X-COM Season 2 - Journals

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Game Master
Staff member
Name: Ayame Kasagi
Rank: Trainee

Historical Account #2:

To use an old cliche, the day it all went wrong started out like any other day. Hard work in the fields, break time relaxing with Guì yīng under a tree, a small but meaningful lunch with my mother.

The bandits came in the middle of the afternoon. It was on odd time to attack, unless you knew why they were there. They purposely attacked at that point to send a message. I was told years afterwards that they were hired by a gambling rival of my father's, who lost really badly to him the previous day, and claimed foul play. My father may have had gambling as a vice, what man doesn't have his vices, but he was no cheater. That, of course, meant nothing to a man who's "honor was lost". He was a slime ball, who lived off his father's money and who never learned to take responsibility for his actions. This would be his down fall, as he refused to pay the bandits for their service when they found out they hadn't finished the job, and they strung him up by his entrails.

This did little for my lose, though. I remember them cackling outside our home as they goaded my father into coming out to face them. He did, and asked them to please take whatever they wanted, as long as they left his family in peace. This only made them laugh harder. My father was no fighter; he lasted about a minute before the leader had his sword in my father's belly. Everything happened so fast at that point. I remember my brothers rage filled cries as they grabbed the nearest weapon they could get. I remember as my mother grabbed my sister and my hands to throw us in a closet to hide. The bandits were too fast though, and they spotted us before my sister could join me in hiding.

I....I remember what happened next, too. It is an image that is burned into my memory, and will never go away. They...they grabbed my mother and sister and threw them to the ground. They had to kick the bodies of my dead brothers out of the way to make room. My mother fought back, yelling for them to let my sister go. A pair of knives through her hands kept her from struggling, and when they tired of her begging screams, a knife through her throat took care of that. They didn't need her alive for their fun, anyway.

My sister...she didn't even struggle. She just laid there, tears streaming from her glazed over eyes. My beloved sister's beautiful eyes were replaced by the dead stare of someone who had given up. I couldn't keep my voice down for long. I remember the terrified look in my sister's eyes when the bandits heard me whimpering. But as they approached my hiding spot, it wasn't just sadness I felt. There was also cold, unbridled, blinding rage.

When I came back to my senses, the bandits were all dead. I was dripping with blood, and holding the severed head of the bandit leader, an expression of pure terror frozen on his face. The neighbors who came to investigate the commotion said when they first approached, I was repeatedly chopping at his body with a scythe, laughing maniacally as his blood splashed against my face. They were too scared to approach me, and did their best to avoid me as they took away the bodies. They left me in the hands of the imperial investigators who soon came to see this "akuma no ko" who killed half a dozen men by herself.

Soon would begin my new life of murder and blood.


Well-Known Member
Name: Anna Stone

Memory Log 2 :

After my parents died, I was so happy that I was finally free of my mothers control, I that decided to go ahead and date this boy that she forbid me to see, his name was Kris Tearrean , I met him when I was 16, I had snuck out of my house to get away from my mother, I walked to Downtown Moscow, it was not a particularly "Friendly" part of the city, but I didn't care, this large man stepped in front of me and demanded I give him all my money, I was terrified until Kris came around the corner and punched him in the face, he fell to the floor, he took my hand and he guided me back home.

We were dating in secret for 2 years because my mother did not want me getting with some rat from the bad part of town, I did not care what she said though, I honestly loved him, he was nice, had a great personality, why does my mother not trust him?, I always asked.

But after my mother died, he told me he wanted to take me downtown to see a show, it was a cute little play by these two ventriloquist brothers, very funny people, popular around town, everyone wanted tickets to that show, so I had to say yes.
We arrived at the theater and watched the show, the show lasted 2-3 hours, afterwards he wanted to take me to a bar, this was the strange to me because I had told him I do not drink, I did not care though, I loved him so much you see and I thought he was just takeing me there to dance or something romantic like that.
Lets just say when I was younger I was a lot more susceptible to that love-dovey kind of thing, its why I do not "Love" easily anymore, because of what happened that night.
He led me to the dance floor and we danced for a few hours, until he said he had to go and use the restroom, I sat at a table and waited for him to come back out, it felt like I was waiting hours, seeing the couples dance, hearing the conversations all around, this particular group of Americans saw me and said "Hey, How're you doing hottie?", I told them to leave me alone, and they walked away, about 30 more minutes passed and Kris had still not left the restroom, the Americans walked back up to me and said in very hostile tone of voice "You know, I thought about what you said before bitch...and if I want to flirt with you, I am gunna, its not like you can do anything to stop me"
I told him that my boyfriend was in the restroom, and if they so much as bumped into me he would make they regret it, they walked back to their table and kept looking at the restroom, waiting to see if this boyfriend of mine would come out, 10 more minutes passed and still no sign of him.
I decided to go knock on the restroom door and see if he was still in there, as I walked through the hall to the bathroom someone cut the lights out, I looked behind me and it was those Americans again, they had me cornered and Kris had still not left the restroom, I was terrified, I backed up until I reached the end of the hallway, I looked at one of them and saw the he had his hand in his pocket and assumed he had a knife, I turned and slammed on the restroom door and screamed, "Kris, These Guys are trying to kill me!", but there was no answer, all of a sudden one of them grabbed me and put a rag to my face, I panicked, inhaled deeply, and passed out.
(By searching what crimes he had committed using the Russian Civilian Intelligence Database, I later found out that he ran one of the biggest Human Trafficking Rings in all of Russia, So more than likely Kris had arranged for me to be kidnapped that night...)

