X-COM Enemy Unknown - Season 3 - JOURNALS

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X-COM Soldier Survey

Soldier Name: Joel Freeman
Surveyor: Arya Hutchinson

(Joel lays in his bed in the Infirmary. As Arya walks in, he props himself up into a sitting position and give her a faint salute...)

[JF] Ma'am.

[AH] Feel free to lie down.

[JF] I'm alright. (He appears to be in pain, but remains sitting.)

[AH] Very well... Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

[JF] Why?

[AH] We are trying to evaluate our soldiers' personality a little more.

[JF] *sigh* I guess I don't have anything else to do... (He nods)

[AH] Thank you. (She looks at her clipboard) What is you favorite color?

[JF] Blue.

[AH] What is your favorite animal?

[JF] Umm... Wolf.

[AH] I understand you have already been assigned a Soldier Classification?

[JF] Yes, Sniper.

[AH] Were you happy with that?

[JF] Does it matter?

[AH] Suppose not. Do you have any hobbies?

[JF] Boxing; I used to play a guitar pretty well.

[AH] Do you have any siblings?

[JF] *No response*

[AH] Skip... Which one of X-COM's weapons do you prefer?

[JF] I'm not partial to any... whatever's available.

[AH] What is your favorite food?

[JF] Steak.

[AH] Which do you prefer? Day or Night?

[JF] Depends on where I am.

[AH] In general...?

[JF] Hmm... probably Night.

[AH] How old are you?

[JF] 33.

[AH] What do you think of the Commander's tactics thus far?

[JF] We've only had one casualty, so... I'd say they're working pretty well.

[AH] What is your favorite movie?

[JF] Really?... Pulp Fiction.

[AH] If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

[JF] Chernobyl. (Arya lifts an eyebrow.) Fine... uh... Alaska.

[AH] Have you ever owned a pet?

[JF] Yes, a black Lab.

[AH] What do you think of the Co-ed Showers?

[JF] I couldn't care any less.

[AH] Okay... Do you have a favorite board game?

[JF] Not a fan.

[AH] Do you have any friends on base? If so, who?

[JF] Allies, yes, not sure I'd consider them friends just yet.

[AH] Alright, last one... Out of all of your family members, who would you say is your favorite and how old is he or she?

[JF] Only my uncle's alive, so him... he's 61.

[AH] Okay... that's all of them. Thank you for your time, Joel.

[JF] Good day, ma'am.


Game Master
Staff member
Name: Ayame Kasagi
Rank: Trainee
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Place of Birth: Central China
Nationality: Chinese/Japanese
Height: 150 cm (4 ft, 11in)
Weight: 42 kg (94.5 lbs)
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: To the small of her back
Eye Color: Heterochromia (One Dark Brown, One Hazel)
Known Relatives: None (All Deceased)
Place of Residence before joining X-COM: None

Written Log [Translated from Mandarin]

Status: Exhausted

As I look back over the events of the last few days, of the last few hours in fact. I feel I must reflect on my actions since joining X-COM. After my encounters with the two men in the gym, the guy from the shooting range, Eddings, Freeman, Cooper, and now Weger, I feel I must question my untrusting nature. Don't get me wrong, I still feel that the majority of the men on this base are reprehensible pigs. Not a day goes by that I don't have to deal with the snickers and not-so-quiet comments about how the little girl will probably be killed within minutes of hitting the floor, and I even overheard someone saying how that "blind Russian chick's" terrible aim is a perfect example of why women don't belong in X-COM. Freeman himself told me I shouldn't be too trusting just for the sake of spearing people's feelings, especially on a base filled with mercenaries and similar malcontents.

However, he also told me that I shouldn't be too quick to judge others, either, and perhaps there is some truth in that. Perhaps, for these few soldiers that have done nothing to give me pause, I can try to be a bit more friendly. Don't get me wrong, I still wouldn't trust them alone in a dark room, but at the very least, I can try to trust them as far as I can throw them. Granted, that isn't very far for someone of my diminutive size. Hmm, somehow I feel like I got the idiom wrong.

At any rate, I have bigger things to worry about. My talk with Eddings has led me to believe that I've put off that talk with Anna for too long. Two years too long, in fact. Behind Eddings shy exterior beats the heart of a genius, or at the very least, a perceptive intellectual, so I shouldn't be surprised he figured it out. I don't think Anna knows, but she is held back by her kind nature, which prevents her from seeing any faults that I have that I don't wear on my sleeves, while Eddings has the benefit of an outsider's objectivity. Still, I need to talk to her, as not doing so now would be a continuation of a lie.

