bonny took a deep breath. "Alright but my memories are a lot darker than most.

I can handle them... probably. A nervous chuckle accompanied the words.

"Fine but don’t say I didn’t warn you." Bonny closed her eyes and remembered her early childhood, they were in a slave camp surrounded by other Cartus. Bar saw a woman that looked similar to Bonny getting whipped, Bar could feel Bonny anger, hate and disgust.

What... w-... why would anyone do this to someone when they aren't fighting?! Bar mentally cried out, shock reverberating through the link.

"This is how my race is treated by the majority of Shion do to my kind, This is where I learned that the galaxy is cruel but it's not all bad." Bonny then fast forward to when a human bought her and her mother, he then treated their wounds and treated them properly.

Did... did he treat you both well?

"Extremely well, way better then Shinso did hell it’s because of him I’m here today."


Well-Known Member
Awkward Exchanges, cont.

I'm happy that you were taken out of such a rough life... and that someone cared deeply for you. But... why did you become a bounty hunter, if I may ask?

"There’s a bunch of reasons, see the galaxy do some good. Kill as many Shinso and slavers as possible without going to prison, and see how many of my kind I can help out."

I... Bar hesitated, feeling uneasy about her words. Are all Shinso bad that you have to kill them all?

"Ou not all of them, I’m sure there’s some good Shinso out there. But the majority of them in slaves my kind, and I will kill or capture as many as I can."

What if you enslave or kill someone who's innocent? Bar asked, his voice softer.

Bonny shrugged her shoulders. "can’t say I’ll feel to bad about it, but since I’m a bounty hunter the likely of that happening is low. But if it happens Ou well collateral damage."

So you would condemn someone else to the same fate you suffered, and would feel no remorse, even if they were innocent? A mental frown popped into her mind, the plant seemingly perturbed.

"Ou a Shinso would be so lucky to become a slave, look you can’t change me or what I think. But I will say I do try and avoid killing innocent Shinso."

Okay. I'm sorry if I came off rude... As Bar finished that statement, time seemed to flow faster and return to normal as the Plant man ceased petting the Cartus. He, however, looked at her hands as they twitched and her wagging tail. Were you purring?

Bonny has her head down, so he couldn’t see her face. "Mention to anyone I was purring I’ll tune you into paper.”

That'd be very hard to do... considering nothing in my body can be refined into paper. Bar scratched behind her ears again, more curious than ever now. And why is purring a bad thing? Do Cartus have a taboo about that?

“In a way yes, mostly to me because I don’t like being treated like a kitty!” She yelled in embarrassment.

But you aren't a 'kitty'. You're a Cartus, an intelligent race. I was only scratching behind your ears because you like it and because I thought friends did nice things for each other. Bar paused, his hand stopping.

“The do its just, I’m a very proud and stubborn Cartus. And it’s just embarrassing for me is all.”

Why is it embarrassing to you?

“I’m meant to be this serious ass kicking bounty hunter, can’t be that if someone grabs my tail or my ears and has me getting all riled up.”

How does scratching your ears or rubbing your tail 'rile' you up? Is it akin to a mating ritual? Bar asked, retracting his hand away from her.

“You could say that yes, especially my tail. My ears being scratched may cause a little bit of those feelings but not completely.”

Oh. I did not mean to give you those kinds of feelings, so... my deepest apologies... Bar bowed his head in shame, his eyes focusing on the floor in front of him.

Bonny patted him on the back.” It’s ok after all you didn’t know.”

Still. There is no excuse for me to have done so, even with ignorance on my side. How... how can I make it up to you? Bark asked, his head still lowered and his hands now laying tirelessly on the floor.

Bonny grabbed Bar arm and put it on her head.” You can rub my head, I won’t have any urges as long as you don’t touch my ears.”

Bar looked up, but the feeling that radiated off of him was uncertainty. But I could accidentally touch your ears... and then we'd end up back in this situation...

“It’s fine if you haven’t noticed I’m very disipled lady, a little flick of my ears won’t cause me to jump on you.” Bonny sad smiling at Bar.

Bar's faceplate swung open, revealing a black hole that appeared to be his mouth. A raspy voice came out, wildly different to the psionic one she heard. "Well... if you're... certain..." The plant hesitantly raised a hand and began rubbing her head, taking great care to avoid her ears.

Bonny looked nervous at the sight of his mouth, but swallowed her nerves and let him pat her head as she wagging her tail in the process.

The faceplate soon closed, his head tilting as he saw her tail wagging. Am I... scaring you?

“Slightly I mean your mouth is kinda like a black hole, but you’re a walking tree if I haven’t ran from you yet so we’re good.”

I am not a tree! I just have... acne. Bar mentally coughed, and looked more pointedly at her tail, stopping his hand. Did I... overstep again?

“I think we both kinda over stepped today, but this is a learning experience. After what’s a few awkward moments among friends?”

Bark blinked. Then a feeling of warmth washed over her in the form of a telepathic smile. Thank you... I'll strive to be a great friend and reaffirm the trust you put in me.

“That um works, glad to make you happy then Bar.”

The plant stood, easily dwarfing the woman in height. His claws gleaned in the light. Well, um... I noticed I interrupted you while you were training, so I'll leave you be.

“Nah I was finishing up here anyway, besides after sharing my thoughts with someone and seeing their memories I need rest. Bonny then stood up.” You enjoy your training.”

Thank you... I will. Bar waved goodbye, happy he hadn't ruined a friendship. After she left, he tried to figure out how to operate the holoroom that was far more foreign to him than any fauna could be.


Game Master
Staff member
Frostlich1228 & ZombieSplitter53
Meetings and Revelations
Part One

The Golden Wind, Crew Quarters
10 a.m.

JJ approached the newly constructed aquatic quarters where Aya and a contractor had been working tirelessly to get it sea worthy, so to speak. "How did it go?"

Aya smiled at her. "Everything is set. Entryway, drain and fill, filter, pressurizer, special furniture. Everything is ready."

JJ frowned and tensed up. "What was the damage?"

Aya shrugged. "Twenty-five and a bar of Latinum."

JJ flinched. "Jeez... twenty-five thousand is..."

"Hundred," Aya corrected. "Twenty-five hundred. We were only charged for supplies, and after selling off the old furniture, that's what it came to."

"Really?" JJ rubbed her ear in confusion. "Why so little?"

"Appearently, the man heard a rumor that we freed a bunch of slaves from a big, bad bunch of people. He was a Cartus and former slave so he gave us a discount when I mentioned this was for one of the rescuees." She sighed and frowned.

"Well... that's good news! Why do you seem so down?"

Aya sighed. "Well... the fact that it was the Collector and the Menagerie was kept secret, so they aren't being shut down anytime soon. And the rumors say we were in over our heads until Ravenwood and the Starkiller showed up and saved our asses."

Jackie-Jackie let out her own sigh. "Guess you can't always believe what you hear." She leaned against the wall and rubbed her temples. "Can you... get our fishy friend? I bet she's tired of that pressure suit."

"On it," Aya stated, and walked off.

When they found Qvibizthah, she was in the kitchen, looking in the fridge and examining each of the different cuts of meat they had, poking and prodding each one.

Aya frowned. "It must not suck, not having any food from her home world, or any way to program it into the replicators..."

JJ nodded, the Cartus stepping up to the counter. "Hello, um... Qvi-biz-thah."

She looked back, jumping a little. "Oh! Hello Ahyah and JeyhJeyh."

"I see the universal translator is starting to get there," JJ commented

"Ash does fast work. Almost makes me not afraid he's going to hack into environmental controls and suffocate us all." Aya's tone said that wasn't a joke.

JJ chuckled anyway and turned back to their newest crew member. "We have a surprise for you. How would you like to get out of that stuffy suit?"

"Yes! Would like much! How soon?" She asked, clearly excited.

JJ waved her hand. "It's ready now. Wanna go see it?"

"Much yes! Would like go!" Qvibizthah nodded rapidly.

"Let's go!" JJ said excitedly, eager to show off the work they had put in.

As they walked down the hall, Aya turned to the aquatic woman and said, "I'm curious. Can you... live at all outside a pressurized area?"

"Can swim to shallows for limited time. But have to dive again after a short while." She took a second to understand what she was asking.

"What happens if you're... in the shallows too long?" JJ asked innocently.

"We..." She had a hard time finding the words, instead opting to puff out her cheeks.

"Oh, you... um..." JJ cringed at the idea of one of her friends popping. "Let's avoid that. So, um... how were you captured originally?"

"Ship came to home. Big ship." She formed a square in the air with her hands. "Came to water. Threw big web in. First time we see big ship. Qvibizthah see younglings go up to it, caught in big web with other fishes. Qvibizthah tell others to stay back, as Tribe Scivreh, my job to protect younglings. Go to pull younglings free. Pulled them free. Then web caught Qvibizthah leg, pulled in by fishes, see strange people look at strangely. Seem scared. They lock me in tank with other fishes."

Aya gave her a sad look. "I'm so sorry. Maybe one day we'll find a way to get you back. But that was a very noble thing, saving the young ones."

"Qvibizthah take care of Younglings. Teach them. That is my job as... Spiritual Leader." The cute girl nodded.

"And we'll get you back to them if at all possible," JJ promised. She stopped in front of one of the quarters, the door distinctly different from the others as it was made to be a air tight as possible. "Here we are." She opened the door, and they stepped into a small, clear chamber that let them get a good view of the room. There was a large couch and a nice, cozy bed made of water proof materials. A special replicator was installed to allow it to work under water. Ther were various bits and bobs to make the room seem like a room and not a cage, all secured to the floor or tables so it didn't float away. There was a gentle hum from the water purifier and pressurizer, Aya making sure she got the quietest ones possible.

"This!" She pressed up against the glass. "Amazing! Thank you! Very much thanks!"

JJ motioned her over to the controls to show her how it works. "You'll store your suit here so you can come out whenever you want. We don't want this to be another cage. We'll get more suits so people can come in and visit you. You press here to fill this room with water when you want to go in, and here when you want to drain it and go out."

"Yes! Yes! Oh thank you! Thank you very greatly!" The Fish Woman quickly wrapped JJ up in a hug, pulling Aya in a few seconds later. "Uh... Ash said you do this... Is this okay?"

The both chuckled, and nodded. "It is called hugging. You do it with someone you like," Jackie-Jackie explained.

"I like hugging very much." She smiled, almost nuzzling them.

"The captain does too," Aya teased. "Wanna try out your new room?"

"Yes!" She suddenly frowned. "Can you not come in with me?"

JJ shook her head. "Not yet. But I promise we'll get suits so we can very soon. And once you're inside, we can stand here and talk to you."

"Okay. But before." She reached up and released the pressure on her suit slowly, taking it off to reveal her uncovered body. She had no breasts of any kind, not being mammalian as well as no vagina where one would expect it, instead having a vertical slit like opening where the bellybutton would be.

Aya watched her carefully for any sign of an adverse reaction to the air or the pressure. JJ simply smiled. "You're very pretty."

"So are you Ayhah!" She tilted her head cutely, her expression happy. She reached over, gently touching Aya's chest without any concept of it being anything socially awkward. "Chest Very Squishy... Your heart beats strong. Fill with kindness and much caring. You good friend."

Aya blushed and laughed nervously. "Thank you. That is... so very nice of you to say."

"And you Jayh Jayh." She placed a finger on her forehead. "Your will is strong. Greatest power. Smart and Clever, but empathetic. You're excellent leader."

"Awwww..." JJ hugged her again, not caring that she was moist. "You're so nice! Thank you so much!"

She pulled back, the happiness on her face extremely clear, "You strange, but Qvibizthah love."

JJ nodded. "Something tells me we are going to be the best of friends."


Lady sat alone on a chair in her room, or at least as alone as she could be with her friend upstairs. She wasn't sure why JJ had called for her, only that it had something to do with the recently failed mission.

The Cartus Captain stepped into the room after a few minutes, smiling at her friend and colleague. "Did you bring that bracelet-armband thingy?"

"Huh? Oh! You mean this?" She held up her arm. "It's a pretty cool fashion statement huh?"

JJ gently took her arm and examined it. "Yes... yes, I knew it! It's just like the one's they had!"

"Uhm... What're you talking about?" Lady scratched her head.

"You know that mission we were just on?" JJ asked, frowning. "The one where we... utterly lost..."

"Oh... The one I... Stayed home on..." Lady frowned.

JJ shook her head. "One more person wouldn't have made a difference. It was my failing. You being there meant I might have just lost two great friends."

"And... This thing might have had something to do with it?" The Human girl gave it another look.

"That's right." JJ stepped away, pondering for a moment how to put it into words. "I don't know if it was ancient technology or a kind of psionics. Hell, it might have been magic. But three of them had these things and when they activated them, two of them manifested creatures. Like... like powerful animals made of pure energy, and them had, like... elemental powers. One was a canine beast that could shot ballistic rocks and tear through armor like butter. The other looked like a Talexin Alcodile but huge! It went head to head with his huge mech in an incredible show of strength, and those jaws! Scary. I... probably sound like a crazy person to someone who wasn't there, but I swear, this all happened."
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Game Master
Staff member
Meetings and Revelations
Part Two

"Well. I mean. With Psionics and New Tech coming out every day. Who knows." Lady shrugged. "Are you saying you want me to... Try to do that?"

JJ rapidly nodded like a bobble head. "It shouldn't be hard. I mean... they didn't seem like it was hard for them. Maybe just... concentrate on it. Imagine it glowing. That's what happened when they activated them. It glowed, then they did when they used its power. Hopefully it is just a matter of will."

"I uh..." Lady closed her eyes, but after a moment it still didn't work, she began quickly shaking her arm.

JJ held out her hands. "Give it time. Concentrate. Don't rush it, we have plenty of time. The important thing is you don't get frustrated. Just try and relax."

