XCOM2 Character Biographies


Well-Known Member
Name: Lilith Van Dam

Role: Solder Sharp shooter
Sex: Female
Age: 44
DoB: August 15 1994
PoB: Austin Texas
Race: human
Nationality: Wight
Height: 5’7
Weight: 134
Hair Color: silver
Hair Style: long
Eye Color: red

Immediate Family: Luke Van Dam

Place of Residence before joining XCOM: Austin Texas

Appearance: Lilith was born with silver hair and red eyes, though after joining ADVENT her skin is now gray.

Personality: Lilith is a very straight forward person, she is very blunt and honest. Lilith has a deep grudge for the aliens and has a burning potion to destroy the aliens.

Biography: Lilith being born in the Van Dam tribe Lilith was brought up in the wasteland of Alaska, Unlike her sister Scarlet Lilith stayed in the Village an occasionally hunted for food. She was fine with the life she had, she knew she could never be the warrior her sister Scarlet could be but she was content to help the village.

However in 2018 the aliens showed up and destroyed XCOM, after the destruction of XCOM the aliens destroyed the Van Dam tribe as a potential threat & future residence movement. After the destruction of her home and annihilation of her tribe Lilith took Scarlet’s son and lived in the woods for a few years until she decided to give Scarlet’s sun a better life and move into the alien city’s.

In 2027 Lilith Joined ADVENT after her nephew came down with an illness that only they could fix, after joining ADVENT Lilith moved herself and her Nephew to Dahlsworth Texas to begin their new life, after she joined ADVENT she emedietly regretted it she saw some of the atrocity ADVENT was doing and was appalled by them but she couldn’t leave dew to the chip in her head. Lilith was assigned to an outpost in Alaska temporarily, watching over the Shanty Town of Anchorage due to her knowledge of the area. During one of her patrols she was brought aside by a person claiming to be part of the local resistance, who had learned of Lilith's doubts in ADVENT. They promised her help would come, and not long after the resistance struck the survillenace post, allowing Lilith to turn traitor and help eliminate the ADVENT Officer and Network Tower in the area.

With this temporary freedom from the risk of being psionically hijacked, Lilith joined up with the resistance, helping fend off ADVENT with what remained of her Mag Rifle ammunition. Years later she was contacted by a more mysterious resistance group that made contact with the Alaskans, and was taken to the Avenger so that she might take on a larger role in taking down the alien regime.

Special Abilities: Since she is infused with Muton Dna she is a little stronger than most humans.

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Well-Known Member
Name: Luke Van Dam
Role: Grenadier
Sex: Male
Age: 23
DoB: July 15 2015
PoB: Dead Horse, Alaska
Race: White
Nationality: American
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 187 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Short
Eye Color: Red
Immediate Family: Lilith Van Dam, Scarlet Van Dam Mother,( Deceased) Edward StoneFather, (Deceased)
Place of Residence before joining XCOM: Austin Texas

Appearance: Luke is in excellent shape training daily and keeping his stamina up. Luke typically wear a black leather jacket. He also has a tattoo of his family emblem, on his right shoulder an old world us marine tattoo on his right arm and a US Ranger tattoo on his right wrist.

Personality: Luke has a laid back personality, he’s very relaxed and calm. He typically flirts with any woman he sees, he does this for fun and to see if they actually take him up on his offers. Luke’s typically a very calm and level headed person always willing to talk to people and help people in need if they need it, however he can also mess with people when there angry and takes a joke to far sometimes.

Biography: Luke was born is 2015, three years before the alien attack when the alien attacked. He grew up in his Village with his loving parents, both his parent’s retired from the military to take care of their boy. Their time with him didn’t last long, when the aliens attacked there village his mom and dad gave their lives trying to defend their home and son. It would be in vain the Van dam tribe culture and life was exterminated with no survivors after the alien threat, the only ones to live was Lilith and Luke. Over the years Luke became more curious about his family, his aunt told him everything that she knew about his parents and that’s how he knew about the demise of the Van Dam tribe as well.

After learning about what happened to his parents, Luke grew a hatred for the aliens however he knew he couldn’t do anything to them so he became more of a trouble maker for most of his school life.

When he was a kid came down with a mysterious sickness, where his body was became warmer than a normal fever. After his sickness went down he felt like a normal person, until his fifteenth birthday he and his aunt leaned what his sickness was when he set the table on fire.

At the age of eighteen he went to collage to study more on psionic and the different types of them, he learned his psionic power was red. An aggressive psionic out of the six he learned that it uses fire as an elemental attack. Learning about this he studied more on the psionic powers, after studying more on psionic he decided to keep his power hidden until he could full fight the aliens and not be taken down, he also needed to figure out how to control them more.

Years later Luke would join his aunt Lilith on her assignment to Alaska, and it was were Luke’s aunt told him that she joined a revived XCOM and asked him to join her.

After joining XCOM, Luke got some weapons training and it turned out he was a natural with heavy weapons, also while there he learned how to use his psionic more effetely and gained better control over them.

Special Abilities: Luke is a red psionic, he has more control over theme then he did when he was a child. However he prefers using heavy weapons over his powers.
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Well-Known Member
Name: Samuel Yokolov
Role: Trooper, part-time Intelligence assistant
Age: 25
DoB: February 13th 2012
PoB: Volgograd
Race: Ethnic Russian, Eastern Slavic
Nationality: Russian
Height: Middle to tall
Weight: 70kg
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style : Short at the back, slightly more length at the front. Does not reach his eyes.
Eye Color: Blue
Immediate Family: Stanislav Yokolov (father, deceased), Sasha Kusnetskov (mother, deceased)
Place of Residence before joining XCOM: "Ranenny Glaz" (Wounded Eye), Moscow shanty.


Naturally strong build and broad shoulders, only accentuated by muscles obtained from physical exercise. Typically neutral facial expression. When speaking, this usually changes to a slight smile at the corners of his mouth. Defined jawline and chin. Somewhat handsome. Prefers comfortable/practical clothing over formal wear.


Typically an introvert, though enjoys socializing with those he knows well. Sense of humor well developed. Self-confident by way of knowing his limits – often unnerves allies with his tendency to charge headlong into what looks to be a bad position without telling anyone he has a plan. Appears to hold grudges. Keeps a photograph on him at all times, depicting himself with two other individuals.


Samuel led what would once have been described as a normal life before the invasion of 2018, as a mere child growing up in the company of his parents. When the world fell to pieces around them, Samuel was the only one to climb out of the flames of his home, and the only one standing on the side of the road as a lone car passed. That car stopped a few meters later and, after some internal debate, the occupant opened the door for him. With stranger danger not really a priority at the time, Samuel accepted the ride, and clambered in, gently so as not to aggravate the burns across his back any further.

The man within the car was Isaac Anderson, known in some circles as the Overseer. Later, Samuel would come to call him “father”.

The rest of Samuel’s life passed relatively similarly to many fugitives, constantly shifting in location, avoiding ADVENT patrols and the like. Meanwhile, Isaac saw to his education, something that was initially quite difficult given Samuel’s inability to speak English and Isaac’s rather broken understanding of Russian. In time, Samuel started helping his adoptive father more directly, helping him organize files and data before the Overseer’s eventual retirement and passing of the torch, in 2035.

For the next three years the pair remained in seclusion, hiding out in one of the Shanty class towns in the vicinity of the Moscow Megacity. Recently, we’ve received reports of ADVENT activity there, however, and not long after Samuel was discovered by an XCOM team diverted from scavenger duty to investigate.

Yokolov has requested a position in the organization. Putting two and two together, the implication is that the Elders have found one of their old nemeses. We can certainly relocate him as a civilian, but his request to become a combatant… will require a demonstration of his abilities. Granted, someone tutored by the former Overseer will likely be rather proficient in weaponry, but we haven’t gotten this far by taking risks. If nothing else, his history would imply he would be useful in the intelligence department.