I spent the next 4 years of my life as a slave too a bunch of drunk Americans idiots, they locked me in their basement (Just like my Mother had done) and took turns...enjoying themselves....


I don't think I can talk about it anymore today...
The memory of it...its still so fresh...
It has been only 4 years since I escaped...

*End of Recording*
Backstory Journal 2
Name: William Aronus Davin

Gah. I guess Odd was kinda pissed about something because the mess revoked alcohol for a while. Ah well. I'll see if I can't find something else to help me forget my past for a while. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah.........
Kristina.......*a stifled cough can be heard* Before I met her I was so focused on my studies that I didn't do much anything else. I never really hung out with the few friends I made, nor did I really pay attention to what's going on in the world. In some aspects, I was nothing but a puppet. Going from one task straight to the next. Never really thinking for myself, or thinking at all actually. I created some type of wall that kinda shut me off from everything else except what I was doing at the time. Driving, studying, reading, whatever I was doing at that point is all that really registered in my mind. God, in retrospect, it feels like I was a completely different person back then. *laughs*
The way she thought about the things I brushed off as impossible. The way she loved to get lost in a fictional world. "Its how I can escape the dull day to day events" she told me when I asked why she was so fascinated with the fictional and mystic. Maybe I should try getting lost in one of those worlds like she did.....*silence*
Shortly after she passed from the lung cancer I just shut down. I didn't want to do anything. When I ate everything tasted bland. Sunlight seemed dim, noises faded, everything was shrouded in darkness. I remember struggling to make life the way it was and it helped. I got back into helping people as a volunteer. A few months after that the military started recruiting. I figured I would be more help healing people on the fields of battle than the small volunteer work I had been doing. I think I just craved a purpose. Little did I know I found it when the letter came in from XCOM *muttering can be heard*
Well, I don't have a lot of computer tech knowledge, but I figure somebody has been going through my journals. I always pick a point somewhere in the journal and leave it there because I usually come back and re-read them. These have never been where I left them. Whatever. it stands to reason somebody higher up on the chain is browsing through them. *sound of a chair scraping the floor*

-Audio Log automatic deactivation initiated-


Active Member
Name: Joseph Andrews
Rank: Trainee

Medical Log of Chief Psychiatric Officer James Parker, PHD
Therapy Session for Joseph P. Andrews, March 7th, 2015