"Ok..." Lady took a deep breath, clearing her mind, Yixx staying quiet to help her concentrate. Suddenly, the bracelet almost pulsed, like it sparked with a little bit of life.

JJ gasped. "It worked!" She covered her mouth. "Sorry! Just... keep doing what your doing."

As Lady continued, it pulsed again, then again, faster and faster, like an engine revving up. As she did it though, the air around them started to get hot, then hotter, like JJ was standing next to an open oven.

"Fire... elements," JJ muttered. "The one thing was shooting earth. The other thing was a water creature. It must be elemental. Thing... hot things. Imagine a fire burning deep down."

Lady pictured a fire inside of her, her drive, her ambition, her passion, and the bracelet lit up fully, real fire now beginning to curl off of the gauntlet. It looked like it would be singeing Lady's arm, but she had no reaction, like she didn't feel it at all.

Jackie-Jackie was worried, but she was afraid to stop now that they were making progress. "N-now, um... what now. Think of some kind of avatar? Like an animal or a creature. First thing that pops in your head. Imagine it is in the room in front of you."

A few more moments passed, it was then that the fire sputtered off of it, floating in mid air between them, spinning in a circle, then it turned shades of purple and pink, as well as red, the candle like flames forming a large mandala that kept getting bigger and bigger until it was the size of JJ's entire body.

Before the Cartus could comment however, a clawed, pink hand, that almost looked gloved, reached out of the fiery circle, gripping the edge of the spinning disk.

"Whoa!" JJ jumped a little. She hadn't considered the danger this might put the two in, but again she didn't want to stop while progress was being made. "I really think it's working. Keep thinking, but... control your thoughts and emotions. Try to remain, um... cool headed."

Another hand gripped the other side, next were the legs, long, slender, and striped like a Zebra, curved backwards, inky black hooves at the ends of them. The the body of a slender, curvy woman came next, even more Zebra stripes, a thin, almost latex looking black bra covering her sizable breasts. Strangest of all was what looked to be a green snake curving around her body, but as more of her came through, JJ saw where it attached to her tailbone.

Lastly was a beautiful, soft and supple face, flanked by two curving Rams horns attached to her head, sweet, full pink lips, two bright pink iris', horizontal in their respective pupils. As she stepped out fully, the portal became almost a cloak of flame around her as she began to stretch like a cat. Her voice was ethereal and echoing, almost like it was put through a filter. "Ah... Mmm! I'm so glad to be out of there!"

JJ smiled widely. "Lady... Lady, you did it!" She looked up at the being. "I didn't know you guys could talk. Do you... have a name?"

"What who can taaaaaaaa-" Lady opened her eyes, trailing off.

"What? Do I really look that strange to you?" The Chimera Woman flicked out a snake Tongue briefly.

"Um... a little," JJ admitted. "You're like something out of a fantasy." She rubbed her chin. "Makes me wonder if your form comes from Lady or the aliens that made the bracelet themselves. Guess we'll have to find more to be sure. I will say, you are quite beautiful and... fetching to the eye."

She stepped up to JJ, reaching around the small of her back and gently pulling her in. She could feel the outward heat, it wasn't burning though, however, she also felt a different kind of heat inside of her, almost a lustful one. Was this the Summon's doing? Or was it her body doing this?

"Mmm dear... I do have a thing for..." She brought a pointed finger up to her nose, booping it. "Kitty cats..."

JJ chuckled awkwardly. "Um... thank you. That is... very kind of you." JJ wondered if the avatar was just teasing or actually flirting, and if she was flirting, were her feelings her own? Or were they tied to Lady's feelings?

"Umm. Hello. What's your uh... Name?" Lady looked back and forth.

"My name is Jinn." She smiled a sultry smile. "And I'm the Woman of your dreams. Literally."

"This is awesome." JJ looked up into the manifestation's eyes. "You wanna practice your abilities? See what you can do?"

She turned back towards the Cartus, gently taking her head in her hands, whispering, "That I do..." before pulling JJ into a passionate kiss.

It was instantly intense, she felt the heat explode inside of her, a rush of energy and power flowing through her veins, the lips of the Demonic Entity tasting strongly of Lilac and Cinnamon as it filled her senses. As they embraced, Lady watched as Jackie began to literally glow pink, her eyes flashing red, her power calling to the rebel inside of the Captain to be let loose and to imbue the Cartus with power she didn't know was in her all along.

After an extended period of time, she pulled back, and JJ's face was flushed, giving her a dopey smile. "W-wow..."

"Now. That wasn't all for fun dear. You can feel the newfound strength and speed flowing in your veins, can't you?" Jinn stepped around her.

"I can." JJ stepped back, lifting her arms and opening her fists. "I feel amazing! This is your power?"

"A Part of It." She replied humbly.

"JJ! Uh! Lift Something!" Lady yelled out.

"Um... oh!" JJ ran over to Lady herself and tried to pick her up.

Despite their size difference, JJ was able to fully lift the Human girl over her head with relative ease, something that wouldn't have even been conceivable before.

"This is amazing! I can feel power coursing through my veins. You're both amazing!"

"Uh... Wow thanks!" Lady laughed out loud.

JJ gently put her down. "Computer, targets! I want to see what you can do offensively!"

As Holographic Targets appeared around the room, Jinn created a few balls of fire in her hands, lobbing them at them. Next she fired a few red hot lasers from her fingers at another, before turning around a creating a massive snake made of out fire.

"Ah! Stop stop stop! My room!" Lady held head between her hands.

JJ scratched her chin. "Sorry. We got carried away. Don't want to ruin your or Yixx's... hmm...?"

"What's up?" Lady asked curiously.

"I know the bracelet chose you. It is connected to you, but... Yixx is kinda a part of you. I wonder if she can manifest our friend here."

"Oh?" She looked over at Jinn.

It took her a moment for the Zebra Striped Woman to notice as she was examining her clawed nails. "Huh? Oh, no. I am a product of your mind, Lady. Hers is different. Obviously."

"Well... maybe she can... manifest something different," JJ proposed. "It is a different mind but the same body, right? So it should work... maybe?"

"Uh... Yixx? Are you there?" Lady asked, obviously knowing she was.

"I... Are you sure you want me to try this? I'm... I'm not powerful like you guys..." Yixx said in her head.

"Why not? Why not see? Right JJ?" She looked over at the Captain.

Jackie-Jackie nodded. "Who knows what will happen? Maybe you'll be stronger then we could ever imagine! We'll never know if we don't try."

As Lady blinked, the bracelet almost fizzled out, Jinn sighing boredly as she dissipated into embers from the feet up, fading into nothing. Yixx looked slightly guilty. "Heh... Sorry..."

JJ waved her hand. "She'll get over it. Now... I'm sure you were paying attention to what Lady was doing. If not, she can walk you through it."

"Uh... I was... Mmm... Okay..." She tried to focus on the bracelet herself, but it remained unlit.

"It's okay. Take you time." JJ smiled patiently. "Just focus all your thoughts on making it glow."

A few more minutes passed and there was still nothing. "Uhh! This is hopeless... I'm worthless... I'm sorry..."

JJ held out her hands. "No, don't be like that. It might just not work for you because it isn't you directly attacked to it. But give it time. Maybe practice a little each day. Who knows? Maybe when you need it most, it'll come to you."

"You should just rely on Lady. She's amazing." The Yorin girl sighed loudly.

JJ knelt in front of her and placed her hands on Yixx's shoulders. "Now... if I started doubting myself and said you should just rely on Aya, would you like that?"

"W-What? You don't get it. You don't share a body with her. You can only have one of us at a time." Yixx reminded her.

JJ shook her head. "I'm just trying to get you to have confidence in yourself. I'm sure Lady is telling you the same thing."

"Sigh... You're all too good for me." Yixx shook her head.

JJ stood up. "If it happens, it happens. If not, then that's fine to. But you are a valued member of this team, and don't you forget it, okay? I didn't just hire Lady. I hired Yixx and Lady, and I would be sad to lose either one of you."

"Thank you JJ. I'm glad you feel that way." The Yorin looked up into her eyes.
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Game Master
Staff member
Meetings and Revelations
Part Three

On board the Starkiller, Sirius sat solemnly at his desk. He reached onto a drawer he normally kept locked, and pulled out a photo few people knew about, even those close to him.

"Are you alright my love?" Nessiera'tora stepped up from next to the door.

Sirius jumped a bit, so lost in thought, he was actually caught of guard. He dropped the picture, and the frame broke on the floor. When he reached for it, he cut his finger on the shattered glass and let out a string of curses.

"Shit! Are you okay!" She stepped over quickly, "How bad is it?"

"It's fine! I'm fine! I just... damn it..." He quickly grabbed a rag, wipping the blood off of the photo before tending to himself. Nessie's eyes couldn't help but take it in, a younger Sirius with two young girls, maybe just in their teens.

She knew he likely wanted to hide it, so she pulled her eyes away. "I... Should not have bothered you..."

"No, no. Please." He carefully lifted the photo out of the frame, like he was handling precious fine china. "You are never a bother to me. Few can say that. Please... sit down."

She did as he suggested, taking a seat. "I'll... Get you a new picture frame."

"Thank you." Sirius looked up at her. "Did you decide what you wanted us to do with the girl? Did you want to return her for the bounty... or keep her for yourself?"

"I'm... Not sure honestly... Perhaps we can keep her for some time. Convince her we aren't monsters. Before we take her back to that cage. She could be a valuable ally."

Sirius nodded. "Like implanting a virus. We show her how life is outside the sheltered existance of the Hiveship. When she goes back, she'll share her experiences with the others. From person to person, Hive to Hive, they'll start to desire freedom from their lives of servitude to a single Royal."

Nessie shook her head. "No. Not when she goes back into her Royal's Pheromones. Then it'll be like she never wanted to leave."

"Damn," Sirius shook his head. "Like an entire race hopped up on drugs..."

"The only reason I'm not like her... Is because my Royal and my entire Hiveship was completely destroyed." Nessiera'tora told him, he knew some of this already, but she hadn't into detail about why or how, it was too fresh for her back then.

"Are you... ready to tell me what happened." Sirius looked down at the picture. "I'm... willing to trade stories."

"The Hiveship Tora and everything I once knew has been reduced to nothing..." She explained solemnly. "Hiveship Tora once held a proud place in the Galactic Laepaede Fleet. It was an older craft, but with age came respect. That's where I was born. I lowly Sharei with no prospects other than to care for the children and the Hive until the day I died. And... I enjoyed it... It was nice."

Sirius nodded. "Was this enjoyment complacency? Or do you think it was true enjoyment?"

"Honestly... I don't know. It could've been true happiness. Before then, I had never known any other life." Nessie mentioned. "The Royal of Hive Tora... She was a strange one, she was young for a Royal, one of the youngest. That was one reason that it was a shock she was picked. I met her in person only once, but when I did, she noticed me too, and she told me that she wanted me for her court. I couldn't imagine why."

"Really? Despite your low rank among your people?"

"She did. I remember it vividly. It was extremely contentious because of course, it wasn't my place, but she was also a Royal, so she had to be right. And like a computer that doesn't know what to do with a line of code, more problems arose." Nessie smiled. "But for those years, I made good friends with the High Sharei and the Shara-Sharei, we were so close, like a family. I had never really known a close family like that before. My sister's began to see other low Sharei as more than just worker drones and they started to share that sentiment with their Royal. But was that their choice? Or did they agree with their controller? Who knows. That is why whenever Laepaede express opinions, you have to take it with a grain of salt, so to speak."

"I see." Sirius leaned back. "Still, this seemed like an ideal place for lower born Laepaede. What did the other Royals think of this sentiment?"

"They weren't sure at first, but Tora was an old and respected Hive. The previous Royal being just as respected. So, they trusted her decision to put her in charge." Nessie stated. "But one day... It just seemed like an ordinary day... Our Hiveship was making it's way through an allied race's system, Shinso Space. It was supposed to be a safe trip. Just a routine dock and repair."

Sirius leaned forward again. "What happened?"

"I was making our Royal Tea... That's when we heard the alert. Pirates. The Shara-Sharei responded quickly, but they weren't firing, just staying out of our firing range, watching us. My Royal was hesitant to send fighters after it because it's a common tactic when attack large carrier ships to tail them and trick them into sending fighters to chase them away, only to sent the main force in while the fighters and busy and the ship is vulnerable. Instead we altered course to a world we knew would defend us."

"They must've trailed us for... Hours. No sign of any of ships... When all of a sudden..." Nessie looked to the side. "Boom. Our early fire detection system didn't catch anything. Our shields weren't breached. Nothing was malfunctioning. We were all terrified instantly, we knew what an explosion on a Laepaede ship meant as every alert and warning blared, the entire ship was turning into a fireball as the high oxygen caught fire. We knew we only had precious seconds to act so we all rushed over to our Royal, My dear Netira'tora, and covered her with out bodies, even as thankfully, the emergency shutters closed us in just in time. We looked out the nearby window in the Royal Chambers and saw that we were heading fast towards a nearby moon, the thrusters exploding must've sent us into it's gravity."

"What exactly caused the explosion?" Sirius asked. "Were you able to find out? Thrusters usually don't just blow up on their own."

"We never had time. With no previous glitches and no damage to our shields, I assume it was sabotage. But... From who? I don't know. Another Laepaede would be extremely hard because hurting a Royal goes against our very biology." The Low Borne Courtesan replied.

"I see. An oddity we might never learn the truth of. So what happened next?"

"We were headed towards the ground too fast, the pods would be impossible to reach. So we hugged and watched as the entire vessel screamed in the atmosphere. What we heard next was a shrieking wail of twisting metal and burning screaming as everything went black." Nessiera's eyes grew dim and cold. "But I awoke. Somehow. I lived. My body was terribly burned, I had shards of twisted metal impaling me in several places, but I awoke. I looked around for my sister's... I saw the eldest of us cut in half by a giant metal beam, guts everywhere, the fear of the crash burned permanently into her eyes. I saw the youngest High Courtesan, like a baby sister to us, crushed under a massive pile of spikes and metal debris."