The higher ups announced that they'll be rewarding the soldiers for their hard work in the first month of the Project by having a small get together in the mess-hall, where they'll serve some nicer food then the usual military-issue gruel, based on surveys they've been taking since X-COM began. I doubt they'll have the sushi platter I mentioned in my survey, and I realize they're only doing to boost morale as high as possible before the monthly counsel review, but I'm sure they'll serve something I'll enjoy, and it'll make for a good event to have my talk with Anna. Now to plan what I'm going to say. I have faith that it'll go fine, since I know Anna will feel the same way. At least, I'm sure she will. I hope she will she will right oh god what if she doesn't what if she thinks there is something wrong with me what if it ruins our friendship


Location: Relaxation room 9:53 PM
Jorn Lemonade sits in the black chair in front of the chess table, looking at the chess pieces scattered around the bord. He picks up the horse and moves it forward. "Your turn" He says to Colin Weger.

Colin looks at the board for a while. "So Jorn, how are you liking it here so far?" He picks up the pawn and moves it forward.

"It could be better, but it could also be worse." Jorn moves his hand but hesitates. "They have enough distraction here atleast." He moves his hand toward a rook but hesitates again."

"True, True there is alot to do here, but tell me you were already in the heist of battle, can you tell me a little about things that I should know? Or do you rather not want to talk about that right now?"

Jorn finally picks up the rook and moves it two squares to the left. "Why should I not talk about it? My experience could save another life." He sits back in the chair and keeps looking at the chess board. "They are smart and tactical like we are. Always keep your eyes peeled. And don't ever panic, that is the worst thing you can do.....yes." he meets eyes with Colin "Keep your head cool." He looks down at the board again and chuckles. "Hear me talking, like I'm some kind of professional."

Colin takes a knight and moves him on a pawn, "Well if you ask me, all the training in the world is nothing over personal experience, so yeah considering there aren't many people killing aliens here. You are a professional. In my opinion. But thank you for the advice, I will keep that in mind when I'm out there, heck maybe we even get the chance to go together on the next mission." *Colin laughs*

"That could be possible. But you don't get to do all things by yourself, the commander tells you were to go and what to do." Jorn pauzes for a second and looks at the spot were his pawn just stood, the place were now Colin's white horse stands. "But just like in chess, if you don't pay attention for just one second, or you overlook something." Jorn picks up his bishop. "BAM!" He says out loud as he puts his bishop over Colin's white horse. "Dead." He states with a dry tone.

"Nice move, but speaking of paying attention." Colin takes his rook and moves it to the bishop. "Just imagine, we are just pawn's in a chess match between the Humans and Aliens, the Aliens move there pawn's diffrently than us, but in the end they can still be taken out, the question is, who can learn the oponent's play style faster in order to checkmate the other?"

"That is a interesting statement." Jorn moves forward "Like chess...In chess, sacrifices have to be made in order to win. Will that be the same here?" Jorn looks a Colin's king who's still save and sound. "And who is their king, who or what is their leader?" Jorn moves a pawn forward.

"That's something I want to know too." Colin takes another pawn and moves it forward "And what is the reason for the attack."

"I'm afraid we might never know the answear to that question." Jorn picks up his bishop and moves it back a bit.

The two of them exchange turns a bit, revoming the pieces on the board one by one, without saying anything.

"Check" Jorn says suddenly. "It's going pretty well for me, I almost never win a chess match." and a smile appears on his face.

"Well, well Jorn I have to say your a good chess player, I almost never lose, but trust me next time I wont go easy on you." Colin smirks as he moves his king out of check.

Jorn leans forward "We will see" He bites in his thumb his focus zigzags over the board, looking at all the pieces for not longer than a few seconds. "hmmmmm" His hart beat rises. He is about to move his horse. "Are you sure about that?" Asks Colin. Jorn moves his hand back. He looks up at colin who's just smiling. Jorn thinks for a second and moves his horse forward."check".

Colin laughs a little, well it was a good game buddy, he picks his queen and moves it to the knight. "Checkmate Buddy, it was a good game but you shoudnt have let my pawn pass til the end so I could get my queen back. But I have to say, you are one of the best chess players I have meet yet. It was fun playing with you." Colin smiles and reaches out to shake Jorn hand.