JP: Thank you for allowing me to record this session. Remember, doctor-patient confidentiality means I can't let anyone hear this without your permission.
JA: Sure, sure. Thanks for seeing me again after only a few hours. I...I just needed someone to talk to.
JP: Yes, word on the grapevine is you were cursing like a sailor a while ago. I take it your call with Jessica didn't go well?
JA: No, she's having a problem with her step-brother's bullying, and I pushed you too hard to talk about it. She's always been sensitive, and between the loss of our mother and brothers and that little prick pushing her around, the last thing she needed was me yelling at her.
JP: I'm sure she knows you were only concerned for her. I had time to skim over those notes about your childhood you sent me, and you talk very highly of her. She is a great source of inspiration for you. I believe you even said her birth stopped your suicidal thoughts.
JA: Well, stopped might be a bit of an exaggeration, but looking after her did give me purpose.
JP: Purpose?
JA: Yeah, some reason, I don't know, to exist. I had everything planned out, if fact. After college, I was going to become a lawyer, then a judge, and have a job doing the two things I hoped to do, help people for a living and make enough money to take care of my family. Jessica's continuing health problems did rack up some serious medical bills, and public aid only covered so much. I even took the LSAT. A 161 wasn't exactly Harvard material, but it was enough to get me a free ride at John Marshal.
JP: I thought you joined the Marines?
JA: Yeah, well, I was only in Law School for half a semester. I told everyone that I found that being a lawyer was a lot more removed from working with people then I expected, it was all about research, and that was true to an extent, but honestly the hours upon hours of studying and writing memorandums and case summaries, as well as the loneliness of not being able to see me family, made me crack. I hoped the military would give me some kind of focus, and give me another means of providing for my family. I guess I picked the marines since it would be the hardest, and thus the best form of atonement for my failings, but again I overestimated my resolve, and only lasted a couple months before....for lack of better words, running with my tail between my legs.
JP: Desertion is a series matter. What did you plan to do?
JA: Honestly, I didn't put a lot of thought into it. You'd think my level of intelligence would mean I was capable of more forethought.
JP: Well, under that kind of stress....
JA: That's okay, you don't have to try and rationalize my stupidity. When I came to my senses, I realized I couldn't run my whole life, so I went to see my family before turning myself in. And that was....the day....
JP: ...remember, Joseph, you don't have to tell me anything you're uncomfortable talking about. Its completely at your discretion. We can talk for another hour, or we can end this right now.
JA: ...I...
JP: Why don't we talk about Jessica for a...
JA: No, no, I want to get it out there. Its like, I don't know, getting a lot of dental work done. Best to save yourself some pain by getting it over with right away.
JP: Okay, just take your time.
JA: (Sigh) I was relieved to find my family was okay. I practically swam my way upstream through a river of people fleeing the city, and in retrospect, I wish they had been among them. But at least they were okay. I put on a brave face as I led them out of town. They obviously didn't know about my desertion, and I felt telling them would just cause unneeded complication. Best save that for when we weren't fleeing for our lives. So I kept that mask of confidence on, even though I was scared out of my mind, so much so that I talked as little as possible out of fear that they'd hear my voice shake.

We were almost out of the city when we were blocked by those freaks. Obviously, my family members were complete non-combatants, so it was four on one. They were sectiods, or at least three of them were, the fourth looked like a sectoid only a lot bigger. With nothing but a handgun I picked up off the charred remains of what was probably a cop, I didn't stand a chance. I only survived because my family essentially acted as shields. I still don't understand why they didn't target me first, the only real threat, before my family, but I suppose I'll never find out.

In the end, it came down to me and the sectoid leader. Only Jessica was left of my family, and the bodies of my mother and brothers acted as a ever present distraction to my concentration. I doubt the alien felt the same for his comrades. Desperate for a break and, well, with my mind fried from the fight and watching my loved ones die, a made a manic dash for the alien, I suppose I caught him by surprise, since he didn't immediately shoot me, though he gave me some weird look that made me feel like he punched me in the brain, and I faltered long enough for him to pistol whip me. I banged my head on the a curb, and I was out like a light for....I'm not sure how long I was out. When I came to, I was staring down the barrel of one of their weird guns. I looked it in the eye, anticipating my imminent face melting, and I swear, it's ugly eyes were smiling.

It was Jessica that saved me in the end. I don't know when she picked up my gun, or how she knew how to fire it, but I was suddenly showered by the creatures blood, flesh, and brain matter. It splashed into my mouth, nose, and eyes, and I was hit with...I guess you could say a psychic shock, that knocked me out again. When I woke up, I was in a military helicopter being evacuated. It was several excruciating hours before I learned Jessica was still alive. I....I joined XCOM for her sake. I'm not sure why they accepted me, though I guess they were just desperate.

While I was out, I had a dream that I've had many times since then. In it, I'm walking up to Jessica, and she looks terrified beyond reason. I reach out and lift her in the air by her neck, but they're not my hands, their the alien's. These waves of energy flow from my head to hers. I then drop her, and turn to face, well, me, and I realize I'm the alien leader. The situation then plays out as before, only I see it from the aliens perspective, all the way up to its death. I'm convinced now that these are it's memories of it's last minutes alive, but if that's true, what did it do to Jessica while I was knocked out.

JP: .....I think its best we stop here. I don't want to push you any more. I spoke with Commander Odd, and he said he'll make sure you get the medication we discussed. It'll take a while to get here, though, as I'm afraid we don't even have it on base. In the mean time, I'd recommend focusing on Jessica. Try to think about what you can say to make her feel better the next time you talk. I'd also suggest talking to some of your friends on base. I know you've been avoiding them, probably thinking they don't really care about you, but if you give them a chance, I'm sure you'll be surprised. They could be a great source of moral support. We'll meet again at the time we scheduled next week, unless something else comes up of course.
JA: Okay, doctor. Thanks.
JP: Don't forget to get some rest. (Walking, door opening and closing).......hm, troublesome........these aliens worry me more everyd...
*End Recording*


Well-Known Member
Name: Richard Foulke
Current Rank: Trainee
Mission Name: N/A
Mission Objective: N/A
Kills This Mission: N/A
Total Kills since joining XCOM: N/A
Status: Healthy
Promotion?: N/A
Journal Entry:

--March Eighth, Two Thousand and Fifteen, 0039 Local Time--

Dammit, just found out that Commander has issued a mess-wide ban on drinks of an intoxicating nature. Too pissing sober for this time of night. Or is it morning now? I dunno, still too damn tired to sleep, as ironic as that is. Well, since I’m still up, I might as well talk a bit more about..the Incident.