Special Abilities:

Nothing special, barring excellent “in the moment” tactical sense, very adaptable.


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Well-Known Member
Name: Matthew Lester
Role: Specialist, Engineer
Sex: Male
Age: 32
DoB: September 10th, 2006
PoB: London
Race: Caucasian
Nationality: British
Height: Short to middle
Weight: 68kg
Hair Color: Dark blonde
Hair Style : Longer than average. Immaculately organized.
Eye Color: Green
Immediate Family: Henry Lester (father), Charlotte Lester (mother)
Place of Residence before joining XCOM: Outskirts village near the Megacity Paris


Weedy build, better suited to a clerical job than physical (though he would not accept that circumstance). Facial features are soft, carries an air of the “upper class” around himself. Prefers formal clothing most of the time, though grudgingly accepts other apparel when necessary.


If placed in the same room as several others, will allow them to do most of the talking, preferring to listen. Insists on knowing as much as possible about a situation before proceeding with an action. Cautious to the point of paranoia. Enjoys manipulating people, and obtains a gleeful air when he has someone in his metaphorical grasp. Self-conscious about his weaker-than-average lung capacity, which while not noticeably affecting performance should be monitored for signs of deterioration.


Lester was born a number of years prior to the war, and was a young teenager when the Elders attacked. Young, but still able to understand. His memories of this time mostly revolve around the dinner table, where his parents, wealthy businesspeople, discussed with worry the state of the world. During these discussions, he listened. He learned. And when, a few years later, his parents abandoned the squalor of the old world for the opulence of the new, he in turn abandoned them.

For a number of years after that he lived within the Outskirts class town outside the same Megacity his parents had disappeared into, working under a former electrician as a workshop apprentice. The two became the go-to people for locals with broken technology – from the scraps of the old, the new would be created. He soon surpassed his teacher in skill, becoming the expert himself in matters of tech.

Unfortunately for him, his success with the old relics of the past attracted the attention of ADVENT, which seemed to consider him a potential threat and/or source of dissension. He managed to evade the first patrol searching for him, and remained hidden long enough to be smuggled out of the town by the national resistance. From there, he expressed an interest in joining X-COM as an engineer, a role suiting his previous experience. His ability to evade ADVENT soldiers didn’t go unnoticed, however, and he was offered the ability to act as an operative for X-COM. He accepted, and has served in this capacity for a few months, typically conducting salvage missions or others requiring a more clandestine touch. His paranoia, in this regard, has served him well.

Lester has a GREMLIN drone in his possession, given to him by X-COM, that he calls “Lucifer”, saying that it was “a devil of a thing to get functioning properly”. He tinkers with it in his spare time, finding the action (and the drone's company) therapeutic.

Special Abilities:

None. GREMLIN assistant is frequently customized, for example on his most recent operation Lester attached a small handgun to the bottom of the chassis, though he has yet to figure out how to get it functional as a weapon, or if it is even possible without weighing the drone down too much.
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Well-Known Member
Name: Mark “Red Hawk”
Role: Specialist Soldier/ Part-time engineer.
Sex: Male
Age: 27
PoB: South Dakota, United States
Race: Native-American (Oglala Sioux)
Nationality: American
Height: 6’4
Weight: 207 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Braided
Eye Color: Brown
Clothing: A black T-shirt w/navy blue jeans, a blue teardrop pendant, and a paperclip ring.

Physical Features:

A scar going down over his left eye, a tattoo of two wolves, one white, one black, chasing each other in a circle, across his back, a tribal tattoo of a eagle across his chest and has a crooked nose.


An analytical, upbeat man, Mark appears to work well with others and generally assists with any minor project. That said, Commander, he does have a mean streak with people who hurt himself or certain allies, occasionally going so far as to have a physical altercation with said individuals.


Mark was born somewhere in the South Dakota area, within a small roaming community that migrated to different areas - some of those places being abandoned cities, some were in the wilderness. At the age of 18, Mark left his roaming tribe to see if the Outskirts of the local Megacity were horrible or not. Eventually, he did move away from the Shanties to the Outskirts. There, he found a small town, and worked alongside a small-time private investigator as his assistant/partner. After working a particularly nasty case which ended with the death of his partner, Mark left the small town behind, and went back to his tribe to inform them of his 5-year travels.

He could not find them at any of their usual spots. After months of trying to find his tribe, he migrated to the North, hoping that he could find someone who could help him find his people. After a couple more months, he piqued the interest of an organization known as The Red Hearts - a resistance movement which operated out of the eastern U.S.. They came to him with a recruitment offer, one he accepted. He quickly ascended their ranks over a course of 2 years by assisting with raids on ADVENT convoys, and by providing reconnaissance on said convoys.


Game Master
Staff member
Name: Ayame Kasagi

Role: Ranger
Rank: Squaddie
Age: 20 (Appears to be 16)
Sex: Female
DoB: Oct. 14th
PoB: Unknown Farming Province, Central China
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 94 lbs
Hair Style: Ponytail, to small of back
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Heterochromic (One Dark Brown, One Hazel)

Ayame's combative skills far excel someone of her age, but an incredible martial artist and being trained in a variety of weapons, both firearms and hand weapons, though is still lacking in knowledge of the former. She is fast thinking, and has seemingly endless endurance.

Ayame is of mixed Chinese and Japanese decent. She is extremely petite, having the body and face of a girl in her mid teens, even if she claims to be older. She keeps her long, black hair tied in a long ponytail. Her different colored eyes are a sign of her mixed heritage. She physically appears to be the definition of a ninety pound weakling, though she has shown that is not the case on multiple occasions.

Her choice of clothing can be considered 'tomboyish', though that might have something to do with availability of clothing.

Kasagi has been described by those that have worked with her as a 'smartass', and as one that covers for her nervousness, and the nervousness of others, by cracking jokes. She tends to have a temper, especially when provoked in regards to her Napoleon Complex.

Beyond that, she can act distant at times, but when she speaks with others, she seems to take on a motherly role, finding a delight in solving the problems of others, and speaks with a wisdom far beyond her years. Her need to help others might be connected to her reasons for joining the resistance, as she speaks often about herself in a negative light in regards to being tricked by ADVENT.

Two final notes of interest. Kasagi has a very liberated view on sexuality, and seems to find joy when someone comments on one so young being so flirtatious. She is also a storyteller, spinning tales regarding herself, most of which are beyond the realm of possibility. If called out on the absurdity of such a tale, she merely shrugs, insisting that it is your choice whether or not to believe her.

Many aspects of Kasagi's background are in question. She claims to be in her twenties, but her appearance and voice are that of a girl in her mid teens. On the other hand, her mannerisms and speech patterns are not only one of an adult, but one who is much older then she appears.

It does not help that records on her are few and far between. She claims to have been born on a poor farm in central China where few records would be kept, in the Outskirts of the Megacities, and if she is indeed twenty, she would have been born right when the aliens first arrived on Earth. These factors would account for the lack of records, though they could also make for a good cover story.

Her strongest source with which to gain confidence is the Toronto based liberation group she joined. Their security measures are not as great as ours, meaning she could have betrayed them if she was a spy with little trouble, but instead she reportedly discovered a mole herself, and was able to save her group from destruction at his hands.

From what we can gather about her, Kasagi lost her family to bandits at a young age, only the law of the land available outside ADVENT control. It is unknown who raised her, but she was trained in martial arts and hand weapon use. She was not trained with guns, but has done what she can to learn to use them in the past several years.