Sirius actually gave a sympathetic look. "And the Royal?"

"She had been impaled on a large spike. I saw her hanging above me. Perhaps luckily for her since the native wildlife had found their way into the wreck, tearing limbs off and trying to wrestle bodies away from each other in the chaos. I... I hid... And quickly passed out after taking an oxygen mask off a nearby body..." Nessie looked down. "I woke up next to Gunshots... The Pirates were combing the wreckage for anything and making sure everyone was dead. Luckily... They didn't find me... But they were going to... I quickly searched the Royal's quarters to try and see if her private pod was still there..."

Nessiera'tora looked back up. "It was... I found myself crawling painfully towards it, narrowly avoiding the pirates and the animals. I would've been caught by one of the Pirates if I hadn't tore out his throat with a long, sharp piece of metal I found. After that I promptly boarded and launched myself into space. I thought I was going to starve to death, I had no idea where I was going even, until you found me."

Sirius slowly nodded. "I'm sorry. That... must have been painful to talk about. I'm glad I found you though. You have meant so much to me."

"Thank you." She smiled, her face then turning grim. "But I have reason to believe that the Royal Council wiped us all out for going against the status quote."

"So you do think they were just playing nice." Sirius shrugged. "It makes sense. Someone had to sabotage you, and like you said, it would be impossible for it to come from within. And it would likely have been a shared decision, so even if you had proof, it would be worthless."

"That's why I have to destroy them. To set our people free. I'm the only one who knows. The only one who can. "


Game Master
Staff member
Meetings and Revelations
Part Four

Sirius nodded. "I... suppose I should share something with you." He looked down at the photo. "I don't want anyone to know besides you that... that I had a daughter..."

"Had...? Did she...?" Nessie gave him a concerned look.

Sirius nodded. "I, um..." He needed a moment to contain himself. "I technically had two daughters, but only one was of my blood. The other was... adopted? Though not officially." He smiled as he stared at the picture. "Lana was the perfect daughter. I know every parent says that, but... she was obedient. She was smart and pretty. She laughed at my jokes. Even our fights, that all families have, were meaningful, and she won half of them." His smile faded. "I'm... not a good man. I know that. Even back then, I dabbled in the darker sides of things. I pissed off the wrong people. And... and they knew how to make me suffer..."

"Fuck... I'm sorry... I take it you made those bastards pay, right?" Nessie lowered her gaze for a moment.

"Most of them, yeah." Sirius looked pained that he couldn't say all of them. "Ironically, I never could figure out the pirate group hired to... do the job, but I easily found out who hired them. They wanted me to know." He grit his teeth. "That was a big mistake. I made sure they suffered... slowly... painfully..."

He looked about ready to snap, but one look at the picture and he slowly calmed down. "The other girl? The one I psudo-adopted? They left her alive to tell me what happened. She never forgave me. Said it was my fault her best friend died." He took a deep breath. "They... they told my little girl all about me before they finished with her. I can... only imagine what she thought of her father before she..."

Nessie suddenly rushed around the table, bringing him into a big hug. "You don't have to be so strong around me... Not when it's just us..."

Sirius nodded, wrapping an arm around her. He held her for several minutes. He didn't cry. All his tears were spent years ago. But he held her tightly. When he finally let her go, he said, "Thank you Nessie. It... feels good to talk to someone about this."

"Any time... Maybe... One day... We can start our own family." She pulled back, looking lovingly into his eyes.

Sirius hugged her again, and softly said, "I'd like that..."


Well-Known Member
Frostlich1228 & Black0ut present:
Fast, Almost Fishy, Friends

The bar was rather dull; patrons sipped their drinks and gazed lazily down at their life choices in a cup, small things that seemed so miniscule but had huge ramifications.

A woman in a black cloak sat at a table, nursing a drink. Her leg had healed from the recent break it had sustained, but it still looked broken to anyone else. Beyond that noticeable attribute, her eyes held a dull, blank look to them, almost devoid of happiness.

Titania took another sip of beer, almost absentmindedly, as she contemplated everything that had happened in her life.

That was until suddenly, she heard an almost sloshing sound, like water moving, as a person in a thick looking grey suit sat next to her. The inside of her domed glass helmet revealed a strange blue skinned fish woman with piercing yellow eyes, a cross shaped mouth resting under her small nose as she stared at the Dodondari curiously.

The foxgirl raised an eyebrow. "Diltan oohr nee?" Came the quick question, before, just as quickly, Titania spoke in the galactic common. "W-what do you... want?"

"Quaysi vyntynin noorca?" She responded at first, then responded again. "You... Fur Person. Hello."

"Titania. You?" The fox lifted her hood back, exposing her ears which twitched slightly as her tail swished behind her.

"Qvibizthah." She stated as suddenly a few large flaps on her head opened up, revealing a dizzying display of lights and colors that was hard to look away from.

"I am Qvibizthah. I am new to this place. Trying to learn. What race is Ti-Ta-Ni-Ah?"

"I'm a... Dondon...dari..." The fox answered, almost mesmerized. She shook her head a bit, trying to snap herself out of it. "And you?"

"I... Am not sure... Ahlayhanhya is name tribe from where I'm from." She stated, the two of them beginning to get some stares.

Titania offered a rather winning smile as she held out her hand to shake the fish girl's. "Well, it's a pleasure meeting you, Qvibizthah."

She just kind of stared at it awkwardly before probing Titania's mind a little to find out what to do. Satisfied she slowly reached out, gripping her hand.

"So what brings you out here, Qvibizthah? And, uh, what do you do for work?" Titania let go of the girl's hand after shaking it.

"Work..." She considered. "I am a... Bounty Hunter. I work for Ms. Jetstorm."

"Oh? Well, I also work for JJ, so it seems we're going to be seeing more of each other." A pause. "Out of curiosity... why did you come see me?"

"Pointy Ear Lady seemed friendly. Qvibizthah scanned your thoughts. Pointy Ear Lady seemed sad. Qvibizthah help?" The Odd Fish Girl stated after a second of thought.

"I'm fine. Just... thinking about how to best deal with something." The half-Dondondari rubbed her neck, a nervous habit that seemed to be getting worse. "But I appreciate the offer, Q."

"I see. It is strange. Being here. Tribe far away. Everyone acts so strangely. We never thought other smarts existed." She explained, looking away briefly.

Titania blinked before looking around at the rest of the bar patrons, all of whom seemed to be preoccupied with their drink, woes, or a combination of the two. The foxgirl then quickly hugged Qvibizthah, moving fast enough eyes would strain to see the brief movement. "Don't worry. I'll keep you company until you return home."

Her flashing stopped, her strange mouth opening to reveal a hard beak behind them. "Thank... You. You. Are Nice. Titania. Friend."

Titania blinked slowly, obviously a little shocked. But the shocked expression melted back into her smile. "No problem! Everyone deserves to have friends help them out..." Her eyes seemed to narrow almost imperceptibly. "Has someone been picking on you?"

"Not. Since I joined. Was in a cage. Before. Was. Sla-ve?" She sounded out the final word slowly.

Titania, with only the most vague sign of effort, lifting Qvibizthah off the ground in a princess carry, leaving some credits to cover her drink as she left the bar. "Do you know who put you in a cage?"

"Oh! Uh... Collector Man and Whisker Woman?" The Fish instinctively tried to scratch her head through the suit.

"Well, if you see them again, point them out to me, okay?" Titania said, taking a deep breath to calm herself as she set down the fish girl.

"Okay! Um... What is you called? Your... People?" Qvibizthah asked, looking Titania up and down.

"Well, my mother was a Human, a bipedal mammal from a watery planet called Earth. My Father was a Dondondari, kinda like Humans but with tails, ears, sharp teeth, and sometimes claws." Titania started to explain. "However, I'm kinda not sure what my race is. I'm only half-Human and half-Dondondari, so..."

"Okay. Interesting. Someone called me a... Fish. Is that accurate?" The Naive Girl asked cutely.

"No... fish can't talk, so they were probably describing what you look like. Hmmm..." Titania paused. "If you didn't mind, I could give you something to call yourself, in terms of race. It'll be in my language, however."

"Sure. We have word. But your language... Odd." She admitted.

"Everyone's language is weird.... yours will probably sound weird to me. So, come on; let me hear your language." The foxgirl coaxed, her eyes, unknowingly to her, going into seduction mode, making her smile more alluring.

"Oh... Okay.". Qvibizthah nodded, turning off her communicator like Aya had showed her. "Ahuahi zivikua... Quivizva naeratzi."

"I like it. I think it suits you more than stifled Galactic Common." Two fairly powerful arms wrapped gently around the fish girl. "Would you mind teaching me?"

"Um... I don't know your language... Well yet... But... Maybe can teach." She nodded.

"Then how about I teach you my language and then you teach me yours?" The arms released her, allowing the smaller woman to see behind Titania: A man dressed well enough to hide in a crowd and who's face was covered by shadows from his hood, raised a gun and prepared to fire.

She wasn't initially sure what he was pointing at her, but she was suddenly reminded of when she was saved, and those long tubes that fired out death and killed. Acting fast, she used her psionics to invade his mind, trying to take full control of his entire body at best, and at least to stop him from firing.

A psionic presence resisted, but the man seemingly slowed down. Bad fish girl. I'm still going to shoot her. Came the psionic voice, promptly before the gun fired, no noise coming out. Instead of laser or plasma fire, a thin needle pierced her shoulder.

Titania turned, somewhat more sluggishly towards her attacker. "And who the hell are you?" She asked, her words more slurred.

"Just a friendly stranger... who's gonna grab you and take you someplace else." The man said, twirling his gun in his hand. "Oh and mind that neurotoxin. It's supposed tah make you really sleepy and compliant-like. Now, fishy... I'm takin' her whether yah like it or not. So do I need to shoot you too?"

"Get away from Titania! I'll kill you!" She said as he felt a massive spike of pain pierce into his brain, like a nail had been hammered into his head, then another, then another as the Fish unleashed a powerful mental assault.

The man let out a scream before flames shot at the two of them, his form disappearing as he blinked away. The flames were white in color and probably would burn anything to ashes if they touched. Titania, in her lethargy, tackled Qvibizthah to the ground, her tail being singed and burnt by the flames. She looked at the fish girl, her organic eye drooping while her mechanical flickered on and off. "You okay, Q?"

"Titania!" The Fish Woman exclaimed, looking her over. "Are you going well?"

"Feel... woozy. I'm just gonna..." The fox rolled off of the girl, her eyes closing shut. "" Her chest gently rose and fell, her mind locked under an impenetrable wall of drugs.

"Oh no! Jayh Jayh! Ayah!" Qvibizthah called out, making her way towards the cockpit of the ship to look for them, the fox in her arms.


Titania blearily opened her eyes, her mind trying to recall what had exactly happened. For the life of her, it all seemed fuzzy. Titania tried to get up, her limbs feeling more like giant logs than actual arms or legs. Still, she needed to find out what happened and so she rose unsteadily off the medical bed.

She suddenly felt herself stop, but she hadn't open the ground. She suddenly realized she was floating an inch or so away from the floor. "No Titania. You safe. Q here."

The foxgirl turned her head trying to find the voice. "Q...?"

The Fish Girl was sitting not far away from her, using her mind to lay her gently back in thr bed. "You were hurt. Sleepy needle."

"Sleepy needle? What sleepy needle..." Titania searched her mind, vaguely remembering being attacked. "Right.... am I on the Wind?"

"No. You're on a ship. Jayh Jayh's ship." She blinked.
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Well-Known Member
Fast, Almost Fishy, Friends, pt. 2

"Okay. I'm on the Wind." Titania let out a sigh, reaching for her handle and finding it still in its sheath. "So... Q. Can you tell me what happened exactly? Like how did I end up getting shot with a sleepy dart?" Or how I succumbed to a tranquilizer with my mods active... She thought to herself.

"This Bad Man pointed a shooter at you. I tried to stop him with my mind, but he resisted it and shot anyway. A sleepy dart hit you and you fell asleep. I attacked him woth my brain powers, but he disappeared." The Foreign Alien explained in a confusing manner.

"I see..." Titania frowned, looking quizzically at the pressure-suit wearing girl. She knew she must have met this girl during the time she couldn't remember, but unfortunately, her impatience caused her to blurt out, "Who are you again, Q?"

Qvibizthah blinked. "Q friend. You don't remember?"

"No... I'm sorry. My head is just very fuzzy about hat happened." Titania answered, offering an apologetic smile.

She smiled playfully, reaching out to let the top of her head. "You're right!"

Titania blinked, then looked quizzically at the girl. "You can read other people's minds? Is that how we met?"

"No! Your head is fuzzy! Lots of fuzzy heads in this place." Q laughed innocently.

Titania giggled a little at the rather adorable Qvibizthah, now fully understanding why she might've befriended her. "Alright, come here." Titania gave the girl a hug, lifting her again with ease. "Am I still fuzzy because of my ears?

"Uh. Yes?" Qvibizthah replied, mimicking her actions and wrapping her arms around Titania too.

"So I'm fuzzy because of my ears and not my tail?" Titania raised an eyebrow playfully as a grin began to settle on her face.

"What's a tail?" The Fish girl asked.

Titania blinked. She set the girl down and took a step back as her tail swished into her hand, promptly being caught. "This is a tail."

"Oooo. What does it do?" Qvibizthah looked at it and then back at her.

"Depends. Combat it does nothing. It can be used in other ways, but that's not important. I think my tail is more fuzzy than my ears." Titania stuck her tongue out in mock rebellion.