The WO had just taken a bolt of plasma to the chest. Burned right through his Kevlar and likely char-broiled his organs. Me and Grabovsky move to cover immediately, and Dae-Hyun moves the 12.7 towards where the shot came from. Then, this purple...miasma exits the cloud, and hits the LC in the head. Not sure what caused that but...he pointed the gun at the other APC, and opened fire, pulping the peacekeepers. I yell for him to check his fire, blue-on-blue, the usual friendly fire warnings, but he doesn’t stop. Grabovsky draws his pistol and shoots the gunner in the head almost....casually.

At that point it is just me and the Private left, and I’m all for cutting and running. At that point, my memories start to get foggy. It almost feels like they aren’t mine, but are artificial. But that’s bullcrap, nothing can create memories for you. Grabovsky moves to firing position, but I panic. I ditch my rifle, and flee. The sniper yells at me to get back there, but that’s when a shot catches him in the leg, and he goes down screaming. I take one fateful look back, and see four of those....things checking the corpses, and dragging the screaming Private away. I don’t know how they didn’t notice me, but I spent the next four days trying to get back to the base.

Well, it is out now. On the record too, for any prying eyes. Probably should talk to another shrink about this stuff. Heard there is one on the base here, but...no.

Foulke, out.


Active Member
From the Audio Diary of Jessica Andrews, age 9,
Excerpt #2

I t-talked to J-Joey again. I-I think he's mad. I cut him off, and a-all he was trying to d-do was see w-why I was sad. And.....and I lied to him. I di-didn't tell him a-about the voice. I-I'm scared. I had bad dreams b-before, but its the s-s-same voice every night. B-but he is w-working so hard t-to protect me, I don't want him t-to worry.

(Sobbing) I (sniff) I miss him...and I miss m-mommy! (deep crying) I h-hate it here so much! B-B-Brian kn-knows how to m-make me cry, a-and h-his dad doesn't believe m-me, and h-his mom s-stopped y-yelling at him after sh-she had that f-f-fight with his dad. They don't w-want me a-anymore. (crying) Why c-can't I st-stay with Joey? I'd s-stay out of th-the way, and I c-could cook for everyone, even M-Mr. Odd. I'll do l-laundry, c-clean the floors, a-anything.

(sob) I d-don't want the monsters to get me. I-I think B-Brian would l-let them have me if h-he c-could. I'm sorry, Joey. I di-didn't mean to m-make you m-mad. I h-hope y-you will want to t-talk to me a-again.

(Boy's voice) Hey, what are ya da-da-doin', spaz?

*End Recording*


... well, frick. (I was in a rush, trying to include the lesser-mentioned names around here, and I guess there was a mix-up.)

Although, I agree--from my quick glance, I must say you sure as heck brought aboard one very stunning asset! :)

Haha thanks. but don't get any ideas, cause i'm not "that way" if you know what i mean.
OH right i'm breaking character. i mean, what? the fourth wall is just fine don't even worry about it.


Name: Presariov Astaeri
Current Rank: Recruit
Mission Name: N/A
Mission Objective: N/A
Kills This Mission: N/A
Total Kills since joining XCOM: 0
Status: Healthy
Promotion: N/A
Journal Entry:
I was further exploring the base while listening to a podcast the other day, and I came across a huge silo that was only lighted up about 100 meters down, but it clearly went on a lot longer. As I was leaving after spitting into the abyss, I heard what sounded like a deep, large growl coming up from below. The door closed behind me just as I heard it, and when I tried to get in again it was locked. There's some freaky stuff goin' on up in the secret lab....

After the pit, I found some seemingly abandoned labs. They looked a lot like the ones upstairs, but covered with cobwebs and boarded up. Thankfully I brought a flashlight with me on this expedition, or I would have tripped on the broken LED lights that have fallen from the ceiling in what I assume was years of abandonment. As I stepped through the old halls, inches of dust flew up around me, revealing a concrete floor with colored lines leading off in different directions, leading to other sections of the labs.

The closed off rooms are all labeled with steel nameplates according to the project they were working on and the head researcher. The first one I checked was called "Project Indigo, Dr. Smith" and the next few "Studies In Supernatural Healing, Dr. Thoros" "Blue Sky Development, Dr. White."