Kasagi's quick wits, intuition, and apparent loyalty makes her a prime candidate for recruitment in XCOM. However, as her origins are questionable, she should be watched carefully. She has openly admitted to working with ADVENT in the past, and joined her resistant group after she was allegedly tricked into hunting down another resistance member. If her motivation is true, she has a grudge against ADVENT. A grudge we can use to our advantage.

Subject known as Kasagi, Ayame, has an extensive file, though what parts of it are a result of truth, of lies, and of misinformation is a matter of debate. Before Kasagi's complete disappearance from public life, believed to be the result of her joining one of the few remaining resistance groups in North America, Kasagi made her living as a mercenary for hire, specializing in "strange and unusual cases, particularly those involving the supernatural".

It was though this that she was hired, under false pretenses, to hunt down a human sympathizer group. Before this, Kasagi seemed to take a neutral stance to alien control of the Earth. Upon finding out the truth, however, she vowed revenge on ADVENT for using her and for her humiliation.

What is odd about her file is there are records of encounters with an individual named Ayame Kasagi, matching Kasagi's description, dating back at least three hundred years. This leads us to believe she is a member of a family of mercenaries, though she has no known family. Further research on the subject is underway. There are some particularly unconventional beliefs about who, or what, she is, her hired agent before her disappearance claiming to have confirmed several of them. Our mole in a Toronto based resistance group reported her being in that group, but we have not heard from him in six months, and it is believed he was discovered.


Well-Known Member
Gemini NPC Squad: "The Mavericks"

Part Two

Name: Christoffer “Snowdrift” Strand
Role: Specialist, Security Officer
Sex: Male
Age: 28
DoB: March 6th, 2010
PoB: Longyearbyen, Svalbard
Race: Caucasian
Nationality: Norweigan
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Mildly Spiky
Eye Color: Gold
Immediate Family:

Appearance (Build - Stocky, Muscular):

Christoffer has an athletic build, with muscles honed from hours of training and lifelong conditioning. He tends to favor his left arm even if it isn't his primary one, having damaged his right in a way that never healed perfectly. He is on the shorter side, but he gives off an aura of charismatic confidence that reduces any comments about it to friendly banter between squadmates.

Personality (Emotional-Ethical Extrovert):

The former security captain of Norweigan descent has a very commanding personality. He gives his orders through camaraderie rather than intimidation, and has the sort of "your squadmates are your family" mindset that gets people on his side easily. He can be a bit out of the loop and dorky sometimes, having lived so far up north with only Resistance Radio to get news from - when the tower was working properly. He still manages to make his lack of worldliness endearing though.

Biography (Rundown):

Christoffer was born in the northward island of Svalbard back when it was still Norweigan property. He wasn't even aware the world had fallen due to an alien invasion until a ship carrying disgruntled Norweigan military officials showed up on the island's shores. They rapidly utilized the seed bank the eight year old's island had to built it up into a holdout of the old government. They had wiped out the island's existence from all the records they could, and kept the ships they had acting as a minor fleet to keep ADVENT from ever getting too close. Chris ended up serving on one such vessel for a time, becoming an officer in the security forces. Eventually he wanted to do more, and secured passage to Canada to join the larger fight.

Noteworthy Facts:

- His arm injury occurred when he tried to jump from one ship to another when raiding an ADVENT scout ship.
- He is an ideal target for promotion if he proves himself to XCOM's standards of leadership.


Name: Stacie “Alamo” Belle
Role: Sharpshooter, Assistant Mechanic
Sex: Female
Age: 29
DoB: August 2nd, 2008
PoB: San Antonio, Texas
Race: Caucasian
Nationality: American
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 141 lbs
Hair Color: Blond
Hair Style: Short and Choppy
Eye Color: Blue
Immediate Family: Kervens (Adopted Brother, 30)

Appearance (Measurements - 32D-26-29):

Stacie takes on the persona of a gunslinger to the fullest with her outfit. She wears a fitting brown cowboy hat along with similarly-colored leather duster, baggy blue jeans, and a tan button-up shirt. She wears nothing over her hands, but does have a pair of boots with star-shaped spurs. The cowgirl can often be found with a cigar in her mouth as well, and is constantly on the lookout for a cuban cigar.

Personality (Emotional/Ethical Extrovert):

The gunslinger acts cool around others. She tends to be a problem solved in disputes, often better at solving ones that come to blows than verbal arguments. Stacie can be stubborn and bullheaded at times, though this translates into a positive on the battlefield - where she is courageous and bold and gets the job done. She has a nicotine addiction that is curbed somewhat by limited cigar supplies and has a soft spot for pets.

Biography (Rundown):

Stacie was born in the historical site of the Alamo, a symbol of state pride that she held dear in her childhood. It was because of this and her 'hands-off' upbringing by a tough/guy father and a similarly cool mother that she immediately chafed under the alien occupation. Her family joined one of the oldest resistance groups that actually predated ADVENT's foundation, the South Marauders. She worked alongside them proudly, even more so when they collaborated with the Founders. She always suspected they might have gangplanked the ship the Marauders located, and when she joined XCOM her suspicions were confirmed.

Noteworthy Facts:

- Despite trying to build herself up like a badass Stacie's assistant role is rather basic in nature, showing she is capable of humility.
- Stacie isn't exactly the best shot, still being accurate enough to be a sharpshooter but she favors the gunslinger half of her skills.
- Her adoptive brother is from Haiti. He was taken in as a two-year old after the 2010 Earthquake orphaned him. The two grew up together as if biological siblings.


Name: Christine “Survivor” Kohler
Role: Specialist, Medical Assistant
Sex: Female
Age: 26
DoB: February 12th, 2012
PoB: Seattle, Washington
Race: Caucasian
Nationality: American
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair Color: Blond
Hair Style: Short in back, but long bangs
Eye Color: Brown
Immediate Family: None

Appearance (Measurements - 28DD-22-30):

The woman from Washington State tends to wear unassuming clothing. She dresses in dull, neutral whites, grays, and blacks, but makes sure to keep up her appearances less someone think of her as emo or something. Christine is fond of hoodies to hide her face and keep the world out when she is alone, and treasures a custom mp3 player that has various musical tracks and plays recorded on it.

Personality (Emotional Introvert):

Christine tries to smile. Despite the fact that it is hard for her, she manages surprisingly well - seeing her attempts at happiness as living vicariously for the fallen. She has a very hard time letting go of guilt, and often acts too much for the sake of others and too little for herself. She is frightened by conflict, and often is timid around those she doesn't know. The friends that she does make she holds dear, and will protect with everything she has. The Specialist has a passion for drama and theatre.

Biography (Rundown):

Christine's life has been a series of tragedies. Ironic then that her parents ran a theater company in Seattle as an attraction for both locals and tourists. Christine's earliest memories are of that theatre, and of her parents being executed by ADVENT forces for using it as a means of protest. After they were silenced Christine fled in terror and was rescued by a small resistance group that travelled and hit ADVENT targets wherever they could. She became close friends with them, and even feel in love, but a year ago she lost it all again to an operation gone south. She found solace in the Mavericks and has been less hesitant to open up since coming onboard the Avenger.

Noteworthy Facts:

- Despite her timorous shyness, Kohler is an excellent shot and capable soldier, made battle-ready by her experiences.
- Her desire to not lose anyone else she cared about manifested in an op with the Mavericks six months ago where she saved the lives of Heinrich and Maxwell with a Reflection she now calls "Pavise".
- This resolve is also why she learned how to triage wounds.