"Maybe you're right! Fuzzy tail." Qvibizthah responded, reaching over and taking hold of it.

Titania bit her lip. She wasn't as sensitive as Aya was when it came to her tail, but... no, she wouldn't mention it. It might ruin her efforts in making a new friend. "S-so... what's an i-interesting thing about you, Q?"

"Oh? Uh.. I don't know what's Interesting for you... Buuuut... I can do this!" Her head frills opened up again, dazzling Titania with a wide array of bioluminescent color.

Titania stared, almost enthralled at the lights for a couple seconds before she shook her head. "That is pretty cool... what do you use it for?"

"Oh! I use it for fishes. They come right up to my mouth." Q rubbed her belly. "MmMn! Good!"

Titania's mind grew more alert, despite the flashing lights slowly draining that away. "Do you only eat fish?"

"Well... Some of the meat in your... Ah... Kitchen? Is also really tasty." She chuckled.

"I see... does your light dazzle your prey?" Titania shook her head again, still doing her best to resist the effects of the myriad of lights.

Qvibizthah noticed, turning her lights off. "It attracts them closer. I can talk to them too, telling them to come closer to me."

"And it seems to work on me quite a bit..." The foxgirl rubbed her eyes, trying to clear any residual effects. "That could be very dangerous if you used it against someone..."

"Oh! I know! I used it against the bad man that attacked you!" She said proudly.

"And I appreciate it, Q. You did good." A hand nestled against the top of her suit, rubbing it affectionately.

"I did? I did!" She hopped up and down. "Yeah!"

A smile greeted the fish girl, as Titania beamed. "I think you and I are going to get along just fine."

"We are now qzihahvarna! Good uh... Good friends!" Qvibizthah corrected when she realized that the translator didn't pick it up

Strong arms lifted her up as Titania stood up, a little wobbly, but she straightened out as she walked towards the door. "Do you have a room of your own, friend?"

"Oh! Yes! Jayh Jayh made it for me! Can you breathe water?" The Fishgirl asked curiously.

Titania shook her head. "I can't, but I can hold my breath a lot longer than most people."

"Can you survive crushing pressure?" She asked again.

"That, uh... no. I can't. Maybe if I had some power armor I could enter, but without it..." The fox looked a little sheepishly at the fish girl, as she started to walk by rooms, hoping Q would tell her where to go.

"Follow me." She chuckled. "We have suits."

She set the fish girl down and followed.

After a while they arrived at a strange looking room with a really sturdy vault like door, flanked by a closet containing a number of suits like the ones Q was currently wearing. "Jayh Jayh said that you have to wear one of these."

"Alright. Might be a little uncomfortable with my tail... but I should fit." Titania replied, as she grabbed a suit and tried to put it on, struggling fiercely with it.

Qvibizthah tried to help by tucking her tail into the suit, more specifically into a pant leg.

The foxgirl almost shivered, but managed to keep her cool as she finally got the suit on. "So... I guess we head into your room?

"Mmhm!" She opened the door slowly, revealing a chamber of glass, water on the outside of it.

"Okay..." Titania murmured, taking a hesitant step towards the glass. It was obvious she was more than slightly unnerved, but was willing to go out on a limb.

As they entered, Qvibizthah closed the door behind them and removed her own suit, this being the first time Titania had seen Q without it on. Her aqua blue body shone slightly as the water poured out of her outfit, she had no genitalia or breasts to speak of, at least not where you'd likely expect them. However she did have a long, closed split that ran from the top of her pelvis up to her mid abdomen.

The foxgirl, still a little nervous of the imminent death outside her suit, hesitantly went to a wall to lean on it. "Yup. I knew it. You are adorable, even outside the suit."

"You're ab-dorable!" Qvibizthah poked her suit. "Are you ready?"

"Ready? Ready for what?" Titania asked, tilting her head in confusion.

Qvibizthah smiled and hit a large red button, as she did, water suddenly began to fill the chamber, all the way up to the top. The Piscene Girl began to happily float in the water as it filled.

"Huh... so this is what you see when you're underwater, Q? I mean, I don't know if it's really dark or bright so..." She asked with a nervous chuckle, watching with some amazement at the girl floating.

"Oh! In my home. Very dark. Little light. Can see in dark though, and make own light!" She responded as a whirring noise filled the chamber, the suit around Titania getting tighter and the pressure increased.

"Is, uh... is this how you feel when you walk around in your suit?" Titania gulped, an old fear of hers starting to surface.

"A little... But it's okay! You'll be okay!" Qvibizthah reached over a gently took her hand as the door to her room fully opened.

The foxgirl entered, calming herself down by instead looking at Q's happy expression. The pressure, even with the suit, was highly uncomfortable, but bearable. "So... Q. Would I be rude if I asked you about something?"

"Of course!" She swam out freely, laying down on what looked to be a couch locked in a plastic material.

Titania walked slowly over, the suit an unwieldy creation. "So what's that slit on your stomach?"

"Huh? This?" She pointed at it. "This is my... Uh... Baby place?"

"What? Wha- oh. Oh. Sorry. My bad. I wouldn't have asked if I knew." Titania rubbed her helmet-covered head sheepishly.

"Yeah! Uh... Where is yours?" Qvibizthah looked her over again.

"Erm... mine is between my legs." The foxgirl seemed to get more shy as she spoke.

"Interesting! But how does one get to it? That seems inconvenient..." She admitted.

"For us, we spread our legs... but I suppose it's there to keep away any men that we don't want to... mate with." Titania frowned. She was talking to someone who liked a child about genitalia as if it were normal. I probably should leave...

"Oh no. Did I say something bad?" Qvibizthah frowned, swimming up to her.

"No, you haven't said anything bad, it's just..." Titania searched for a word that would be gentler than her normal blunt approach and, per the norm, she couldn't find it. "How old are you?"

"How old am I... I am One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-Six Rotations of our Moon Old." She tapped her chin.


Well-Known Member
Fast, Almost Fishy, Friends, pt.3

Titania blinked. "I'm going to guess you don't have a calendar or any galactic standard of measuring time, do you?"

"Uh... Lemme see..." She said, swimming over and picking up a small datapad, after tapping it a few times. "Mmmn... Aha! The database Mr. Ash gave me says that's... Seventy-Four of your... Years..."

Titania blinked a few more times. "So... are you considered an adult, or an elder...?"

"Oh. Yes. An Adult, but I'm getting a little old. I am Caretaker of the children. I watch over them and teach them things." Qvibizthah nodded.

"You... huh. I thought you were more my age." Titania attempted to rub her neck, embarrassed at her previous assumption and then more embarrased when she forgot she was in a pressurized suit.

"Why? Are you a child?" Qvibizthah asked yet another question.

"No, I am an adult... but just on the younger side." Titania answered, before looking away, her face turning more red than her hair. "And you look younger than what your age would suggest."

"I do? Hmm. I've never seen any old versions of you. Or have I? That's weird!" She swam right up to Titania. "I really like you friend Titania."

"And I like you too. I think we'll be great friends and co-workers... speaking of, how good are you at fighting?" Titania asked, her instincts putting her into a fight or flight response.

"Fighting? I'm good at fighting mquivemet... Uh... Monsters! On our World!" She let out a growl.

"But in this kind of a suit?" Titania asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Mmmnn... I can still use my mind talking to attack people." She mentioned.

"True. You did say you saved me with it... but if people are trying to get close to hit you or are aiming for you... well, try to stay out of their way and let us none-suites take the hit, alright?"

"Makes sense. I can last an hour without my suit. It's just a little scary." Q mentioned casually.

"That is... terrifying to think about..." A sneak attack in the form of a moderately fast hug, went for the fish girl.

She seemed pleasantly surprised. "Oh! A hug correct? An sign of affection?"

"Yup." Titania released her just as quickly, moving slowly towards the couch. "How do you do signs of affection on your world?"

"Oh! Right! Of course!" Qvibizthah replied, swimming around her quickly. "That's what we do!"

"I bet you have a lot of friends back home huh, Q? I mean given how nice you are, I wouldn't be surprised if you had people swimming around constantly." She offered a smile.

"I had a bunch! At least I hope I did. I was usually regarded as fairly likable." She tried not to brag.

"Well, I like you and I'm betting the Captain and Aya like you too." Titania, for the first time in the pressurized watery hell, relaxed in Q's room. "So you are well liked here."

"I'm glad... I should tell you stories! Would you like that?" She asked, leaning up against her.

"Sure, Q. Feel free to tell me stories." Titania smiled, her tail swishing within her suit.

"Okay! So... Once there was a great sea beast..."


Well-Known Member
Black0ut & ZombieSplitter53 present:
The Discarded Princess

Late at night, when most were asleep. That is when she started her prowl. Ever since she snuck off the Collector's ship onto the Golden Wind's shuttle during the commotion and hid in a shelving unit, the youthful Ignis Zetana had stowed away on the Golden Wind, doing what she could to survive. There was no way she was going to let the slave traders she believed Jackie-Jackie and the crew to be out to get her, but the ship had yet to dock somewhere she could sneak off. She only hoped they would before someone did an inventory on food.

Speaking of food, she was making her nightly run to the food storage, picking out choice goodies to keep her going. She had stolen the means to cook and had a desire for something meaty, but was having trouble finding anything preserved. Irritated, but determined to have meat, she slinked her way through the halls of the ship, and poked her head into the ship's kitchen. Seeing no sign of the ship's hologram, she quickly entered and started to raid the refrigerator.

Why Hello. What species are you? Came the psionics voice unbidden. A giant shape in the darkness with glowing golden eyes caught her attention in her peripherals. It was easily over eight feet tall, probably more closer to nine feet. It still sported a hole in its chest from an attack it hadn't expected. Sorry, that's rude of me. Would you like me to make you anything, Miss...?

Zetana looked him over in the darkness, easy to do with her excellent night vision. "Um... no. Are... are you a giant, talking plant?"

I am a Plantoid, yes. Photecian, if you want to be specific. Bar started walking towards her, his long limbs crossing the distance quickly.

Zetana stepped back, seemingly intimidated. "A-are you a willing member of the crew? Or did they enslave you too? I don't remember seeing you on the Collector's ship...

Enslaved? Collector? What are you talking about? Bar asked, a mental frown going into her head. He paused and simply stared at her, his head tilted.

She tilted her own head, just as curious. "Your... your captain, the Cartus lady? She went to a ship where they kidnap and sell sentient people and was there to buy a Laepaede. They had a Laepaede of their own. I begged her to free me. Told her I'd make it worth her time and effort, but the evil bitch ignored my pleas. I only got out because someone attacked the ship and they let me out of my cage. Big mistake if they thought I'd go back in."

She frowned. "You... don't know about any of this? Your captain is an evil slave trader who deals with kidnapped people. I... I heard the things she said. She's a bad person!"

Bark stared at her. First question: Then why am I not in a cage? I'm a member of a species that doesn't have many members and I'd be worth a lot. Second question: If that was the case, wouldn't I have just simply grabbed you and put you in a cage instead of talking to you? Bar reached a hand over, the limb seemingly stretching towards the Dragon girl until she realized he had it partially stored in his chest cavity.

The girl yelped, afraid putting her in a cage was exactly what he was about to do. "I'm warning you. I... I have fire, plant man!" She made O shape with her mouth, a small flame briefly spurting out.

If you want to hurt me because you're scared... that's fine. I can heal. Bark started as his sharp clawed hands finally reached the girl and grasped her shoulders gently. You're safe. You're aboard the bounty hunting vessel Golden Wind. We don't condone slavery.

Zetana blinked in confusion. "You don't. "But then... why was the captain on that ship?"

We take contracts. Probably the reason we came to that ship was that we were going to rescue someone or we were going to take down that ship. His arms gently pulling her closer towards him.

"I see..." She noted the distance closing between them. "What are you doing?"

His arms continued to pull her, now going faster until she quickly arrived, nestled onto his chest with a hug. I heard people who go through traumatic situations like getting hugs and that it helps them recover. Am I wrong?

Her eyes shifted back and forth. Suddenly, her face twisted into one of pure sadness. She hugged the plant man tightly, sobbing softly. "It was awful! First I was exiled... then abandoned... then thrown in a zoo! People looked at me like I was an animal!" She sobbed more and more, crying uncontrollably.

He paused for a moment, trying to summon some knowledge of what to do. An info vid of how to soothe babies by rocking them popped into his mind and so he began to gently rock the young girl. You're safe now. And I... I promise to keep you safe for as long as you decide to stay. His voice had become more soothing in nature, a hand gently rubbing her back.

She started to calm down, and rubbed her eyes. "Does that mean... you'll convince your captain to let me stay?" She looked away. "I... I lied to the bug lady. I am not Zetana Alehendra Dracomo, first and last princess of the Ignis race. I am Zetana Alehendra Dracomo... fourth princess and seventh royal child of the Ignis race... and a disappointment at that. I was exiled... and I have nowhere else to go."

I am sure she would let you stay. For the mean time, do you have a bed to sleep on? Bar asked, gently raising a hand to scratch her head as that seemed to elicit a positive response from JJ.

She only raised an eyebrow, but didn't stop him. "No, not really. I've been sleeping in a closet in the back of the storage room. Found a couple blankets... but the ground is hard. Nothing a princess should be subjected to."

You can use my bed. I don't need to sleep on a bed; I can sleep on the floor. He stopped scratching her head and instead tilted his head.

"But... that doesn't sound fair to you," she protested.

I don't need the bed like you fauna do. I can sleep standing up, laying down, or sitting. I won't be sore or hurt from doing that, so it's fine. Besides, you're a princess, right? Then you should at least sleep on something nicer than the floor. Unless you would like to sleep atop me, though, I warn you, I'm not very comfortable. Bar sent a mental smile, as he started walking, before pausing and turning his head to look at the cookware.