"SHIT! I was so close!" Says Jorn disappointed "yeah that was a good game. And thank you." Jorn shakes Colins hand "Better luck next time I guess." Jorn smiles.


Well-Known Member
Name: Colin Weger
Age: 29
Year: 2004

Colin has two younger Sister's
Corinna (Youngest)

Memory Log 2 :

-Translated from German-

"Laura!? Laura honey have you seen Elise?"

"She is outside in her new treehouse that you build for her sweety"

"Ah thank you, can you get the present?"

"I got it no worries swetty" Laura winks and Colin

Colin heads outside into his garden

"Elise? Can you come down here for a second?"

"Just a minute papa"

Laura comes outside with a small box with holes in them

"What is it papa?"

"Elise, your mother and I have a small present for you."

Elise has a big smile across her face

"What is it? What is it? Can I see? Can I have it now? Where is it?"

Colin and Laura both laugh

"Come down Elise, your father will show you in a minute"

"But I want to see it now"

"Elise if you want something you will not get it, remeber what I told you, always be polite"

"Can I please see it papa?

"Alright come over here"

Elise walks over to the box and opens it up, a little German Shepard-Rottweiler mix dog jumps on Elise and licks her, Elise laughs and plays around with her new friend

"Thank you papa and mama, thank you so much, I'm going to name him Olli"

At the sight of his happy daughter Colin smiles

"She loves her present sweetie"

"Yeah I'm glad she does, I want to see my girl happy, also..."Olli"...will comfort her for the times I'm at the barracks."

"Oh sweetie, you care so much for us, I thank you so much for that"

Laura kisses Colin

"How about we have a little fun tonight, after Elise is asleep, what do you say to that my little panda?"

"Little Panda? I'm a man not a Panada"

Laura and Colin laugh

The phone starts ringing

"Oh don't worry I got it"

Colin walks inside and picks up the phone


"Hello? Colin it's me Corinna, it's about papa, he is...last night he...I'm sorry, our papa has passed away." *Silence*

Colin frezzes and drops the phone...


Well-Known Member
[This entry is all in English.]

>>Open Folder: Leon_Ensslin_Background_File
>>Open Folder: Time_Under_GDR_Authority
>>Play Video: July_18th_1989_Incident
Beginning Playback...



A distant black-and-white shot of a city is shown. A wall traveling the length of the city can be seen in the distance. The shot zooms in to the alley next to the apartment. In that alley is an older man, appearing to be in his mid fifties, and a teenage boy. The two are passing a makeshift soccer ball back and forth, and are discussing something avidly, though it is not subtitled. The scene continues for half a minute longer, before a second man approaches the older man and says, “Herr Koenig, may I speak with you for a moment?”

Koenig says in response, not looking up from the game, “Can’t you see I’m playing with my nephew? Who are you, anyways?”

“You may refer to me as Herr Zahn. I work for the Ministry of State Security.”

The older man is visibly shocked. He stops ball with his foot, the speaks to the teen. “Leon, go inside. Get me some of your aunt’s tea. Make sure she uses the right type again.” Koenig kicks to ball back to Leon. Leon nods in reply, picking up the ball and running inside.

“You think we’re bugging your apartment?” Zahn says.

“You must be, if you know what that meant,” Koenig replies.

“It is far too late for such measures to be effective.”

“What do you mean?”

“The time of you being viewed as a senile old man has passed, Herr Keonig. We know what you are up to.”

“Ha! The Stasi, knowing what somebody is up to? That will surely be a day to remember.”

“Indeed it is.” Zahn sticks his hands in his pockets, then takes a few steps to the side, before turning to face Koenig. He removes his hands from his pockets, in his left is a pair of handcuffs, in the right a small handgun. “Konrad Koenig, you are under arrest for treason against the German Democratic Republic.” Konrad takes a shaky step back.

“But, my nephew! What of he?”

“The State will provide.”

Konrad shakes his head in denial, then looks around. He appears to spot something, then shouts, “Look out!”. Zahn spins to look behind him, and Koenig takes the opportunity to run down the alley. Zahn turns back to the fleeing man, and raises his pistol.

At that moment Leon returns from the apartment, and shouts, “NO!” The Stasi fires his pistol, and Koenig falls to the ground. Leon runs towards his uncle’s fallen body, and rolls him onto his back. Zahn takes a look in the direction of the camera, makes a hand motion, and begins walking away.