Well-Known Member
Gemini NPC Squad: "The Mavericks"

Part Three

Name: Heinrich Panzer” Bauer
Role: Grenadier, Assistant Scientist
Sex: Male
Age: 22
DoB: January 20th, 2016
PoB: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Race: Caucasian
Nationality: Brazilian
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 162 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Short and Simple
Eye Color: Blue
Immediate Family:

Appearance (Build - Tall, Compact Muscle):

Heinrich is tall and thin, but has at least some mass to him due to muscle he has worked hard to achieve through conditioning and mechanical work. He tends to wear a Brazillian army uniform characterized by black fabric and bold gold lines. His headgear varies depending on the situation, but typically he at least has some goggles pulled up on his head for situations where he needs to get his hands dirty - on the battlefield or in the lab.

Personality (Ethical-Logical Introvert):

Heinrich is a temperamental man that prefers to keep to himself to avoid conflict. He suffers from a lack of any real role model other than his uncle that he only knew for a few years, and being in a world where justice and decency are concepts that are constantly being spat on. He does not hate ADVENT or its members but rather would like to see the world restored to the way it was. To him, it was imperfect but made sense from the stories he was told.

Biography (Rundown):

Bauer's heritage is a twisted, tortured story. His great grandfather was a stereotypical Nazi who hated anyone that was not a white German. He fled to Brazil like some others to escape incrimination, and passed on his hate to his son. Then his grandson, Heinrich's father, abandoned those precepts for the most part but was left directionless and drank copiously. Heinrich had no one to look up to as ADVENT took over the world except his uncle, who was more wise and able to move past his ancestry. Heinrich's uncle taught him ethics and reminded him to be more tolerant of others. And then abruptly died in a car accident. Heinrich was left with his dreams of justice and a brighter future, and decided to pursue them. He attended a Megacity college to learn science and get an idea of combat techniques, and then promptly left and joined the Resistance.

Noteworthy Facts:

- His great grandfather worked on Panzers for Nazi Germany.
- Heinrich has a Hispanic-African girlfriend named Josephina Rodriguez that attended college for similar reasons to Bauer but was stuck in South America apart from him until recently.
- Ironically, Bauer's specialty is weapons technology, particularly heavier weapons and armor.


Name: Olivia “Thunderbird” Brown
Role: Ambusher, Assistant Hacker
Sex: Female
Age: 21
DoB: May 16th, 2016
PoB: Toronto, Ontario
Race: Ottawa-Caucasian
Nationality: Canadian
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 131 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Long and Sleek
Eye Color: Hazel
Immediate Family: Alex (Father, 46), Melissa (Mother, 40)

Appearance (Measurements - 34C-24-26):

Despite being rather average on a baseline of color, Olivia's brown eyes seem dazzling and her brown hair seems rich in complexion. She has an elegant frame between thin and moderate. She buttresses her natural appearance with a pair of sunrise-colored aviators over her eyes, and a black RCAF jacket over a dark blue shirt showing an eagle watching over the Great Lakes region. She also sports black leather gloves and boots, and brown leather pants.

Personality (Balanced Extrovert):

The Canadian woman rarely lets things get to her, apt being described by those that know her as "laid back". She has a soothing presence and an accepting attitude. Because of this she can typically win most people over with a smile and some clever words. In addition, she's well-round, being able to think with her head and her heart. Olivia is kind and typically does her best to ensure all of those around her are content.

Biography (Rundown):

Olivia was born in Toronto scarcely a year before the war began. Her mother was named Melissa, and was the barber of one Captain Ipiktok. Olivia never really knew Atka though, for the invasion occurred when she was still an infant and she had a turbulent childhood. Her parents were afraid to leave the city for their daughter's sake, but as the Megacities leeched Toronto's population and crime set in the Brown family migrated to Saskatchewan (one of the 'prairie provinces'). Her father - and by extension Olivia herself - became involved in a semi-nomadic resistance movement that scavenged mechanical parts for other North American groups. One mysterious group that they sent a lot of aviation supplies to caught her attention, and a month prior to Gatecrasher she received a call that the Founders has need of her services in combat.

Noteworthy Facts:

- Her father was a pilot in the Royal Canadian Air Force, and the jacket she wears used to be his.
- She learned how to shoot from a hunter, first using a bow and then using a gun. Some swear she had holds her arc rifle like an archer would hold their medieval weapon.
- Although it depends on your perspective, if you think her looks mean she is smart, you would be correct.


Name: Maxwell “Castaway” Dominguez
Role: Trooper, Cook
Sex: Male
Age: 34
DoB: March 14th, 2004
PoB: Constanza, República Dominicana
Race: African
Nationality: Dominican
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 169 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Flat-topped
Eye Color: Brown
Immediate Family: Carmen (Daughter, 16), Junior (Son, 14), Jabes (Son, 12)

Appearance (Build - Medium, Muscular, Spry):

Maxwell has a toned, muscular body from years of maintaining his physique - though he is not bulky. Rather, he is spry and strong, a combination that makes him very flexible on the battlefield. He has a red rose tattoo lined with green thorns along the right side of his back; it is a memoriam to his deceased wife and a promise that she will be avenged.

Personality (Ethical Extrovert):

The Dominican man is good-humored and hard to shake up. He almost always has a modest smile and is more forgiving of people than his past might indicate. Nevertheless a burning, passionate anger lies under the surface, directed at the institution that is ADVENT. He does well to keep from upsetting his kids though.

Biography (Rundown):

Maxwell grew up picking strawberries. He was a teenager doing the typical motions of going to a small school, getting a girlfriend, and so on when suddenly the world turned upside down. Beings from another world took over the world on TV, and by the time he was 18 and his own man they were trying to force him out of his home. Although it pained him, he was poor and wanted a better life for the girl he was going to marry. They moved to a Megacity, and did get richer. One day though, they took away his wife. At first he was dumbfounded, but resentment builded and builded until by chance he ran into the Resistance and joined them to direct his fury at those that had duped him.

Noteworthy Facts:

- His family dynamic can be viewed as follows; a father that tries to set a good example, a daughter that abides by it, an elder son that is somewhat rebellious, and a shy youngest son that all members of the family look after.
- Is a little superstitious.


Well-Known Member
Name: Simone Zephaniah
Role: Medical Staff
Sex: Female
Age: 26
DoB: February 3rd, 2012
PoB: Philadelphia, USA
Race: ‘American’
Nationality: American
Height: 1.93m
Weight: 93 kg
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Style: Tight Bun
Eye Color: Brown
Immediate Family: N/A
Place of Residence before joining X-COM: Megacity of Caldera

Simone is an unusually tall woman, with high cheekbones, a sharp nose, and piercing brown eyes, framed by neck-length blonde hair that is ninety-nine percent of the time tied up tightly in a bun. Her build is slim yet strong, with cords of muscle running across her entire length. Despite her personality, she dresses with an emphasis on comfort - thick, high-necked sweaters and cotton slacks fill most of her wardrobe, with a lab coat thrown over when work demands it. She also frequently has bags under her eyes, due to her insistence on always waking up at 5 am despite however late she went to sleep.

Prim. Proper. Disciplined. A massive stick up her ass. Those are the words that come to mind when discussing Simone. And, admittedly, all of them are true. She moves like a coiled tiger, ready to pounce; speaks with few minced words and even fewer unnecessary ones; and rarely - if ever - lets her hair down, both literally and figuratively. Only in the rarest of situations - when she’s around only the people she can trust and there’s no risk of anyone else barging in - does she let herself relax, even in the slightest. After all, in her profession doing so could mean death.

To discuss Simone is to discuss the effect a 350 year military legacy upon the sole heir to the Zephaniah family. From the French and Indian War all the way to the wars of the late 20th century, Simone had at least one family member involved in every single war the militias of America had fought in. However, such a commitment takes its toll on a family tree, and by 2018 only three Zephaniahs remained - Simone and her two parents, Vincent and Jane. As such, Simone was to be the one expected to hold up the military tradition of her family, likely by joining one of America’s many military branches. Then the invasion occurred, and America ceased to be.