Zetana giggled. "I think I'll pass." She looked over as well. "Do you mind... if I eat something first? I haven't had anything really filling in a while..."

Bark's faceplate opened revealing the black maw that was his mouth. A harsh raspy voice emerged from it. "Sure... I'll... cook." He gently extended his arms to place her in a chair before promptly walking off and checking the pantry.

"Your captain won't get mad will she?" Ask the Ignis girl. "I've kinda been stealing food after all."

You thought you were in a place that would do you harm. She will understand. Bark found what he was looking for in a sack of potatoes, carrots, and a package of some meat. He washed his hands before he got to work using his fingers and hands to slice carrots and skin potatoes. But what is an Ignis?

"It is a very rare now but a very proud race of people evolved from massive, fire breathing, flying reptiles who decided they needed to take a more humanoid form to travel the galaxy and interact with others. We have no official name for our ancestral forms that translates. There are accounts of beings like them in the histories of other races. The Tamerins called them Inatias. The Zeluthians called them Trembor-Mezule. The Humans called them Dragons. All similar to us. Possibly even our ancestors that visited the stars without taking humanoid form first."

Interesting... how did they decide to take a humanoid form? Bar started up a boiling pot of water and started dropping the sliced carrots inside.


Well-Known Member
The Discarded Princess, pt.2

"Royal decree," the Ignis girl stated. "My family's lineage dates back thousands of years. It was one of my ancestors that decreed it... after listening to the word of his people, of course. They designed it, and he agreed. Then, through genetic modification and rigorous lab work I'm not even going to pretend to comprehend, we were able to slowly but surely, over the course of many, many generations, become what you see now. Personally, I like the change, though I'm biased."

That sounds amazing! Your world must be very wonderful to behold. Bar mentally smiled as he finished skinning the potatoes before washing them. A few quick swipes of his hands diced and sliced them.

"Oh, it is. I will tell you about it sometime." Zetana smiled. As a princess, it was only natural she would be enticed by compliments for her people. "But first, tell me about you. How did you people come to be? What's your name anyway?"

My name is Bark of Green, but most call me Bar. I... I don't know much about my people. Or if I have any... Bar stopped psing, and focused on adding the potatoes and meat in. His proud visage looked down as he opened the cupboard to retrieve some onions, as well as to put away the other bags he had not used.

"You've never met any of your kind at all?" the Ignis princess asked sadly.

My mother is the only other Photecian I've met. Besides her, no. I have not. The plant walked over to the fridge, pulling out some broth that he poured into the pot.

Zetana placed her chin against her palm. "Wow. And I thought the Ignis were rare. Why do you think there are so few of you?"

Given that my mother refused to tell me anything, I can only guess an exrinction event happened. Like the planet was destroyed, a mass genocide happened... something like that. Bar returned the broth to the fridge and searched the cupboards for a spoon to stir.

"Oh, I'm... sorry..." The dragon girl lowered her head. "But don't give up hope. You can... never give up hope. That's when all is lost..."

I haven't. But it is lonely, when you haven't found anyone else of your species or even seen any other. Bar found the utensil and started stirring. But that's why I'm on this vessel: to see if I can find out what happened.

"Well, that's a good reason. Better then being a stowaway." Zetana giggled. "So this is a bounty hunter ship, right? Do you go out for bounties? Or are you the cook?"

I think I'm a bounty hunter... definitely not the hired cook. Don't know that many recipes. Haven't gone on any bounties just yet, but I have already been shot, so... He chuckled mentally, his free hand tapping on the counter.

"I noticed the big hole. Is, uh... that gonna heal?"

What? Oh, yeah. That'll heal up. I've had limbs ripped off before, so it's not that big of a deal. Bar lifted the spoon up to his face, his face mask opening to reveal the black pit that was his mouth. He took a sip, nodded, then went in search of a bowl.

She smiled at him. "You really are a curious fellow. But I am glad you found me before anyone else. Regardless of the reasons, I hear people are usually not this nice to stowaways."

They should be. You obviously have capabilities and needed help. Anyone decent should be helpful. Bar found a bowl, pouring the soup into it. He quickly turned off the stovetop before walking over and placing the soup in front of the Of his princess.

"What kind of dish is this?" she asked despite the growling in her belly telling her to dig in.

A stew that was common from where I grew up. It's very filling, and should be very nutritious. An arm reached into a drawer, retrieving a spoon and placing it in front of the dragon girl.

She picked it up and filled it up, taking a cautious sip. Her face lit up, and she smiled wide. "This is wonderful!"

Good to know I still got it. Bar chuckled, crouching down next to her to simulate sitting. So... what are your plans, Your Highness?

"Oh, I'll think I'll stick around here for awhile," she answered, greedily eating the soup yet still doing so with the dignity of a princess. "See where it takes me. Besides, there are... people... I'd rather avoid right now. To be honest, I haven't been sure what to do with myself since I was exiled. I guess this ship is my lucky break. I'd thank the Collector if it hadn't required months in that prison cell they called a zoo exhibit..."

Well, for the time being, until we sort out where to put you, you'll be sleeping in my room. Probably only for a day or two, but I hope that'll be fine. Bar stood up and started walking away. In the meantime, I'm going to wake my Captain up and talk to her. So sit tight and I'll be back to lead you to a bed.

"Alright." She smiled as he walked out. "Thank you, Bar. You are the nicest plant in the galaxy as far as I'm concerned."

The Photecian sent a mental smile before leaving, his mind set on helping the poor girl out.

After much difficulty, and several wrong turns, Bar arrived at the Captain's door. He knocked as gently as he could, not wanting to scare JJ.

After a minute, JJ opened the door. Oddly, when in her pjs, she had on more then she normally wore, a matching top and bottom set with what looked like rabbits or some alien equivalent on them. "Bar? Do you have any idea what time it is?"

I do, and while I'm slowly starting to question the benefit of you fauna wearing clothes to bed, I have more important issues. The plant paused. I could show you why I woke you up incredibly quickly if you'll allow me to connect to your mind.

"Right, right, the... psychic plant thing." JJ yawned and nodded. "Sure, go ahead."

Bar's golden eyes turned a vibrant purple as he linked their minds, time seemingly slowing down.

All at once, a flood of information flowed through her mind: about the Ignis princess, about what was said, and about what Bar had promised. After all of this information arrived, the connection ended.


JJ held her head. "That's... whoa... that's some way of exchanging info." She chuckled and nodded. "Of course she can stay. I'll find a room for her in the morning as long as you don't mind her sleeping in your bed, but... you already said you don't, so there you go."

Bar bowed down, cutting his height cleanly in half. His faceplate opened, and his normal voice came out, softer in volume but not in quality, "Thank... you, Captain." Truly.

She smiled brightly. "No... thank you for being such a kind soul." She stretched and said, "Please take care of our guest. I'm gonna go back to sleep now."

The faceplate closed, as Bar stood up. Yes, that should be best. After all, you need you sleep. The plant started to walk away, his psionic voice still going, even as he blended in with the shadows. And apologies for rubbing your ears. I didn't know they were that sensitive...

She giggled. "That's okay. I like them being rubbed."

The footsteps paused. Isn't that, to borrow a medical slash scientific term from humanity, an erogenous zone to Cartus?

JJ chuckled nervously. "Yeah, well... let's keep that between us, alright?"

That... would've been helpful to know when I met Bonnie. I ended up in trouble with her and now am doing my best to make amends. Bar replied, before pausing. Why were you okay with me doing it? Shouldn't you have gotten upset as well?

JJ shrugged. "Maybe I should. But I've always been different from other people. Different from other Cartus. Don't worry about Bonnie. Next time I see her, I'll explain the confusion was my fault."

Please don't... she kinda... told me... uh... not to say anything. Which I just did, so...

JJ nodded. "Understood. My lips are sealed."

Sleep well, JJ. And with that, he was gone, navigating back to the kitchen, with some minor difficulties. And just like before, he took several wrong turns before finding the correct route to take

Just before he made it in the kitchen, he tripped, falling flat against the ground. A loud mental Ouch, echoed to anyone nearby.

Zetana rushed over. She looked like she wanted to help, but she wasn't sure how, so she simply said, "Are you okay?"

The plant slowly got to his feet. Yeah. You have a new home aboard the Wind and you'll get your own bed tomorrow. Congratulations.

"Wow, really? You must be a really smooth talker. Either that, or your captain is really understanding." Zetana gave him a toothy grin. "Until then, I'll be sleeping with you. Well, not... sleeping with, just sleeping... you know what I mean."

I think I do... and just so you know, you couldn't even if you wanted to. Plants don't have the same reproductive organs as fauna do. Bark shrugged, before gesturing at her bowl. Did you finish? If not, feel free to bring it into my room.


Well-Known Member
The Discarded Princess, pt.3

Zetana rubbed her belly. "All done! Thanks again. I'm ready to get a good night's sleep for a change."

Bar extended a hand, curling the blade-like fingers inwards. Alright, then allow me to escort you to your temporary quarters, Princess Zetana.

She smiled wider and wrapped her arms around his arm. "Such a gentleman. Please, lead the way."

Are there any things I should know? Like taboos you might have so I may avoid them. Bar asked, offering a mental smile.

"Um... considering your... different anatomy, I think you're good on most fronts. Just, you know, the usual. Don't watch me change, don't touch me inappropriately. Um..." She frowned. "I have bad dreams sometimes, so if you try to wake me during one, I might lash out. But other then that, I think we're good. I'll let you know if I think of anything else."

If you have bad dreams, I won't mind if you hurt me. It's better to wake up and not suffer them than to marinate in them. Besides, my body can regenerate the damage, while your mind can't. Bar walked slowly, turning his gaze to watch her. So making sure you're okay, that takes priority.

"Thank you." Zetana gave him a curious look. "Why have you been so nice to me? I've never met anyone so kind to me, except one of my sisters. But we're total strangers, or we were a little while ago."

You needed help and even without reading your mind, I could tell you were scared. So that told me you were having a bad time. So, I decided to help you out and reassure you that you were safe. They rounded a corner towards a selection of doors, each labeled with a name if they were claimed or with a 'vacant' if not.

Zetana sighed. "I wish it was that simple for most people. It really should be. Either way, thank you. If I am ever restored to power, you will be rewarded handsomely."

Oh? And how do you reward a plant who has no need for material things? Bar chuckled, opening his door to reveal a bedroom decorated with dark flowers. They were abundant in numbers, some on the bed, others placed in chairs. Dark red, purples, even a few black ones were visible.

"Um... with more exotic flowers?" Zetana stepped in and looked around. "It's beautiful in here."

Thank you. Most people don't like my flowers. Bar shyly entered in, taking a corner for himself.

"Well, I think they're lovely. They remind me of home." She looked over at Bar. "You don't have to stand so far away."

You would prefer me to sleep closer, then? Bar asked, gesturing towards a spot near the bed.

Zetana crawled on the bed and said, "I'm just saying it is your room, you can lay where you want. But... closer to protect me from anything... scary... would be nice."

As you wish. Bar walked over, sitting down next to the bed.

The Ignis princess laid down and smiled. As she closed her eyes, she said, "Thank you Bar. For... everything..."

No problem Zetana. Sleep well, Princess. Bar said soothingly, starting to fall asleep himself

Zetana slowly drifted off, her first sleep in a warm, soft bed in a while, the first time she didn't dream of being attacked or kidnapped in an even longer while.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Black0ut & ShadowHounder present:
A Mystical Showman and a Six-Tailed Fox

Tobias leaned back in his seat at the food court. He never really was one for large, public malls... But he needed the extra money and the tavern was destroyed. The inventor had already gotten a few "shows" in for the day... Making preparations to head back to the ship after some coffee and a burger.

A certain foxgirl walked around, her head lowered in deep thought while her senses prevented her from crashing into anyone. She wore some a worn-out, navy blue shirt, coupled with a denim half jacket and matching pants. Her tail, which in more recent days had been matted and dirty, looked rather fluffy and inviting, despite the weird thing swishing irritably side to side.

It was precisely this distracted nature that prevented her from noticing a big, muscular Shinso trailing behind her, his eyes trained solely on her.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Tobias got up from his seat and began to follow the duo. As he did so, he recalled a conversation he had with his grandfather: "Mages with a strong wind affinity excel at moving around unnoticed by the narrow eyed. If you wish to truly master your gift, Tobias, you must learn to walk without making a sound. Let the wind guide your movements... Only then will you see your true potential."

The Shinso and Dondondari didn't notice his presence, but as they walked, the Shinso took a knife out, hiding it very well within his sleeve. He started moving faster when he saw an alleyway in sight, swiftly pressing the knife against her throat before yanking her deep into the alleyway.

Tobias let out a sigh as he followed the killer into the alleyway. "You are either an idiot or are desperate to get your murder fix." The mage called out, his casual voice laced with a stern tone. "Either way, just let her go... So I don't have to do anything drastic. It really ain't worth it."

Several meaty sounds came out of the darkness, along with the would-be mugger, but he... looked wrong? Each step seemed more strained and his breathing labored. With an outstretched hand the man merely said, "Help." Before falling to the ground, two knives in his back that didn't match the dozens that lined it.

Titania stepped out of the shadows offering a raised eyebrow that seemed to ask what he was doing here.

"Yo," Was the only sound to come out of Tobias' mouth as he walked up to the corpse and teleported it into the nearby void known as space. He stood back up and cracked his back a few times. "Guess since you have this situation under, I'll be headin' out now."

"Any reason you were following me..." Titania wracked her brain for his name, "Tobias?"

"Technically I was following him, who was following you." The magician answered. "Call it a bit of morbid curiosity for wanting to see how things would play out..."

"That's awfully nice of you." Titania said sarcastically, looking a little annoyed. "Couldn't have given me a warning at all, 'teammate'?"

"I must apologize... But I don't recall meeting you at any point in time." Tobias replied as he rolled his shoulder. "Could you remind me where I know you from?"