I decided to follow the red line on the floor, which lead me to the two largest labs of the bizarre deserted complex. The nameplate of by the door to the right told me this lab was host to "The Limits of Nanotechnology In Context of Artificial Intelligence Networking." The words barely fit on the steel plate, and read like the title of a college thesis. The door on the left was titled "Testing of Age Reversing Ion Waves." The lead researchers assigned to both labs were obscured, as if melted of by, well, something that can melt stainless steel.

The door on the right was sealed the same as the others, but the one on the left- the one dealing with anti-aging or whatever- wasn't just unlocked, but open. As I entered, I found the remains of a long-since cannibalized machine, a desk with blank notebooks, and what remained of a complex equation on a not-so-white-anymore board. The only really notable thing about the room was a messy, circular hole in the wall leading into the next lab. Amongst the piles of ancient office paper and dusty cardboard boxes full of paperclips and clipboards, I could feel an ever-looming sense of dread emanating from the hole in the wall. Something in the back of my mind told me to run and get the hell out of there as fast as I could, and I did.

As I ran through the lab complex, the shadows on either side of my flashlight's beam reached and twisted in bizarre angles, and the floor felt like it was dropping out from under me in much the way solid objects shouldn't. The main hall where I entered was so much longer than I remembered, and so much more of a hazard course. I jumped the first to piles of rubble, but by the time I came across the fallen ceiling lamp, the nausea I had from what felt like a bad acid trip became to much, and I tripped. Getting up, I bolted for the hermetic airlock and burst through back into the modern X-com facility. I sealed the door, replacing the warning signs, and ran back to the barracks, if anything just to get as far away as possible from whatever was in that lab.

As I sat down on my rack, I took notice of the blood staining my casualwear, dripping down from my chin in a steady flow from when I had tripped on the lamp. At that moment as I was cleaning the dirt and blood from myself, I heard the intercom chime in that it was racktime, 9:00. How long had I been in there?
Journal End


Well-Known Member
Name: Aribeth Dusk

Status: Wounded

Non-combat log 08:

Log Format: Audio

(Hour 4 of 4)

All right, last recording before I'll go to sleep. Met all sorts of people on my walk. Got some funny looks from the Mohawk, but nothing out of the ordinary.

You know what? I really want to go outside. Not in a mission sort of sense. But just a walk. Maybe in the city, to watch people go by. Or maybe just a small nature hike. I know it has been literally four hours since I was last out, but that trip didn't go amazing.

Anyways I need t-

What that?

Oh god. The alarm


Come on, Come on.....

Allright, found the crutches,

Come on wheres the off butto-


Well-Known Member
Dear Space Diary,

New results came in from the base on the surface. Psionic extraction methods, combined with the information we deciphered from the data-storages the Sectoids recovered reveal a lot of new information about the species native to this mudball. The natives call this planet 'Earth'. A strange name for a planet which has mostly water on the surface. This confirms our suspicions that they do not live in the water. Well, that and the subjects that were exposed to extended periods in this water did not survive.

We also learned that they call themselves 'Hootnams', a name which I think fits fairly well. At any rate, it is much better than any name considered so far. These Hootnams, however, are not well equipped to handle our armada. After making extensive inventories of all information gathered from the Hootnams, we could recognize the functionality of all their technologies for something some or all of us have come to employ.

There is one thing that is not accounted for in this use of analogies, however, which may be concerning. The Hootnams have a device they call 'chair', of which the purpose is yet unknown. It bears no resemblance to any of our known technologies, and the closest it comes to anything we know is the automated gut evicirator, but the device lacks the motorized parts to accomplish such a task. The lab guys are working on this non-stop to figure out what this device might be for.

It wasn't long after I lost my chance at Milkyways when the testing of the Hootnams' capacities was started. This stage used a multi-pronged attack to see what percentage would be responded to. The response from the Hootnams was an impressive 33%. Perhaps it is time to enter the next stage of phase two, see if the Hootnams can adapt to new circumstance, they seem to understand how to combat Sectoids by now.


Well-Known Member
Name: Anna Stone
Status: Disgruntled

Non-Combat Log 8 :

Well our guys just came back from another successful mission, they sent Scruffson again, is it me or does the Commander favor him more than the other Squaddies?

Anyhow, a rumor had been flying around base that the boys in the lab want us to capture one of those little guys, alive...
I don't think it's a good idea to bring one of those little bastards here though, might cause problems, how do we know those things can't use their power (Their Purple, Purple, Power) to communicate with their leader, because if they can the location of our base will be compromised, well I guess if they were looking for us they would've found us already (All they have to do is find the big neon sign that says "X-COM BASE : All Reporters Welcome!").

About these stupid reporters, they can't get enough of Nukey, "Oh Nukey what kind of shoes do you wear?!" "Oh Nukey, What is your favorite kind of Pasta!?", its ridiculous, I thought this was a secret military operation, why are we letting everyone and their mothers wander into the base?
Just seems stupid to me...