This did not prevent Simone from following through on her aging parents’ encouragement, and Simone enlisted in ADVENT as early as she could, becoming an ADVENT Sniper in 2034. She spent three years climbing up the ranks - a chance discovery of blue psionics pushing her advancement up even further. She caught the eye of her superiors for her steely demeanor and raw capability, and ended up being transferred over to ADVENT’s intelligence division for a special, deep cover project - Project Blacklight.

For this, she was taught the doctor’s trade in a psionically accelerated course (as rebel groups would always need medical staff, it was believed), drained of her alien DNA, and released into civilian life in 2036 so that she could prepare herself for activation. Once activated, she would infiltrate her target, and begin releasing intel from within so that ADVENT could bring the iron boot down upon the helpless resistance group. Secondary objectives also included sabotage and assassination of key targets within the group she infiltrated.

And now, with XCOM’s resurgence, Alfons has given the activation order to Simone, with a single goal - join XCOM, at any cost. Quickly she gathered her cover story - a woman, who happened to have recently discovered her psionics, wished to avoid being drafted into ADVENT. She stole some data from the ADVENT facility she ‘escaped’ from, and put out an open call on the Resistance lines - a call for help.

Special Abilities:
Yellow Psionics - Tele-Imagery
Green Psionics - Oxykinesis
Blue Psionics - Mindfray


Game Master
Staff member
Name: Jorge 'Taruca' Rivera
Age: 48
DoB: July 5th, 1991
Sex: Male
Place of Birth: Santiago, Chile
Nationality: Mestizo
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 129 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Short, Spiked
Eye Color: Hazel

Jorge has an optimistic face, with a hint of sadness in his eyes. He smiles when others are around, frowns when by himself. He keeps himself well groomed, and his tanned skin is mostly blemish free, with the exception of a set of holes in his right arm, leg, and side from a trio of bullets. The wound on his side occasionally causes him discomfort.

Medium level body Armor. A M4A1 rifle with no accessories and a SIG Pro SP2009 sidearm. A Standard issue torch, a heavy-duty field medical kit, a small pocket knife, a two-way radio, and his 'lucky grenade'.

Personality: Jorge has an unusually upbeat attitude for one in his line of work. He tries to project his positive attitude on others, something that keeps spirits up with the men and women working under him. He tends to sit alone a lot, staring sadly into space. No matter what hardships he faces or what his troops demand, he watches out for them like they're family.

Jorge was born to an upper-middle class family, and had a promising career as a doctor ahead of him. Just as he began medical school, however, his interest in the suffering of his fellow South Americans at the hands of drug cartels, coupled with how much local authorities were paid off, reached a boiling point. Dropping out of school after two years, he moved to Peru and joined a small guerilla army.

Jorge primarily acted as a field medic. Adopting the role of caregiver, the harder the tasks he had to face, and the more death he had to face, the more he had to learn to smile, to keep morale up, as well as to keep himself from going insane from despair. However, it was all for naught, as his small band was ambushed in 2016, and all of his comrades were wiped out. The lone survivor, an injured Jorge came face to face with his death at the hands of the corrupt local authorities and their poor excuses for prison life.

His saving grace came four years later. By this time, the get tough or die prison life had hardened Jorge, and he seized the opportunity for a prison break. He didn't know why his entire compliment of prison mates were suddenly being moved, but when several other prisoners where able to take over their transport bus, he escaped with them. All the others were recaptured or killed, but his short lived time as a guerilla soldier had taught him how to disappear into the wilderness.

Jorge had looked forward to finally escaping this life of killing and pain, and to return to his family in Chile. But the world he returned to was a different place. He had never believed in aliens, but here they were, spreading their influence on the world, claiming that humans were too violent to exist without their help, propaganda everywhere. Jorge didn't buy any of it, and only stayed quiet for the sake of his family, who had already had enough heartache, believing him to be dead all this time.

He did not stay quiet for long. He saw what ADVENT really was when they first came to be in 2023, and started to secretly research growing resistances along with everything from weapon and explosive building to secret ops and jungle warfare. When the great República de Chile was more or less dismantled in favor of moving everyone to the Megacity of Moreno near the Perito Moreno glacier in 2028, Jorge didn't go with them. He took whoever he could and started the Chilean Liberation Front (Frente de Liberación de Chile, or FLC).

Rebellion groups came and went, both in South America as a whole and in Chile itself, but none had the lasting power of the FLC. Jorge didn't intend to lead the group when he started it, but quickly found he had a knack for it. The FLC distinguished itself from other groups by emphasizing what the aliens lacked; humanity. Civilians were never targeted, supplies where often shared with the Chilean shanty towns, and many of the targets of the FLC were purely military. It helped to be popular with the shanty towns. In 2030, the FLC was able to destroy a major ADVENT transportation line. In 2033, the vast medical supplies they stole stopped the spread of an epidemic in the former Santiago. 2035, ADVENT was successfully led into a trap that took out 37 ADVENT soldiers without a single loss by the FLC.

By 2036, new rebellion groups didn't bother forming. New individuals looking to fight the alien occupation of Chile simply joined the FLC, which had absorbed all the other rebellion groups and become the Unified Chilean Freedom Fighters. With a more unified group then ever before, fighting with one goal, one mind, Jorge had more possibilities then before the the UCFF. And more problems.

By 2039, it was obvious to Jorge that, despite their best efforts to keep up with the alien's technology by stealing what they could, they were starting to draw more attention then they could deal with from ADVENT. They couldn't keep up, and operations were slowing down to try an distill that attention. Realizing they needed help, and fast, Mr. Rivera's closest men urged him to reach out to the current inspiration for all freedom fighters, XCOM, for help, whatever they might be able to offer. Jorge is unsure if calling for outside help is wise, and fears XCOM's assistance might draw even more attention, but is willing to give it a shot.

Special Notes:
Jorge an excellent medic, is surprisingly proficient with the simplest of med kits, and is good at improvising. He is trained with every firearm he has ever had his hands on, and is good at teaching others.

His nickname 'Taruca' refers to a species of mid-sized, heavy bodied deer native to South America, including extreme north-eastern Chile. He does not remember who gave him the name, when, or why, but he likes it.


Well-Known Member
Name: Emile “Winter” Alcatraz
Role: Juggernaut
Sex: Male
Age: 21
DoB: February 13th, 2017
PoB: Geneva, Switzerland
Race: Swiss-German
Nationality: Swiss
Height: 6’3
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Long
Eye Color: Navy Blue
Immediate Family: None
Place of Residence before joining X-COM: Unknown


Emile has a rough and battered appearance from years of fighting and being on the run. He has a scar across his right eye and a cybernetic right arm replacing a limb that was ripped off. He also wears a ADVENT Captain cape like a scarf around his neck. On the battlefield Emile wears a tac mask and a visor.


Emile has a very cold personality outwardly, acting very emotionless after years of watching people die around him. He prevents himself from getting attached because he doesn’t want to get hurt by the loss of more friends. But for the people he ends up caring for despite his rough exterior, he shows a more friendly and relaxed side.


Being the youngest of four, Emile was a year old when the alien’s invasion happened. After the invasion was over with an alien victory, his parents left Switzerland he was moved to Russia. His parents joined a group of soldiers that refused to take the knee to the aliens. Over time the years Emile would learn to hunt, fire most weapons and learn to scout on his own and learn ADVENT's battle tactics.

However, at the age of twelve the settlement he was living in was attacked. He tried to help defend his home by attacking a MEC Trooper. However he was met with a violent response: his right arm was torn from its socket and he was left to bleed out in the snow. Emile laid on the ground, dying and watching his home being destroyed, watching his friends and family being massacred in front of him till he lost consciousness.