She raised her eyebrow higher. "We both are bounty hunters on the Golden Wind...? Are you feeling okay?"

"I haven't seen ya around." Tobias answered bluntly. "But with a crew of that size, it's hard to keep track of everyone."

"JJ mentions you when she wants to embarrass Aya." The foxgirl smirked. "I'm one of your pilots for the Wind, and I repair the fighters, shuttles, and any other smaller spaceship. Name's Titania." She outstretched a hand towards him.

"M'lady gets embarrassed when people talk about me, eh?" Tobias let a small smirk escape his lips as he shook her hand. "Ya know, I've got some extra money and it looks like your plans for today got ruined... How about I buy you some lunch and we can talk about ways we could work together to keep the ship in pristine condition."

Titania offered a smile. "Sounds like fun. It'd be fun to talk about something other than guns, blades, or other violent things... how much do you know about Hyperion Thrusters?" She asked as she stepped out of the alley.

"Not much." Tobias admitted. "I work mostly with the interior mainframe and programming."

"Ah... I'm more hardware and your software. Got it." She offered a sheepish smile. "I'm not the best at software, so if you can explain some of the things you do, I'll explain what I do. Fair?"

"Unfortunately for you, a magician never reveals his secrets." Tobias remarked while he look around for a good place to sit down and eat.

"Hardly seems fair..." Titania complained lightheartedly, her natural eye drooping slightly from what looked like exhaustion.

Tobias turned to face Titania, a hint of nervousness on his face. "I know this is probably a touchy subject for ya... But is that... Recent?" Even though he didn't mention or pointed at anything, it was obvious what he was asking about.

A hint of anger flashed over her face before a sigh drained it away. "Yes. But I don't want to talk about it..."

"You don't have to." Tobias shrugged lightly. "But I was hoping you'd let me see if I can upgrade it a bit."

"And why would you want to do that?" Titania asked, more than a little suspicion in her voice.

"To sate my curiosity and help a member of Captain Kitty's crew while doing so?" Tobias raised on eyebrow towards the fox girl. "I like getting devices apart and seeing if I can improve them. Not sure what else you would be expecting from me."

Titania shrugged. "If you can get out a Kotavorg eye and make it better, fair enough. If you ruin it or make it incompatible with my gene-mods... you owe me a hefty amount of money."

Tobias, out of instinct and habit, created a VPC screen in front of him. "I'll need to look into what a 'Kotavorg' is and how they function. Otherwise it will be reletively effo-" The Magician paused his movements completely as he stared at the construct before him. "First things first, I'm gonna need to build an x-ray and MRI so I can figure out how the hell I'm still capable of this."

"Maybe nanotech?" Titania offered, looking at the construct with interest.

"I have never used nanotech before in my life." Tobias remarked as he morphed the screen into a ball and bounced it off a nearby wall. "I'm thinking it has something to do with my Creator Gauntlets originally bring grafted to my skin. Bark mentioned I got caught in an explosion a few weeks ago... Perhaps some of my tech got infused into my arms or somethin'."

"What." Titania just stared at him with a look of disbelief as she walked beside him. "You were in an explosion?"

"That's what he told me." Tobias lifted his arms in a massive shrug. "All I know is what Bark and Aya told me... Which apparently means I've died twice and managed to regrow skin. Beyond that I got nothin'."

The foxgirl looked doubtfully at him. "I think Aya now has to talk with me about some things..."

"Good luck with that." Tobias stated. "She won't even tell me what she discussed with Gramps."

"Anyways... what's this place you're taking me to?" The foxgirl diverted, avoiding the topic for now as she would eventually try to talk to Aya more personally.

"Ya know... That is a good question... Could've sworn it was around here somewhere." Tobias muttered before coming across a building with a sign that said "for lease" and small pieces of a sign dangling off of the front. "Well shit..."

"Guess a meal is out of the question... what's your backup plan?" Titania asked, turning around and putting her hands behind her head.

A rush of air enveloped the duo as the alleyways and city buildings were replaced with tables and a bar. Everyone's eyes were trained on Tobias with shock. "What? Never see a guy teleport before?" He said jokingly as he took a seat at the bar.

The foxgirl blinked several times before sitting down next to Tobias. "What... just happened?"

Tobias chuckled. "What? Never been teleported before?"

"I can't say I have..." She answered, unnerved at his casualness.

"You'll get used to it." Tobias shrugged as he order a cup of coffee. "Though, admittedly it still bugs me that using my magic to increase my reaction speed takes more mana than instantly warping to a location that's half a planet away. It's weird how that works."

"Magic? Are you, uh, feeling alright. Maybe I should go..." Titania said slowly, getting up as she looked at the man as if he was crazy.

Tobias chuckled. "Lady... Let me be real with ya. I don't really know how half of this shit works. Gramps used some crazy metaphors to teach me the basics and now I can, to an extent, manipulate the air around me. All that really matters is that I know what I am capable of and I know when I reach my limit."

"Just, uh, excuse me while I go to the bathroom for a minute..." Titania said as she, indeed, headed for the restrooms.

Tobias sipped his coffee as he waited for her to return. The bartender stepped forward, speaking as he refilled the Magician's cup. "I think you might've scared her off."

Tobias merely shrugged, a common sign of his carefree nature. "Not my problem..."

Titania walked back after a few moments, the dark bags under her eyes, more determined. "Okay. So either you're bat-shit crazy or you're telling the truth. I'll assume the latter. So why are you showing me, telling me, and generally being fine with giving me this information?"


Well-Known Member
A Mystical Showman and a Six-Tailed Fox, pt.2

"It's like you said, I'm telling you the truth." The inventor took another sip of his coffee. "Why would I waste my time lying about who and what I am. Not my fault people can't handle seeing things they can't explain."

"That's true... but keep in mind what you look like: A human. Not modified in any way, and nothing else. Can you understand why you saying you have 'magic' is hard to believe?"

Tobias raised an eyebrow. "Why would I need to be modified to use magic? Gramps said that anyone can learn how to use it... It's just not as prominent and all powerful as it was doing the early days of Earth civilization."

Titania rubbed her temples. "I meant how you look. You look like a normal human. You don't look like you possess magic at all."

"And what exactly would someone with magic look like exactly?" Tobias leaned forward with a smirk. "Ain't exactly a physical trait."

"Something the Galaxy hasn't seen, I.e. a new race?"

Tobias placed a hand on his chin in thought. "Well... I guess since I really have no intention of heading back home, I could teach ya how to use magic... If ya want me to."

"I... okay...? Sure...?" Titania said, giving a slight frown.

"Alright, back to the ship we go." Tobias stretched his arms briefly before teleporting them into his workshop back on the Golden Wind.

"You may want to be give a warning before just teleporting everywhere..." Titania said, a little dizzy at suddenly being moved. A her eyes focused, a chill went down her spine. "Am I... in Engineering?"

"Kind of, sort of, not really." Tobias remarked as he moved around some of his half finished machinery. "It feeds into engineering... But I think it was supposed to be a broom closet or something. I've personally have been using it as my own little workshop."

Titania seemed to panic slightly. "Is there a door that can take me out of here in to, say, the hallway?" Her tail had gone rigidly straight, pointing out behind her in what must have been her flight or fight senses.

Tobias nodded, pulling out a laser cutter. "I welded the door shut, so give me a sec to pry it back open real quick. Oh, ummmm, my apologies by the way... I tend to forget most of the crew aren't allowed in engineering..."

"Your girlfriend would skin and make a pelt out of me if she knew I was in Engineering..." Titania shivered involuntarily. "Even though she's my good friend, she's my boss and she can probably kick my ass if she needed to..."

Tobias' cheeks began to turn pink as he continued to deal with the door. "I don't think we're that close..."

"She likes you. You like her. You're a couple." Titania said dryly, her nervousness turning into sassiness.

Tobias' cheek flushed even more. "She likes me? As in, is attracted towards me?"

Titania raised an eyebrow. "You're absolutely hopeless. She keeps giving you hints that she likes you... and you're telling me that you couldn't see that?"

"Oh no, I could tell." Tobias lower his head alongside his voice. "I... Just don't think... I'm... Good enough for her..."

The man found himself in a headlock within moments. "You flirted with her and now that you know she likes your attention, you're going to hurt her by toying with her emotions?"

"Hey, relationships aren't exactly something I'm confident in." Tobias nervously admitted as he attempted escape. "I just... I don't want to worry her..."

"Well, let me put it to you this way; if she feels the way you do, what makes you think she doesn't already?" Titania replied, chuckling a little. "You're not getting out of my hold unless you're willing to make me blush or I let you go."

"Why did I have to use the last of my mana to get back to the ship..." Tobias grumbled as he looked towards Titania. A grin slowly formed on his face. "Is that tail of your sensitive by chance?"

"No." Titania lied without missing a beat. "So are you going to tell her or are you going to keep her waiting and hurt her?"

"Yeah, I'll tell her... But you mentioned an alternative to my freedom..." Tobias, taking full advantage of his recent discovery, moved his fingers in a unique pattern. A movement pattern that was tied to his gauntlets, more specifically the one he uses to create secondary hands. With his third hand now floating behind the fox girl, it took hold of her tail and began to rub it.

Titania blushed, before she murmured something under her breath. She released the man, and he soon felt a punch connect with his arm, not extremely hard or with all the force she possessed, but enough that he knew she was displeased with his actions.

"You said if I made ya blush." Tobias chuckled. "And I made ya blush."

"That doesn't mean you act on it." She crossed her arms, still blushing and a tad bit cranky.

Tobias gave her a casual shrug as the door behind him fell open. He turned his head to the sound of an echoing thud. "Door's open, in case ya didn't noticed."

She grumbled, as she started walking towards it. "I'm going to embarass you in front of her some time after you tell her."

"Still interested in learning magic?" Tobias asked while be picked up the door.

She paused. "I am... as long as you don't do anything to my tail again."

"Promise... Though now I'm curious how sensitive Aya's is." Tobias chuckled at the thought. "But, first things first, we gotta figure out your elemental affinity."

"'Elemental affinity'?" Titania shook her head, her blush fading. "What is that?"

"It's a form of magical capability... To make sure we aren't teaching you magic you can't learn." Tobias stated, stepping back into his lab and grabbing an old satchel. "I may or may not have stolen a few of my grandfather's books on the matter."

"Okay...?" Titania started to question, then thought better of it. "So how does this work exactly?"

Tobias was already flipping through one of the books. "That is a good question..."

"So, you're new to this."

"In using magic, no... In teaching magic, kind of." Tobias muttered in response as he read the book. "That's odd... It says here that only being born of mystical means are capable of viewing ones spirit... Which is how you can find one's elemental affinity. This thing must be out dated, 'cause Gramps was able to figure out mine no problem."

"Well, maybe you can try the way he did it?" Titania offered a shrug. At this point, she had started to feel a tad bit ridiculous in what was obviously really advanced science.

Tobias took a moment to stretch his arms and roll his shoulders. He extended an arm and recall the words his grandfather recited all those years ago. "By the blessings of the natural flow and the power of the ancient ley, I call upon secrets hidden within the veil between realms." As Tobias chanted the words, a circle of pure energy formed around the duo, lightening tickling the walls of the ship. "Show me the power of this spirit and unlock their potential under the rights of the six elements. Guide them to the truth and open the path to the arcane!"

As the circle slowly faded, Tobias opened his eyes and smirked. "A fire affinity for a fiery swordsman... I'd say it fits."

Titania looked at her hands, then looked up. "Okay. Fire... um, so... what do I do?"

Tobias pulled out another book with a crimson red cover. "Now you've got some reading up to do."

"What language?" Titania asked as she stared at the book.

"English, obviously." Tobias laughed at her question. "How else do you expect me to read it?"

Titania sighed. "Well, that'll be a problem. I can't read English."

Tobias turned in attempt to face the warrior, only to be cut short by a massive pain piercing his chest. He managed to catch himself on the wall as blood erupted from his lungs. He took several deep, raspy breaths before pushing himself back up. He knew what was next, and the first two words to be uttered by him were a simple. "I'm fine..."

However, that did not seem to dissuade the foxgirl, who merely lifted him and started walking out of his tinker area. "Time for the medbay."

Tobias grunted in protest, but was far to weak to resist. "Can you at least make sure the door gets welded back shut?" He asked Titania... A miracle he was still conscious without amount of blood he was coughing up.

"No. It lets me go see you without entering Engineering." Titania replied, moving faster as she started to feel the blood on her skin.

Tobias let out a small chuckle. "You know I'm just going to weld it back up myself right?"

"Not for awhile, you aren't. Unless you want it to be in pieces instead of welded."

"Wouldn't be the first time..." The engineer joked while he vision faded. "Could you not tell Aya? I've already given her enough heart attacks for one week..."

"So you want me to lie to my good friend that you are fine? That'll cost you." Titania smiled, her mercantile side showing.

It was at this point that Tobias stopped responding and his breathing began to slow. He would likely die if he was not treated soon.

Titania took off faster, now not caring if she hurt him by how fast they were moving. Within thirty seconds, they entered the medbay, but with no doctors in sight. "Oh shit... Uhh... Okay, think: one of these machines should be able to heal people are stabilize them... Fuck..." Titania murmured, laying Tobias on a bed and rummaging through the medical equipment.


Well-Known Member
A Mystical Showman and a Six-Tailed Fox, pt.3

The doors to the medbay swung open to reveal a petite girl in a lab coat outside. She stepped into the room, examining Tobias with her crimson, red eyes... While her flowing, jet black hair moved with the elegance of a raven's feathers. She pulled a small syringe out of her sleeve and applied it to the side of his neck.

Titania whirled around and upon seeing the strange, unknown individual, unsheathed her handle and activated it. A white beam of energy about six feet long formed as Titania pointed at the girl. "Who the fuck are you and what was in the syringe?"