I went into the command room and saw that Russia was Glowing yellow on that giant globe of theirs, I asked one of the guys in command what that meant and he said that Russia has a panic rating of 3, I asked him "Well What does that mean?" and he told me that if a nation hits panic level 5 they are in mass hysteria, lets just say I wasn't very happy, my homeland is two panic levels away from Mass hysteria, and you know who the commander helps?
Commander Odd helped America even though they were only a panic level one, Commander Odd needs to stop blindly helping nations that don't need it just because they give him lots of Free Crap, next time America has an abduction I wonder what they will say, "Hey Commander, if you help us we will buy you a Flat-Screen TV the size of New York City!", those damn Americans don't realize how good they got it, while other nations starve they ride around in their solid gold sports cars throwing money at all the Middle-class civilians walking on the sidewalk (Ok so maybe the upper class of America don't ride around in solid gold sports cars but you get my point)

That Painting of that insect is still in my room, Ayame told me yesterday to get rid of it but I just can't, its just such a pretty creature, whatever it is I want to see one, its so Beautiful and Terrifying, all at the same time, some nights when I am trying to go to sleep, I just stare into its eyes for hours, what is this strange beast?
I Just want to see one so bad...

Did not see Ayame yet today, but I am sure I will run into her eventually, I always do.
While I wait for Ayame to come and find me I guess I will carve some figurines of the Insect, I don't know what its called yet, but I can't help thinking it start with a C...

*End of Recording*


Active Member
Name: Riki Maru
Current Rank: Rookie
Mission Name: N/A
Mission Objective: N/A
Kills This Mission: N/A
Total Kills since joining XCOM: N/A
Status: Healthy
Promotion: N/A
Journal Entry:

It appears the Commander is pissed off at someone eating a Milky bar or something and he has limited the alcohol consumption. Apperently he rules with an Iron fist and that is something I highly respect and support. The world is at stake and slacking will only put us off.

When the team sent to fight off the aliens terrorizing Los Angeles returned to HQ, I confronted Nukey, Scruffson, Conan and Carlos as they were handing in their gear. I had learned that the Commander has a high interest in some of them. Asked if each of them could meet me during the day at any time, seeing as they were the ones on the field I can guarantee some of them have interesting information to share.

I also asked them if they happen to be on the next mission if they could bring me an artifact or any alien materials. They all looked at eachother and continued to walk past me. I will text them on their PDA's letting them know I pay good for any materials. My budget that I came here with will prove useful. Now I only wait for any response.

While I was waiting I found out that live aliens were required by the research team, I am thrilled by this. Seeing a live alien moving right infront of my eyes. I wonder if we win this war... if we can keep these aliens in special Zoo's where we toss green goop at them and expect them to do tricks. Crossing my fingers!

I will not be sending a report as my last transmission got intercepted. Not by the engineers at base tho... I fear the aliens are keeping a close eye on our communications.


Name: Nukey
Current Rank: Sq.
Mission Name: Burning heart , LA, USA
Mission Objective: alien abduction
Kills This Mission: 2
Total Kills since joining XCOM: 3
Status: Healthy
Promotion: Assault : Run and gun
Journal Entry: March 8 2015

1:21 am few hours after the previous mission the aliens were up to no good again. time for some action again but where to go so many great locations. finally the commander decided LA. heh nice place LA never went there heard lots about it. alright lock and load .

i'l be joining the crew with time with 2 new rookies Trevor and Luis. i met em a few time in the gym. Hope they will do fine. poor Sean hasnt been a few hours and he has to go again on a mission. he barely get to see his son, poor guy. anyway i hope he can take a nap in the skyranger, so his his fit enough when we land on LA.

after a few hours flying we finally land. lol so typical american a fast food joint. as we deploy arround the site , we still didnt have any contact. while we approached the restaurant , we heard noises coming from inside. darn aliens always hungry. me also btw , surely could use a bite, mybe i'll eat a snickers . i really shouldnt, the base life was really getting on me, commander told me to get fitter and quit drinking booze. as of next week i have to attend these stupid AA meetings ugh. anyway back to the mission. as we moved to the windows to look what was happening inside. we head the omnious sound of a mind buff. they know were coming. we all ligned up to take overwatch shots. when suddenly the buffed sectoid bashed out of the door and took a frontal bullet barrage. and Trevor took the kill. with a death shreak of the sectoid 2 more emerged from the back room and took cover.

then the commander told me to lob a grenade in the kitchen but i wanst in a good position. i had to jump inside while Conan and Silva covered my from the windows. after some hardous aiming i got one of the sectiods but didnt got the wall as the commander wanted. but it was good enough for Sean. luckly he was rested enough and took the one in the back room out. there was 1 left. so i run and gunned the last one in his face . and took a window out in the process. oeps my bad :p.