Luckily for him, when he woke up his wounds had been patched by a savior. He thought she was a doctor because of the white coat she wore. When he tried to move his right arm, it shockingly responded; to his horror, he found out his arm was now made of metal. The doc told him it was made from the remains of the MEC that had attacked him, and gave him a gun and whatever was left from the fight.

Emile stayed fairly close to the scientist, mostly because she was the only person that could maintain his mechanical limb. The scientist stood close to him since he was the only one that knew how to hunt and gather food. After four years of Emile staying with the scientist, she repaired his arm one last time and said her farewells. She had no more reason to stay by him, and claimed to have plans of her very own.

For the following years Emile wandered the rest of Europe, going from settlement to settlement to help as a bodyguard and often trading the food he had for the necessities of life. He traveled alone and fought small groups of ADVENT solders, not going after huge groups since he would be outnumbered. He took out scouting patrols and stole their body armor and the cape of an ADVENT captain during this time. Emile currently continues his tradition of being a Coalition hunter on the fringes of their territories, but change is nigh.


Well-Known Member
Name: Tomislav "Tom" Kasun

Role: Harrier, Heavy Weapons Designer
Sex: Male
Age: 27
DoB: November 9th, 2010
PoB: Pozega, Serbia
Race: South Slav
Nationality: Serbian
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 151 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Buzzcut
Eye Color: Amber
Immediate Family: Borislav (Father, Deceased), Damjana (Mother, Deceased)
Place of Residence before joining XCOM: S.I.N. Base Beta


Tomislav has roughly chisled features like that of an unfinished yet impressive sculpture. His expressions command respect, whether he offers a charismatic smile or a stern frown. His face is unmarred - unless you count stubble as a deformity - while his hands are pockmarked with old burn scars. His build - while not without muscle - consists of a smaller body frame than the average for men.

The Serb's civilian clothing is made up of two different composition styles: attire fashioned in a traditional method or clothes made up of scavenged parts. The former type is represented in his brown cotton shirt, black cotton pants, and black wool jacket. The latter type appears in the form of a tan pair of traveling shoes, a gray set of insulated gloves, and a gold-plated belt of leather.

For combat attire, Tomislav wears the typical XCOM body armor with his country's flag defiantly displayed on the back and a few pieces integrated from his old armor. These include shaded ballistic goggles, a balaclava, and a girded mouthpiece, as well as the lower half of a Stun Lancer's helmet holding the grated piece in place. He also has the hand and lower leg armor from the riot control unit.


Tomislav is an effective leader on a smaller scale, capable of being a field tactician despite having trouble grasping broader, long-term strategy. He inspires others through his lighthearted, laid-back, and approachable attitude in addition to being welcoming to new people. Once he's drawn someone in, Tom treats them like family - but never acts as if he is superior in authority. He does have a bit of an arrogant streak, but knows how to work the social scene quite well. With a smile and a confident attitude he usually wins over people fairly quickly. He's very much a ladies' man, able to make some of the easier ones swoon or at least garner the attention of those that are hard to get. All of this points to someone with a lot of love to give, but those perceptive enough might realize that he isn't always genuine.


The Kasuns were not always poor, but having to struggle to survive was something Tomislav has always known. His father Borislav died when Tom was too young to have gained any lasting memories of him, and it fell to the boy's mother, Damjana, to care for him. She did not remarry, and dedicated the majority of her time towards keeping the family afloat. Off-work, Damjana endeavored to impart her wisdom and optimism to her son. It became clear from an early age though that Tomislav - while having learned to socialize well to stave off boredom and loneliness - did not possess a sense of responsibility when it came to other people or even himself.

It was a particularly cold January day. [REDACTED]

[REDACTED] Tomislav didn't think he could ever completely forgive himself for what had happened, but after a few years of brooding and closing himself off an opportunity presented itself.

At the age of 17 Tomislav was inducted into Resistance. Now his family's fight for survival became a more literal one as the two Kasuns fought as part of the Serbian Independent Nation. Tomislav battled, socialized, and flirted. In regards to the third part of his experience among the rebels, Tom never found a relationship that lasted long. Either he or his partner would break off after awhile because the former had commitment issues - partially due to his persistent lack of responsibility, and his strong desire to avoid telling others too much about himself. In addition to those particular problems, the Kasun pair - at least on the surface - had a unified front that opposed S.I.N.'s way of doing things.

The wanton destruction, the acts of terror - they were at odds with Damjana's ideals and principles. Tom supported them, but while his defense of his mother's beliefs won him friends among his peers it didn't endear him to his superiors. Nevertheless, Tomislav became notorious in SIN as an inspiring and effective leader as time went on - both in the ideological spectrum and on the battlefield. Ironically - considering the Resistance cell's complaints against the ADVENT Coalition - he also became known to SIN's leaders as a political troublemaker.

In the latter part of Tomislav's service to the Serbian resistance cell, his mother died at the age of 61. Tom, 24 at the time, turned his anguish against ADVENT due to the fact that she had died due to medical complications. He was deeply troubled for some time, finding himself taking every opportunity he could to get out into the field and fight. He tried to get the loss of the only person he was truly close to - the only person he admired - out of his head, while simultaneously making ADVENT pay for creating a world where you couldn't get medicine without essentially selling your soul to the aliens.

His methods became as brutal as his superiors in some respects, though ultimately - as he started to recover - he again espoused his mother's idealism as something he sincerely believed in - even if he wasn't perfect and couldn't always live up to her principles. Still, the loss of Damjana was a wound that Tom's heart never fully recovered from. Not long after this period Tom made a dilemma that was unique to his particular eccentricities while on a resource-gathering mission in an abandoned town. [REDACTED] Despite his reservations, he took in the Dalmatian and named him "Magarac", or 'Maga' for short.

More presently, S.I.N. gained a new member named Emile Alcatraz that Tomislav was fond of. The two started to become friends as they worked together, but when Emile heard about the Resistance in Chile gaining strength, he shipped off to make a bigger difference. Tomislav almost went with him, but ultimately decided against it. When he heard of the success of the Chilean Resistance and XCOM's involvement with them, however, Kasun began to seriously consider the idea of shipping out from SIN. He had a hunch that his friend might have wound up taking it a step further, and thus joined XCOM to make a bigger difference himself, and perhaps run into his comrade again.

Special Abilities: N/A

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Well-Known Member
Name: Alice Grant
Role: Robotics Engineer
Sex: Female
DoB: October 27th, 2015
PoB: Austin, Texas
Race: Caucasian
Nationality: American
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 134 lbs
Hair Color: Cherry Red
Hair Style: Long Ponytail
Eye Color: Navy Blue
Immediate Family: Father (Jason Grant), Mother (Jasmine Grant)
Place of Residence before joining X-COM: Dahlsworth, Texas

Appearance: While working, Alice keeps her hair in a ponytail, has a pair of goggles over her eyes, and wears plain jeans, a gray shirt over a lab coat, and regular shoes. Off-duty she dons bright colored shirts, and lets her hair down.

Personality: Alice has a very positive personality, if not to the point of being quirky. She tends to look at the bright side of life, and is not afraid of failure; in fact, she finds satisfaction in her shortcomings. To her, they prove she still has flaws.


Born before the war, Alice lived as a wealthy but otherwise normal child. Even though her parents weren’t around much she had her maid to take care of her. The reason for their absence was that they were brilliant engineers making loads of money. Despite a lack of presence in her life, they pampered their child with toys and gifts. However, as a child Alice found more joy in creating things with blocks and other toys that required building.

After the war her parents worked with the aliens to make repairs the capital city of Texas. During that time Alice grew enamored with fixing that which was broken, and became interested in her parents' work. Noticing this, her father constantly gave her toys to fix. By the time Alice was being homeschooled at the age of 5, it became clear that she was precocious and could have her education accelerated. She had finished learning middle school level curriculum near her tenth birthday, about four years ahead of other students.