The girl looked up at Titania, before lowering her head shamefully. She reached into her pocket and grabbed a small notebook with instructions seemingly written on it. She lightly slid her hand on his arm with the notebook where Titania could plainly see it. "Apply the Fool's Fate to the Phoenix's neck in order to place them a state of 'death.' Once the outer portion of their body is beginning to dust, carefully insert your hand into their chest cavity and retrieve the heart. Apply the healing gel to the damaged area and replace the heart. They will recover normally without suffering rebirth sickness. Caution: be sure to refer to the dose chart when using Fool's Fate, as overdosing can permanently corrupt or potentially destory a Phoenix's heart."

"Doesn't answer who the fuck you are." Titania said aggressively as she took a couple steps towards the girl.

The girl choose to ignore the swordswoman as she moved to extract the large red gem from Tobias' chest. She did not have the time or capabilities need answer the woman's questions and the Phoenix needs to survive... Her plan depended on it.

Dark blue flames seemed to pop out of nowhere as they engulfed the foxgirl and, more importantly, curled around her sword. Five blue flames appeared next to her tail, taking its shape as they did so, almost making her look like a Human folktale. "Excuse me. Answer the fucking question." Titania growled, her rage making her almost narrow-minded in her goal to stop this girl and preventing her from realizing the flames presence.

The girl merely pointed at vitals station, which had it's screens replaced with reforming static. The static created letters, the letters forming the statement. "I am irrelevant. All that matters is that the phoenix child survives."

Titania's blade edged nearer as she started walking closer, making it obvious that she could easily strike the girl. However, a sigh could be heard as the flames seemed to sputter and die, leaving the swordswoman in her casual outfit, her eyes closed as she reigned in her anger. She opened them to glare at the girl, "If he ends up hurt... or worse... I will give you a quick death.

The young girl placed the strange, blue gel on the large crack running down the base of the jewel before placing it back inside the boy. She turned towards the exit as Tobias regain color and consciousness... Only being stopped when Tobias said, "You've got nerve showing up around here, Misha."

The Magician's claim caused Misha to stop and glance at the group. Tobias quickly got to his feet as his voice formed a coat of venom. "The others may not know it, but I do. The damage to the leyline, the burning of our storage buildings... Your voice just randomly vanishing with no scars on your neck. How much longer until you realize fate is not some toy for you play with?"

The blade went right in front of her neck, threatening to slice her head clean off. "What should I do, Tobias? She did kinda save your life..."

As Titania posed the question, Misha slowly dissolved into a glub of black sludge. "Of course she would send a proxy..." Tobias muttered as he pressed down on his nose bridge.

"So what just happened? And explain in layman's terms for me." The blade lowered before being switched off.

"Misha is a sociopath from my home world who had dedicating most of her life trying to bend the laws of fate to her will." Tobias explained with an agitated tone. "That bitch single handedly burned all of the food in our colony and forced us to open our borders up to resupply."

"Fair enough... but would you have struck out on your own and met Aya if she hadn't done that?" Titania asked, rhetorically before shrugging. "Not my busines to question you, and probably not the best time to bring this up either, but now you owe me for saving your ass. You did agree to make me something before you passed out."

"Nope, you said it would cost me for you to keep a secret." Tobias grinned. "I never agree to anything..."

"Guess I'll go tell Aya then." Titania turned around and started through the door, her threat starting to become an actuality.

"Nah, I'll do it..." Tobias walked past the fox girl. "Besides, wouldn't want M'lady putting the pieces together and realizing you were in engineering."

"Oh? And are you going to ask her out?" Titania asked, still heading in that direction.

Tobias' cheeks turned pink as he answered. "Umm... That was the plan..."

"And then maybe make some passionate love with her, exploring the curves of her body?" Titania said, no tone to hint she was teasing.

Tobias' cheek continued to brighten up. "Well... If she wanted me too... She would need to be... A bit... Patient..."

"I bet you fantasize about what she's like in bed; what positions she likes, if she'll be interested in all the things you want... I bet you're dying to find out." Titania smiled mischeviously, humored at how flustered Tobias was.

Tobias swallowed the large lump in his throat. "I'm kind of, sort of a... Virgin..."

"Then I know for certain you'd love to bury yourself deep inside her...~" The foxgirl winked, before turning around. "Have fun with your boner when you tell her."

Tobias raised an eyebrow. "What kind of guys do you have to hangout with for you to think talking is enough to pop a boner?"

"None, but you're going to have a hard time not thinking about what I said." She replied, waving a hand in farewell promptly before she rounded a corner.

Tobias sighed as he watch Titania turn the corner. "I don't think she realizes it ain't the same without a visual... But whatever..." Tobias simply walked back to his lab. Confessions could wait until after he resecured his workshop.


Well-Known Member
Dhalexpert& Frostlitch1228

Meeting a interesting fish lady

Bonny walked around the golden coming out of the holo room covered in sweat, as she was walking she noticed a vault like door right next to her.” What the hell, that’s odd I didn’t think JJ kept a vault. Maybe it’s hiding something really important for a door this big.” Bonny went to the door and put her hand on the handle.

Suddenly, a voice spoke in her mind. "Oh! Who's this? Hello?"

“What the hell Ou not again, um hello there I’m my name is Bonny is the person talking to me behind this um door/vault?”

"Yeah! This is my room!" She replied excitedly.

“Ok um looke I don’t know what you are but you seem to have the ability to talk to me telepathy like Bar, but um do you mind if I come in?”

"Oh! Uh... Yeah sure! You've just gotta put on a suit." She mentioned, Bonny noticing the locker of grey/white hazmat like suits near the door.

Bonny raised an eyebrow at the suits and slowly put one on.” Um ok I’m in the suit why do I need a suit anyway?”

"Jayh Jayh said the pressure will uh... Crush you like a... Tin Can..." The voice repeated, "Also. I have been told most of you can't breathe water."

“Water wait is this room filled with water?! How is that possible, are you in a tank or something?”

"Yeah! I can breathe air a little, but not for long." She answered.

“Ugh god damn it, alright so um how am I supposed to get in there without flooding the ship?”

"There is uh...Ahrlock?" She answered.

“Right ok airlock um, do you mind telling me we’re it is.” Bonny said nervously

"Its through the door! Just open it up!" She spoke again.

"Right ok, god please don't let a tone of water kill me and flood the ship." Bonny slowly and nervously opened the door.

Inside was a chamber surrounded by glass, behind which was water. Directly in front if her was another large safe like door, with a panel with two large buttons on the wall to her left, marked with a few warning signs. Suddenly, a strange fish-like girl swam up to the glass on the right side of the chamber, giving her a wave. "Oh! Hello!"

Bonny took a sigh of relief, that she wasn't hit with a wave of water." Hi there, your um not what I was expecting to see you um what are you and do you want me in there?"

"I am Aquiahui. That is name for ourselves. We are from... Far Far Away." She smiled brightly.

“Ok well it’s nice to meet you, I’m Bonny and I’m not sure if you met the captain but I’m a Cartus.”

"Yeah! I was going to mention you're a furry person like Jayh Jayh!" She smiled.

“Right a furry person. So then um another question how did you end up with us?”

"I was in a big tank. Some mean men out me there with others. Jayh Jayh set us free." She explained.

“Hum well JJ did say she wanted me to train her after the last mission, though I didn’t think she brought passengers.” Bonny looked at the strange woman again.” By the way just out of curiosity is your name?”

"Oh! My name is Qvibizthah!" She gave a wave.

Bonny waved back at Qvibizthah.” Good to meet you Qvibizthah, say I’m not sure if anyone has told you this but you kinda look like a mermaid.”

"A... Mer... Maid? What's that?" She asked confusedly.

“It’s a human mythical creature, there normally women who live underwater with a human to half and a fish bottom half. Hold on I think I can show you a picture.” Bonny left the room and came back with her phone.” Her something like this.”

"Wow! That's so Interesting! I didn't know there were others like me in your Galaxy!" She practically pressed her face up against the glass barrier.

“Well like I said to humans we thought they didn’t exist, but once humanity advanced and made underwater city’s that’s when they found them. So Ha maybe we can take you to earth sometime, even though it’s light years away.”

"Huh... Is that true? Wow!" The Fishgirl seemed pretty amazed. "You can swim right? Come in!"

“Ugh” Bonny looked around the tank seeing if there was a way in without pressing the buttons by the warning sign.” Okay um how?”

"Well! You press those buttons over there! You press the Blue one first, then the Red one! That's what Jayh Jayh said." She tapped the glass.

“Ugh isn’t water going to well you know get all over the place?”

"Not if you close the door behind you silly." The Piscene Woman laughed.

Bonny was scilent for a while.” Ok if I open this hatch, I need you to grab me really really quickly alright?”

"What? No! No no! Make sure the door you already went through is closed before you open this one, so no water gets out." She instructed.

Bonny turned around and saw that she didn’t.” Ou well that would have Been terrible.” Bonny went to the door she came from and sealed it shut.

"Okay. Now press the Blue Button, then the Red one." Bonny nodded her head and pressed the buttons in the order she was told, she then slowly started to open the hatch by turning the vault like handle. Water filled up the room she was in, followed by a loud whirring as the pressure built up to match the room she was entering as Qvibizthah swam up to meet her. "Hello Friend!"

“Um hi it’s nice to talk to you face to face like this, or face to helmet.”

"Sorry. There's kinda gotta be a helmet involved our you'll kinda ger squished..." She shrugged.

“And drown, so then you’re a water based life form. So I take that you’re home world is mostly water?”

"Why? Your's isn't?" She asked.

“Not really the planet I was born on I couldn’t tell you, as for the on I was raised on, doesn’t have an ocean of water.”

"Weird... I don't know what a world without and ocean would even look like..." She rubbed her chin.

“Ou I could tell you, it’s a red pile of dirt with giant dust storms that engulfes whatever’s around it.”

"Sounds..." She tried to come up with the word. "Dry."

“Yea no kidding, but we do get water it’s just buried underground so we dig it up.”

"Dig it up? How strange..." She said, hovering backwards towards her couch.

“Hum so out of curiosity how did you get off your home world? I can’t imagine you all have ships on a planet that’s mostly water.”

"I was caught in a big web! Strange people threw it into the water. They didn't know what to do with me so off I go away on a ship." She recalled.

“Sounds like you were caught in a net, must have been ether fisherman or something else. I doubt slavers, because they didn’t know what you were.”

"Well... I think they sold me to uh... Sla-vers." She sighed.

Bonny eyes twitched as the very name of slaver started to anger her, the water around Bonny getting slightly warmer.

"Uh... Huh..." Qvibizthah blinked, floating backwards.

Bonny then looked at Qvibizthah and saw that she was getting nervous, and quickly regained her senses.” Um sorry about that I ugh kinda got lost in my own head there.”

"Oooo. What was that?"

“I was just deep in thought thinking about some, Ugh horrible things.”

"I'm sorry. It wasn't so bad for me. And I'm free now." She noted.

“Heh that you are and I’m glad for it it’s nice to see people who were once captured being able to walk around again. Or in your case swim around.

"Thanks! Were... You like that once?" She asked softly.

“Yea I was.” Bonny said in a depressing tone.” I was born a slave, my mom was violated by her master and she had me because of it.”

"Uh... Vio-lated? I'm not sure I want to know that one..." She looked down.

“Trust me you don’t, it’s an ugly world.”

"Okay." She tapped her fingers awkwardly. "Sorry to bring it up."

“It’s fine I’m sure you’re not gonna be the last person I tell my past to, besides as angry as it makes me I’m free now.”

"We're both free! That's nice!" She giggled, swimming quickly around Bonny.

“Yeah we are.” Bonny just looked at Qvibizthah and made her best attempt to swim around as well.

"Wow! You're good at swimming!"

"Well just because I was raised on a non water planet, doesn't mean I don't know how to swim. After all not every planet is water less."

"Oh. Okay. Um... Can I ask you a question Bonny?" The Fishgirl replied.

“Sure I’m an open book you can ask me anything.”

"All this... Crazy stuff... Like... The weird things that make burning light go forward... Or the ones that throw the tiny balls... And other things... It's so different from home." Qvibizthah sighed.

It took Bonny a while to think about what Qvibizthah was talking about.” Wait you mean weapons right? What you don’t have projectile weapons?”

"Uh... No..." She scratched her head.

“Um okay then what kind of weapons do you use?”

"Our Brain speak, mostly... We also use knives and sometimes knives on sticks." Sgs smiled.

“Um ok Ugh boy you’re gonna have a lot to learn if you’re fighting with your um brain and a spear. But don’t worry if you need help I could possibly help you.”

"I would appreciate that!" She nodded excitedly.

Bonny nodded her head and put her hand on Qvibizthah head you’re an alright person Qvibizthah, don’t worry I’ll teach you everything you need to know about guns.”

"Nice! When can we start?" She swam in cartwheels.

“Heh will start tomorrow, I would rather enjoy swimming around in here.” Bonny said as she started doing back strokes.

"Its a deal! This'll be so fun!"

Bonny wrapped her arms around her shoulder.” That it will be my new aquatic friend that it will.”


Well-Known Member
ZombieSplitter and ShadowHounder: A Meeting of Sinister Minds

"You're sure this will reach him," Sirius asked with some irritation in his tone that made those around him nervous.

"Y-yes, sir," the young woman at the comms said. "From what Nessie and Abraham brought back, this should get to him."

"It better or it's your ass!" Sirius rubbed his temples. Even with the info they had been given, decrypting it had been a chore. He understood why they didn't want to be found, but this had been an aggravating process. "Send out this message."

He cleared his throat. "This is Sirius Ravenwood of the bounty ship Starkiller looking for... the one called 'Master'. It is time you and I meet face to face, especially if your crew is to have any more contact with mine. You are a hard man to find. I am not. Contact me as soon as possible so we can have said meeting."