now the unpleasant part mob up time. ieuw slimey alien part . but hey that what dr. Valhen wants. even got some weapon parts. that good for weapons advancement.

once back at the base Trevor got a promotion . his also a assault nice to have him along side. well i have to hurry to the bar gonna drink my last one :( damn gonna miss the booze. but i have to shape up. this isnt college anymore.

few hour later i overheard a conversation with dr. valhen and the engineer of the base ( forgot his name). that they wanna caputre aliens. perfect job for me. i just wonder how i'm gonna capture em with a net :p, ah well let the eggheads figure that one out. i'm off to bed

end journal
Mission Log 3
Name: William Aronus Davin
Current Rank: Squaddie
Mission Name: Burning Heart
Mission Objective: Sweep abduction sites and neutralize all hostile targets
Kills This Mission: 0
Total Kills since joining XCOM: 2
Status: Healthy, both Physically and Mentally
Promotion: None. For now anyway.
Journal Entry:

I heard the alarms going off shortly after I finished my last journal. I passed Aribeth along the way to the room where commander Odd was debriefing everyone. She appears to be recovering excellently. Those Med boys really know how to patch wounds. I'm proud of them. Commander ordered Scruffy, Nukey, Silva and Trevor to board up. New rookies are getting their chance. Commander Odd certainly is giving everyone some experience of current events. Before leaving, Commander Odd told all of us to not eat Milky Ways out on the battlefield. I could've sworn he looked right at Scruffy when he said it but I might've just been imagining things. We're all under a lot of stress. After the team headed out, I went to go talk to the labtech people about the alien's weaponry and machines. They really haven't discovered much. I told them not to stress. I'm sure Commander will bring back more things that would help them further their research. So now I'm pretty much sitting in the mess hall trying my hand at drawing again. People have said I can draw but it all looks bad to me. Just gotta wait anxiously for the team to return and the mission log to be released.

*1 hour later*
Everyone came back all smiles. Nukey's face, my god. Like a kid on Christmas. I don't think I've ever seen anyone happier.

Log's been released and I gotta say Commander Odd's done damn good picking the team. Scruffy's a damn good shot. Nukey watched out for the rookies and the rookies did great. Everything's going perfect. But I can't shake this nagging feeling we shouldn't relax now.

I overheard Bradford, Dr. Valhen and Dr. Shen arguing about something. I didn't stick around to hear what it was though. Bradford looked like he was losing the argument.


Name: Nukey
Current Rank: Sq.
Mission Name:
Mission Objective:
Kills This Mission: 2
Total Kills since joining XCOM: 3
Status: off duty
Journal Entry: March 10 2015

well frist day sober with no drinks. damn feel wierd. now with all the time i have i can spend i extra getting in shape in the gym. no more booze and video games for me.
as the day progressed some other rookies were asking me how it was to go on the field. i said to them very dangerous. dont go like i went in the first mission thinking that these aliens are dumb. they are far from that.
anyway i decided to do some weekly martial arts training session in the gym for the new recruits as last week alot em show up and appreciated the course. hope it will all help em in future combats.
later that night me Will and Sean were catching up at the bar. and surprise surprise no drinking contest tis time. ah damn it was hard not to resist but i have to man up.

march 11 => 14 2015

nothing much eventful happend. same old same old. took some RnR and visited tokyo. very fun city, i remembered some years ago top gear had a fun race here. damn those guys are funny. to bad their were killed on judgement day. i miss their show. ah well the simpsons are still on. wouldnt wanna miss that for anything.

march 15, 2015

general alert. we had a master sound of . the counsil needs us to perform a special mission. as we ligned up the commander told us the parameters of the mission: Ok boys and girls this isnt gonna be one of our easy hunt a kill missions. this one is special. we are gonna retrieve a special piece of technology wich could be vital in the further persuit of getting rid of the aliens of our rock. the only catch is i know that all of you are eager to go but few can come along and i need my best soldiers . so WHO HERE THINK IS GOOD ENOUGH TO GO. we all stepped forward and clearly said I DO.
Damn this is gonna be a tought on to get on. Sure i'm the most experienced assualt currenlty on the team but that wasnt gonna cut it for me this time. well this last week i did a real effort to control my self and quit drinking. gotten back in shape at any cost. but then i thought of the main reason why i wanted to kill those bastard. my dead girlfiend Céline. god i miss her. At the time of judgement day when she was killed while she was pregnant. the thought of loosing both my girl and my baby enraged me. you know i envy Sean, he still has his son. as i was thinking of the things i could have had with Celine and my kid. damn( punched a bent in my locker door). and that why i have to come along. i want to kill em so badly. (rage mode activate). damn need to go to the gym kill some punching bags. ( and that why i'm so full of rage and anger)