As she grew older it was obvious that she was much smarter than your average child, not just a faster learner. Her parents decided to test her by giving her high school level work at the age of ten - not only did Alice breeze through it, she often outsmarted her tutors in mathematical prowess. At age eleven her parents sent her to a private high school making her take advanced placement classes. Alice went along with their wishes out of curiosity. Graduating at age fifteen, the talented teenager set her sights to college.

Alice got her Bachlor's degree in the emerging field of robotics at 19. During her summer breaks she would help her parents work on the MEC Trooper suits, never knowing the horrific truth about the human brains that were placed into the war machines. She also grew curious about the human body and how to improve it with technology. Seeing ADVENT solders infused with alien DNA and observing how strong they were, she wondered if she could create a machine that mimicked the best humanity and the extraterrestrials had to offer. The thought also occurred to her that perhaps she could augment a human to superhuman levels using cybernetics.

As she aimed higher for a Master's Degree, Alice ran into a very interesting person.The boy clearly stood out of everyone, being as much of a fish-out-of-water as a guy could be. Intrigued by him, she approached the man and introduced herself to this Luke Van Dam.

Luke told that he was born outside of the Megacity - a fact that shocked Alice. As Luke told her more about the wilderness she started to ponder what ADVENT was saying about the 'savages' beyond the Coalition's jurisdiction. She had the notion that ADVENT protected everyone, and the fact that Luke contradicted this narrative caused her to grow fascinated with Luke and his survivalist violence. He had told her about some of the things he did, which only intrigued Alice further about life outside the cities. By the time Luke left Alice had become suspicious about ADVENT.

In more recent times, Alice witnessed XCOM's Gatecrasher Transmission. After continually hearing whispers about the damage a small group of people had done to the global peacekeeping forces, and the things Atka had said, the engineer wondered if Luke was abducted and experimented on. Or the disappearances of some she had called friends were truly connected to a hidden alien agenda. Months after the first attack Alice started to notice that more and more people started to go missing, but she kept quiet hoping ADVENT wouldn’t take her as well. Alice was helping ADVENT with the creation of a third generation of MEC troopers, one that can handle XCOM psionic solders, when she was suddenly tasked with going to Taiwan with an Advent scouting force to assist in the apprehension of a robotic asset...



Well-Known Member
Name: Emmeline Marshall Ashworth
Role: Phantom, Intelligence Operative
Sex: Female
Age: 22
DoB: October 7th, 2016
PoB: Yorkshire, England
Race: Caucasian
Nationality: English
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 142 lbs
Hair Color: Silver
Hair Style: Ponytail
Eye Color: Hazel
Immediate Family: Theodore (Father, 45), Brittany (Mother, 43), Daisy (Sister, Deceased)
Place of Residence before joining XCOM: Outskirts of Berlin


Emmy is a chameleon that is capable of swapping between outfits to blend in with a crowd. She can also blend in with the shadows in her signature all-black outfit. It consists of a pair of sharp, formal-looking hiking shoes, loose pants that allow for freedom of movement, a tight v-neck shirt that shows off some along with a tactical turtle-neck sweater, cloth gloves, and a tuque. Her combat attire is fairly nondescript: her armor is streamlined for speed, and equipped with standard Phantom equipment to maximize stealth capabilities.


Emmeline has a very sociable, friendly, and approachable demeanor. She gets along with the majority of people, and knows when to be serious and when to relax. She is a very good judge of personality, able to figure people out and potentially even guess what they're thinking without any psionics to make it easy for her. She is calm and collected on the battlefield, able to operate without fear and even keep her cool should an ally fall.

Cover Story:

Emmeline was born out on the moors of Yorkshire to a humble pastoral family. Being closely packed together out in the boondocks, they were forced to get along - but squabbled often. They were fairly insulated from the invasion and its repercussions - at least, until the newly-born ADVENT discovered their name on a ledger. They came to move the tenants by force, and encountered Emmeline's older sister Daisy first. She resisted, having heard only terrible rumors from passerbys about the migration of Britons, and was killed for her struggle.

Her death tipped the rest of the family off to their likely fate, and they managed to hide and preclude their own demise. The harrowing experience hardened the young girl, however. Her family went into prolonged hiding, and Emmeline was not seen until about five years ago. She emerged to join the Resistance, having spent her time learning how to use technology to her advantage, how to work as a spy, and how to trick others.

Those skills were put to use in several different Resistance cells across Europe. Emmeline worked as a freelancer that would help hack into ADVENT networks or sneak into the cities - being more talented than anyone else at fooling ADVENT systems and security. She settled down with the anti-governmental forces in Germany for the past year, helping them get dissidents out of Berlin and into the fight against the Coalition. More recently, she began doing this on the behalf of XCOM - assisting in gathering European troops for the Founders. Now, she seeks to serve among them directly, and put her skills to use on the most important stage possible.

Special Abilities: N/A


Well-Known Member
Name: Ember Verrater
Role: ADVENT Enforcer
Sex: Female
Age: 19
DoB: October 19th, 2038
PoB: Chicago Command Tower, Lower American Precinct
Race: Inuit-Caucasian
Nationality: Advent Coalition
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 155 lbs
Hair Color: Jet Black
Hair Style : Spiky, Frazzled, and Short with Crimson Highlights
Eye Color: Midnight Green
Immediate Family: Cain Verrater (Father, 42), Atka Ipiktok (Mother, 42), Nigella Blukersey (Aunt, 36), Honored Overseer ("Little Brother")
Place of Residence before joining ADVENT: The Avenger


Ember has a shapely athletic figure honed by consistent physical conditioning and a desire to crush her enemies. She keeps her hair messy and frazzled, but short enough that it won't get in her eyes or otherwise inhibit her movement. Said eyes seem soul-piercing when directed at someone else, as if she is sizing her target up and deciding where to land the killing blow.

Off the battlefield, Ember wears an outfit consisting of the following pieces: a crimson red military jacket, a black shirt with a sizeable collar that has a bronze ADVENT Coalition symbol depicted as if etched in stone, black pants with a pair of crimson lines running down each leg, and crimson metal boots and gloves with black stars emblazoned on them. The jacket is usually kept open to show off the shirt.

On the battlefield, Ember retains her gloves and boots and is dressed in the rest of her power armor. It is sleek but durable, characterized by a black piece of armor over the upper and lower parts of the arms and legs, with dark gray, tensile metal covering the joints at the wrists, heels, elbows, kneecaps, shoulders, and hips. On the last two joint locations, rounded crimson plates with flattened ebon spikes protruding off the sides provide additional protection to preclude limb severance. Ember's chestplate is somewhat analogous to platemail, characterized by a mixture of black-and-red plates with a full layer of flexible dark gray alloys underneath. Her "helmet" is simply a localized telekinetic forcefield around her head.


Ember is a fiery, recalcitrant young woman. Eager to join in combat or crack a cruel joke, she aims to antagonize her enemies and doesn't necessarily get along with all her allies. She can be quite reckless, which is why her masters have sought to arm her accordingly. The ADVENT Enforcer is, however, someone who is intensely loyal to the Coalition and their alien masters. Due to the biological encoding placed upon her, along with lasting mind control and hypnotism, Ember cannot rebel against her obedience directives. This, combined with her warped sense of justice - one that could certainly be called zealous - makes her an excellent pawn.

She is a fan of sports and martial arts, utilizing an amalgamate of skills learned largely secondhand (which include karate, taekwondo, boxing, and basketball) to create a unique style of fighting that shines best in close quarters. What she lacks is discipline, however, and is quick to anger and easy to manipulate due to her blind convictions. Her frightening durability threatens to make this hardly a weakness, however. In addition, Ember is incredibly prideful and arrogant, looking down on nearly everyone.