He sat down in his captain's chair and sighed. Now it was time to wait... and he hated waiting.

He did not have to wait long as a unrecognizable network request open communication. "Sir Ravenwood of Starkiller. I have heard many thing about you and your crew. If you wish to speak with me, the tundra planet of Whitneria is my current location. We had just finished cleansing this area."

"Cleansing, huh?" Sirius chuckled. "Very well. We will set course immediately. Just send me the coordinates and I will meet you there." He leaned forward. "I hope I will be meeting the boss of your little group. I don't like dealing with underlings if it can be avoided."

A pause. "You are speaking to him directly." The voice had a booming sound to it... A commanding presence that only a soldier of authority could maintain. After a moment, a set of coordinates were sent through to their ship. "Nessiera'tora spoke highly of you. Don't disappoint." With that, the connection was cut.

"I'll try not to," he mumbled before ordering the course to be laid in.

He arrived at the location as quickly as he could, as promised, touching down on the specified meeting place. With him were four of his most trusted bounty hunters armed to the teeth. Ravenwood took no chances, and he had heard that saying Master was unhinged was putting it nicely.

In the distance, a massive armor suit stood with the froze air. Next to him were a man in a trench coat with a lot cigar... And a young woman in a lab coat with black, raven like hair. "You must be Sirius." The armored man remarked, his voice recognizable from their previous conversation. "What is it you wish to speak with me about?"

"It's about this... little crusade of yours." Sirius walked forward, a man with no fear. After all, if he was at all hurt, his guards would suffer. "What exactly are you after?"

"I am here to cleanse this world of the unholy tyrants that govern it." Master answered. "The day of retribution draws near... And so will their deaths."

Sirius raised an eyebrow. "I... see. I'm sorry. Where are my manners, I didn't leave room for introductions." He placed a hand on his chest and bowed lightly. "Sirius Ravenwood at your service. And my entourage... think of them as nameless mooks. And you are Master. And your companions?"

"Westwood and Wraith are their names." The armored crusader stated. "My forces may not be as large as others... But they are all worthy to fight alongside me in this crusade."

"Hey, Harbinger, looks like they aren't here to kill us." Westwood remarked with an hand to his ear. "Call off the ambush."

Sirius laughed. "If I wanted to kill you, I would not have tried something as droll, uninspired, and predictable as luring you with peace talks." He waved his hand back. "And I think I showed good faith by only bringing four men. I was advised to bring two dozen just in case."

Sirius felt a par of hands slowly land on his shoulders. "I doubt a couple dozen mercenaries who do much against my army anyway." Harbinger whispered into the man's ear.

Sirius quickly took several steps forward and, drawing a pistol from seemingly nowhere, pointed it at her head. "Back off! No one usually lives when they sneak up on me..."

"It's a good thing I'm not here then..." Harbinger giggled as she walked through Sirius. After Harbinger regrouped with Master, droids from all angles of the meeting site collective emerged from the snow and walked away from the zone. "Commander is a very busy man... So I hope you can understand that we just wanted to minimize the amount of risk this meeting had."

Sirius lowered the weapon and scoffed. "You're that loon of an A.I., huh? You..." He looked around. "You're a ship hologram. How are you existing without the ship part? How are you projecting out in the open?"

"Perhaps in the future, I might tell you that." Harbinger laughed. "Just know that you're not the only ones who will get shot down if you try anything fishy."

Westwood blew a small puff of smoke. "There are a lot of threats going around for this 'peace meeting.'"

Sirius nodded and clapped his hands together, the pistol having disappeared into the thin air from whence it came. "You, my friend, are right. Let's drop the threats and get down to the matter at hand; all of my loyal men and women your little crusade has cost me."

"Covert agents, huh?" Westwood leaned against Master's armored leg. "I knew those guys back at engineering seemed a bit fishy."

"Wait, are you implying that some of those soldier were planning to betray the GFP?" Harbinger inquired, confused by the ex soldier's statement.

"I doubt they were even working for them to begin with." Westwood took a moment to tab his cigar before continuing. "Espionage is a common tactic in the cosmos... What better way to steal information from the enemy than to pretend to be their ally."

"Exactly." Sirius folded his fingers together. "I have no love for the Galactic Federation of Planets. If their entire system crumbled tomorrow, I wouldn't have to be so covert with certain operations. But what I do care about is when my spies die because some big, decomposing body in a suit of armor decides to start shooting up the place with no warning."

"There is no need to be so harsh." Master stated. "Now that you know about out crusade... You can do better to make sure they are well informed of potential attacks."

"And how will I do that?" Ravenwood asked. "Are you going to keep me in the loop from now on?"

"Harbinger will inform you of our movements from now on." Master replied confidently. "Additionally, if you have forces in Grendial... I would suggest evacuating them before we arrive."

"That's going to be hard to have them just disappear." Sirius folded his arms. "What's your beef with the GFP anyway? They do... whatever this is to you?"


Well-Known Member
ZombieSplitter and ShadowHounder: A Meeting of Sinister Minds Part 2

"They are sinners who built a corrupted body of power." The armored warrior boomed. "It is my duty to cleanse this world of their filth."

"And all your... for better terms lackies? They share your hatred? Or do they just get paid well?"

"You mind if I speak with Sirius in private for a bit?" Westwood asked his leader.

"You may, I shall return to the ship alongside Wraith." The tyrant stated before a beam of energy consumed him and the young woman behind him.

"Apologies for that..." The old soldier turned his attention back to Sirius as he lit a cigar. "I doubt he remembers what happened to him."

"What exactly did happen to him?" Sirius asked. "How is he even still alive?"

"We were sent to scout out anything potentially dangerous in a Pon Taer colony a few years back. We got caught, he died in the ensuring chaos... And I'm sure you know the rest." The veteran explained with a puff of smoke. "I have no idea how he's still alive or who put him in that suit... All I know is that, a week before my execution, he attacked the prison we were in... And gave a buddy and I an opportunity to keep on living."

"So you're returning the favor or are you as gunghoe about this crusade of his as he is. Why were you going to be executed?"

"My reasoning's a but more personal than that." Westwood answered. "I want to make sure the military bastards pay for sending my squad to die... For a war that did nothing to the situation at hand."

Sirius nodded. "Why exactly did you want to talk privately?"

"I was actually hoping you would be willing to do some digging for me." Westwood stated. "Drake and I still don't know where the hell that armor came from... Perhaps someone like you would have better luck with it."

Sirius smirked. "I see. Want to know a little about your boss, huh? I can do some digging. But if your buddies find out someone is looking in on him, I expect you to step in and mislead them. I like info, but I'm not in the mood to make enemies of you. Your boss seems... unhinged. I don't mess with the crazies if I can avoid it."

"Unhinged? That's the understatement of the year." The soldier let out a hearty chuckle.

Sirius chuckled with him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a card, offering it to Westwood. "If he ever gets too much to handle, here is my contact frequency. You guys will need it to warn me of attacks anyway, but if it ever gets to be too much, I'm always looking for good men to join me."

"I'll likely be dead before that happens... But I'll keep the offer in mind." Westwood placed the card in his pocket.

"The dangerous lives we live..." Sirius sighed. "Alright, I'll warn my men to pull out. Just try and be prompt with your warnings. These things usually take time. Not like I can tell the to all call in sick at once..."

"Can't promise much..." Westwood tapped his cigar lightly as he pocketed the card. "Master tends to move from one target to the next rather quickly... Something that is made worse by Harbinger's warpdrive."

"I'd be careful with that A.I. too," Sirius warned. "She is as fanatical and as much a loose cannon as Master, and from what I've been told, absolutely adores him. Get on her wrong side or show any lack of devotion to Master around her, and you're liable to find yourself ejected out the nearest air lock."

"I will keep that in mind." Westwood looked up at the warship above him. "If that's everything... I should get going."

"Right." Sirius turned and walked back to his ship, saying, "Have fun with your crusade."


Well-Known Member
Frostlich and ShadowHounder: A Brighter Future and an Uncertain Fate

"Mommy..." Lilith looked up at her mother from her bed. "What happen to your tail?"

Yip paused, keeping herself from crumbling apart. "Your father... Wasn't exactly the nicest person." She looked at her daughter's face. She would have to explain everything eventually... But now was not the time. "Don't worry about Mommy. I'm here for you no matter what happens... Now, get some sleep, okay sweetie?"

"Night Mommy." The young half breed girl mumbled as she closed her eyes.

That was when she heard a faint knock on her door, obviously controlled as to not make too much noise.

Yip stood up and approached the door, opening it just enough to see who was on the other side.

It was the familiar colorful face of Yyashtra, the Woman who she met just shortly after joining the starstorm. "Excuse me? Ms. Yip? I had... Heard you had returned..."

"Oh, hey..." Yip allowed herself a soft smile. "It's been awhile since we last spoke."

"It has... I admit I was worried when I heard you had suddenly left... Then I heard... The mission report..." Yyashtra looked down. "Somehow I feel like this is my fault."

"I can assure you it was not." Yip stepped forward and quietly closed the door behind her. "I left to deal with the demons of my past. If Jackie and Winter had not shown up when they did... I would have been lost forever."

Yyashtra fell quiet. "I'm sorry. I wish I had been there. I wish I could've helped you."

Yip stood silent for a moment. "Mother told me stories of the Laepaede. How, even after the Shinso had abandoned us to die in the war, you stood firm and defended our people. She was pregnant with me at the time."

"We also supported your Slavery. And still do. The difference is we still see you as people, whereas they do not. I don't know if that makes our views of the Cartus look better or worse however." The Exiled Royal replied sadly. "But I can honestly say that meeting you, even that one time, has made me reevaluate my stance greatly."

"After what has happened... I'm beginning to question how many of the Royal houses actually support slavery." Yip muttered as she sat down on the floor. "And whether the actions of the many are enough to condemn the few who seek change..."

"I don't know if they support it. But they don't condemn it, and that's where the problem lies." The Laepaede admitted.

"Am I... Interrupting anything?" Winter's voice asked softly from the end of the hallway.

"Not at all, Winter." The young Cartus turned her head to the noble. "Any word from your father?"

Winter kept quiet until she sat down next to Yip. "It took some time, but he was able to obtain ownership of all of them. He's currently looking into tracking down some of Darkmane's old records... To speed up the process." The Shinso placed a hand on Yip's shoulder. "If everyone works out, they'll have their freedom in the coming months."

"That's good. You know... I'm reminded of a operation that I authorized a long time ago... I sent a team of my best to rescue a group of Cartus that had been stolen and were being held as hostages." Yyashtra smiled. "The Mission had been a complete success of course. Even if they did have to return to Slavery..."

"When it comes to changing the future, every little action counts." Winter stated, reminding herself more than the two people she sat with. "Even if nothing comes from our efforts, we can have the satisfaction of knowing we tried... And that someone will carry our belief into the next generation. Even if we all were to die... I can comfortably say that our dreams of freedom for all will live on."

"Unfortunately that does not simply cut it. As a race that is so long lived at least, we have to do much in our time alive. Especially because only we can. Heavy is the Head, after all." Yyashtra explained.

Winter opened her mouth to speak, but it was Yip who asked the question. "And have you done anything with that time?"

"I... Don't know... I dedicated my life to protecting my people... Now I've thrown it away." She looked down.

"But you can't change that." Yip stated. "The past is set in stone. Once we make a decision, we have to face the consequences. However, the future is uncertain... Always fluctuating. You may have failed your people, but you have a new home... A new family. Don't let your regret ruin that."

She sat and contemplated for a moment, before smiling. "Thank you. You two. I'm happy to call you my family."

"If you need help with anything, I'll be there for you." Winter offered to the insect woman.

After a brief moment of silence, Yip's communicator went off. "That's odd... The general was the only person with access to this line..." Yip muttered, a small drop of sweat showing as she recalled Stoutfield's fate. However, she answered. "This is Yip reporting."

"Yip?" Elisa's voice replied. "Are you okay? I was told you vanished shortly after I left to care for Malcolm."

"I just returned to the ship," Yip paused for a second. "How... Did you get this line exactly...?"

"Malcolm gave me this communicator." Elisa told her in a shy tone. "He told me someone I knew would answer... But I needed to make sure I was alone before using it."

"Strange. Where are you?" Yyashtra tilted her head.

"Well... Umm... I don't know..." Elisa admitted nervously.

"What do you mean...?" The Insect replied worriedly.

"Well... I'm in a facility... On a planet..." Elisa started.

"Who are you talking to?" The voice of a young girl asked.

Elisa's jump from the sudden question could be heard as she crashed into a cabinet. "They're friends of mine, Sun... Please don't tell Westwood...."

"Drake told me it's not nice to keep secrets..." The girl countered.

"Yes, I know, but sometimes..." Elisa paused, trying to find the words she needed. "Sometimes you have to keep secrets to protect the people you care about. You wouldn't want me to get hurt... R-right?"

"No..." Sun muttered. "You're the only person I know around my age..."

"What's going on in there?"

"Sorry about that..." Elisa stated. "There's another girl living here with me. Her name is Sunflower and she is... Unique..." Elisa paused once more. "A-are you sure you want to talk to Yyashtra? You kind of scared her last time... Okay, Yyashtra? My friends are going to take control for a bit. Can you promise me you won't panic?"

Yip and Winter looked up to the insectoid woman with collective confusion.

"Go... Ahead..." The Laepaede looked back and forth.

Another pause. "Yyashtra... It is nice to see you have opened your mind, even if just a small amount. That however is not what we wish to discuss with you today."

Yip raised an eyebrow. "Elisa?"

"We are not Elisa..." The young girl replied. "We are the collective that have been protecting her for most of her life. We advise you continue asking question after we have expressed our observations and concerns to the Laepaede."