Sir Aroun

Name: Mark 3: Spear of Athena
Current Rank: S.H.I.V. A.I.
Mission Name: N/A
Mission Objective: N/A
Kills This Mission: N/A
Total Kills since joining XCOM: 0
Status: Awaiting Body
Promotion: N/A
Journal Entry:
I don't get how my creators didn't expect that I would sign up for XCOM; I mean I am an intelligent, self-learning, combat A.I. made in XCOM, but all they have been saying is since I did is this "O God, O God, Commander Odd is going to think we made Skynet in his backyard and without his permission too." I mean come on all I what is for him to make me a body so I can fight against the aliens, Is that so wrong? I also tried to talk to my fellow soldiers in the barracks but only got as far as "Hi I'm Spear of Athena" before getting cut off.


Name: Thomas Witkowski
Rank: Squaddie
Status: Healthy, but Bored.

It was a false alarm. Well, no it technically wasn't. What I mean is that there really was an alien attack, but I wasn't picked to go fight them. Annoying but somewhat understandable. The Commander is trying to cut back on the explosives. Even without me, things are still blowing up, and I bet he doesn't want to imagine the destruction of sending the guy equipped with the Rocket Launcher into the field.

Doesn't change the fact that I'm starting to get bored out of my mind though. Not much for a soldier to do down here in a secret base. I wonder if Adam ever felt like this when we played Hide n' Seek back when we were kids. Seriously, what kind of kid can stay hidden for over 5 hours?

I've got to go find something to do before I start going stir crazy. Maybe I can round up some people for a game of poker or something? It may be a bit awkward, but its better than nothing.


Active Member
Name:Trevor Conan
Current Rank:Rookie to Squaddie
Mission Name:operation Burning Heat
Mission Objective:
  • Sweep the abduction site and identify threats
  • Neutralize all hostile targets
Kills This Mission:1
Total Kills since joining XCOM:1
Status: Healthy
Promotion: Assault Class - Run And Gun

March 8th 2015
Today i saw the enemy of X-Com and i never think that aliens were real man i was dead wrong all the things my wife says in Langley makes since now anyway today i had my first mission today and the team in it did well. So the mission it started what i said last time Alarms going mad and all troops were sent to commander Odd and he said before the briefing he says some one was eating a milky way on missions? who does that? anyway the briefing there was an attack today in LA in The USA and i was picked and a fellow rookie named Carlos but Odd told you have Scruffson and Nukey with you on the mission and we went to LA. I always want to see LA but on a different time on the way to LZ i say Scruffson i hear you have a kid at base are you fine having your son here well as for me i got a kid at home with my wife he is a good kid and i am sure he was fine.

when we landed in the LZ we were clear hot to shot all was quiet no people around and first task was to get Scruffson in good cover and able to snip the enemy so got to the truck and soon we got to the truck Scruffson says he heard something and say be ready Rookies when we did that i see people covered in green type of weed different then normal weeds as quickly as a thought Carlos says he spots something in the restaurant and then blend into the darkness i followed Nukey for a bit then meeting up with Carlos and say what the heck did you see man and i hear a odd sound in the air not normal enemy by the tone more insect then anything and as soon it went by i saw that thing for the first time never saw that before i took a fast shot and killed it as soon it showed up and people say good shot Conan not bad for a rookie. action got hot with the enemy Carlos got a shot but did not kill and boom with a bad Grenade Toss. i got close to the restaurant but see something behind a corner i bet i miss the shot then Scruffson came beside me and i say look like action is getting hot here he says stay put i got this one and he gets him simple and clean.the last alien goes to Nukey with a buck shot to the face and mission was done and Odd was impress at the work we did today i think we were a tight team.

Ween the team got back from LA i got a promotion into Assault Class like nukey i hope he does mind that i join and sometime later R&D made some plans for a jail for aliens and we get a call from the Triad and has some alien tech we must have and odd wants 1 of each class to go and help this triad member he maybe a triad but we are at war with aliens so all the man power we can get is OK and as for nukey and i for assault class i be happy to go if there is any thing that nukey says is fine i will report later.
End Of Recording........


Active Member
Name:Trevor Conan
Status: off duty
Journal Entry: March 10 2015

I see Nukey working out on the gym training the rookies and doing a fine job at it and here i am just trying to train on shot guns to be better than nukey training was good today and my tests show i got better in aim by 2 and will improved the best by 7 good start i am not sure he was better still. that night i saw nukey drinking at the bar and i went by to have a drink after a long day and later i will have to call my wife soon just to check after the LA attack.

End of Recording.......
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