Special Abilities:

Green Psionics (Override, Biokinesis, Imbuing), Blue Psionics (Physical Enhancement, Electrokinesis, Combination Skills (Overdrive, Bioelectric Overwrite)

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Well-Known Member
Name: Anna Stone
Age: 24
DoB: October 31st, 2014
Sex: Female
Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia
Nationality: Russian
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style : Messy Straight
Hair Length: Very Long
Eye Color : Violet
Immediate Family: Viktor Stone, Father (Deceased)
Place of Residence before XCOM: Moscow, Russia.


Appearance: Most would compare Anna's appearance with that of a witch, and her features compliment this assumption. Long and messy, frayed, dark hair, running down past her shoulders, sunken, dark eyes, and a clear lack of time dedicated to her own personal beauty. Anna is also abnormally thin and lithe, almost as if she is always starving, she also doesn't seem to gain much weight from eating either. Most would avoid her with simply that description, however, the reflection that usually hangs around her deters the rest. Korelyive most often takes the form of a midnight black, opaque Chryssalid Queen, however, she twists her form in battle or when upset, transforming into a nightmarish version of herself, losing her spectral scales and flesh, becoming a gnarled skeleton.

Personality: Anna keeps to herself, preferring solitude most of the time when it comes to strangers, however, she holds friends and family close, most likely due to the death of her father, and does enjoy spending time with them greatly. She usually carries herself quietly around people her 'sight' has told her little about, but despite her preference for solitude, she can wind up approaching people very familiar to her due to her 'sight' very aggressively and openly, as if long time friends, forgetting that they may not know as much about her, as she does about them. Do not mistake her usual quietness for a lack of passion, a hatred of the Ethereals burns brightly in both Anna and her reflection due to the untold suffering they have caused to both Anna herself and to all the other races that they have enslaved, however, it can be said that Anna holds much more faith in desenters than her reflection, this is much a product of her 'Sight'. Due to this 'Sight', Anna tends to be cautious around people she is not familiar with in some way, sometimes seeing them as insignificant to the grand scheme of things. Similarly, Anna often doesn't put much stock in the world she is currently living in, due to getting caught up in her 'Sight' for long periods of time, such as most of her time incarcerated. Due to this, she can end up devaluing the lives of others or herself, especially people she sees as insignificant, but her reflection does what she can to keep her grounded in the reality that should truly matter to her. Despite this, Anna is very dedicated to freeing the countless races under the Protectorate's control, including her own, and improving their lives for the better, a goal both her and Korelyive feel strongly about, however, they both agree that some must be killed for the many to be saved.

Biography: Anna grew up in the suburbs of Moscow with her father and mother, the first few years of Anna's life were spent in their carpentry shop where her father would teach her to carve. During this period, Anna spent time her with cousin Marx, which lived not too far from her store, and they quickly grew a strong bond, with Marx acting much like a big brother. That changed when Advent took control; suddenly Anna's family store was closed down and left to rot, forcing her and her family on the street along with her close cousin Marx. Anna's parents attempted to keep the family fed on what they could, looting trashcans and scrounging for anything, often passing the safer foods onto Anna and choosing the leftovers for themselves, finally, this took a noticeable toll on Anna's mother, who became suddenly and severely ill. After long midnight talks with Marx's parents, often leading to shouting and bickering, Anna's father decided that the best bet for the health of his wife and daughter was to risk the city, despite what they had all heard about the disappearances of the sick and elderly. Anna's family parted ways with Marx's after many tears from the both of them and they headed off to the city. Sadly, however, it was apparent that Anna's mother was not fit to be moved and her condition worsened, leading to her death just over a third of the way to the city. Crushed, but still determined to keep his daughter safe, Anna's father continued to the Megacity of Moscow, intent on building her a life there.

Ever since she was born, Anna's often had visions in her sleep of people and places totally unfamiliar to her, but when she brought her concerns to her parents they never worried and simply brushed it off as the active imagination of a child. After her mother's death, however, Anna's visions began to grow in intensity and realism, but instead of letting her father know, she decided not to worry him. Shortly after settling in the city, Anna's father found work as a construction worker, enough to a least feed themselves and the two of them had a pretty quiet life, Anna's father continuing on her carpentry lessons when he arrived home and trying to keep as much Advent propaganda out of her ears as possible.

One day, however, a large booming knock echoed through their house. As her father opened the door, Advent officials stormed in and took the two of them into custody. Anna's father demanded answers and they explained to the both of them that they were to be interrogated for information on the rebels, specifically Marx Tvarnov. Anna's father explained that they had spent time together before his family moved to Moscow, but had not heard from them since and certainly didn't know anything about them being rebels. Not exactly content with their answer, the Advent interrogator turned to Anna and asked her. Anna had always had a reverence in her heart for the aliens, even before they came to Earth, due to seeing them in her dreams often. Anna believed that just because the aliens were invading, didn't mean they were bad, so she was more than happy to cooperate with them, after all, she had seen all they good they had done, despite her father's efforts. She gave a similar answer as her father, that she hadn't seen her cousin for a very long time, but she added that she doesn't think Marx would join with the rebels. Not persuaded by their responses Advent employed the use of invasive mind readers to find what they wanted, they process was painful, and gathered little information, this lasted for days straight until the interrogators decided they had searched thoroughly enough, but by that time, Anna's view on Advent had completely changed.

Advent didn't find their information, searching Anna's memories, but what they did find was something even more interesting, violet psionics. The interrogators who discovered this sent Anna and her father to a psionics lab to be tested, during even more painful tests Advent unlocked Anna's psionics, after this, they scanned her father in a attempt to see if it was hereditary, after getting a negative, they planned on disposing of him, before they stopped to notice some peculiar readings coming from Anna's cell. Their numerous devices and scanners showed a strangely high level of activity in Anna's brain while completely asleep, delving as deep as possible into the sections of her brain that held the memories of those dreams, they found images of insane things, humans with hyper advanced tech, alien-human hybrids, humans piloting Ethereal level spacecraft, and even images of X-Com...

Realizing they were onto a gold mine here, Advent sent Anna and her father to a much more advanced testing facility, in case he had also inherited these powers in some way. Informing the Elders of what they had found, the high aliens took interest, ordering the scientists there to continue this avenue of research on her until they fully understood that this was something that could be used to their benefit. Anna spent much of her time in this place, often sleeping, by choice or more often, by knock-out drug, in order to study this power of hers, she couldn't 'see' much while awake. During the rare times Anna was awake, she could hear cries of pain from other parts of the ship, the agony scraping across the walls and into her ears every second she was awake, threatened to break her. One day, at a point of particularly intense anger, she wanted to tear the Elders apart, as this thought raced through her head, a eviscerated and mangled Chryssalid Queen was being hauled through the hallway outside her cell. As she stared into the eyes of the near dead alien, she could feel it's psionic power still there, calling to her. Approaching the door to her cell, she could feel the hatred of the creature as if it was tangible, she knew she felt the same as it, they were of like minds and wanted the elders to pay, for everything. As the creature passed away in front of her, she could feel it's energy reach towards her for help, for safety, and she was more than willing to oblige, allowing it in.

The creature became a part of her, fueled by Anna's desire to destroy the Elders that had tortured her, and every time she had those thoughts, the Chryssalid Queen grew stronger. Eventually, she decided to give her friend a name, Korelyive...

Now, trying to keep herself awake in active defiance of the Elders, she honed her psionics in different ways, waiting until the day she could escape with her father. It's a shame it would never be, and her father would be found to be of no use to the Protectorate...