Video finished.
>>Log Out
Logging you out...


Name: Joel Freeman
Rank: Squaddie
Total Kills Since Joining X-Com: 02
Status: Feeling much better.

Audio Log 05:

"I'm still in the Infirmary... I keep telling the doc I'm fine, but she insists I stay here until my wounds are 'fully' healed. They've closed up for the most part and they've stopped aching almost completely, but there's no point in arguing. It doesn't look like she's going to change her mind any time soon. I guess I'm stuck here until she gives me the green light. *sigh* Wouldn't be so bad if I didn't just sit here all day... that's what I get for not keeping my head down, I reckon. Actually... I almost forgot, I brought my guitar along. I haven't played the damn thing in what seems like a decade, but I remember the songs and with a little practice, who knows? Maybe it could lighten the mood around here a bit."

"Speaking of lightening the mood... apparently we're going to have some sort of 'get together' in the mess hall. That's either going to be the best thing that happens this month, or it's going to be a complete disaster. Maybe this so-called 'better' food they're going to be serving will prove to be a nice meal everybody here can have a friendly chat over... but I doubt it. Some of these people seem to despise each other, and I'm not sure throwing them all into the same room is the best idea."

"Thankfully, I don't think anybody here hates me quite yet. In fact, I think I might have made a good impression... Ayame visited me earlier. She wanted to apologize for her behavior at the shooting range. I told her it wasn't a big deal, but she seemed to insist. It's kind of odd, actually. The little Asian girl who seems to get all the bad rep. is one of the few people around here I'm actually starting to respect. Funny how those things work...anyways... let's see if I can't get that guitar in here."


Well-Known Member
X-COM Soldier Survey

Soldier Name : Aaron Justin Bryant
Surveyor Name : Samara Arcades

*A young red haired pyschiatric evaluator in red walks into Aarons Bunk interupting a conversation he was having with the bunk mates*

Ms. Faye: Excuse me Rk. Aaron Justin Bryant?

Aaron: *stands up and salutes quickly* "yes mame?"

Ms. Faye: *she sizes him up ad jots something down* Your needed ...Ahh there has been an opening in the Debriefing chamber we will conduct our survey there follow me please * she turns around and struts off*

Aaron: Be back later fellows! *walks off*

Axel: *whispers to stevie* lucky he got a hot one

Stevie: he has a fiance u dolt he isnt allowed to enjoy *chuckles*
In the debriefing chamber
Aaron: So Ms. Faye whats this survey about?

Ms. Faye: Aaron while here and further on in our studies and tests of our x-com soldier i would love it if you were less formal. This is a safe space and you can call me Clara if you prefer. To answer your question, Its to Evaluate the Mental health of our soldiers, and learn a little more about you personaliy. Lets get started

Q&A Start

Q : What is your Favorite Color?

A : I enjoy Oak browns.


Q : What is your favorite Animal?

A : This is going to sound silly. . . . . Dragons.


Q : When you get Promoted for the first time, witch one of the Soldier Classifications would you want?

A : Assault being that a commando usually get up close and personal any way.


Q : Do you have any hobbies?

A : I enjoy blacksmithing, boxing, sword fighting, paintball, cooking, reading, video games, and writing.


Q : Do you have any Brothers or Sisters?

A : two sisters, and one brother I am the oldest though.


Q : Witch one of X-Com's current weapons do you prefer?

A : Shotgun.


Q : What is your favorite Food?

A : New orleans Messy style redfish cooked at redfish, the resturant, served messy style.


Q : Witch do you prefer? Day or Night?

A : Night the moon is more beautiful than any sunny day and easier to look at to.


Q : How old are you?

A : twenty and one mame.


Q : What do you think of the Commander's Tactics thus far?

A : Fine i guess its weird for me even being in a group.


Q : What is your favorite Movie?

A : That a ludicrous question. I could never pick.


Q : If you could go anywhere in the World, where would it be?

A : . . . . . . . . Canada.


Q : Did you ever own a Pet? If so, what was it?

A : Yes ivehad a few dogs but the only animal that was mine was saki my siamese cat.


Q : What do you think of the Co-ed Showers?

A : Its Kinda imodest i think.


Q : Do you have a Favorite board game?

A : Technically its not a board game its a table top. Dungeons and Dragons.


Q : Do you have any friends on base? If so, Who?

A : The bunk mates are my friends. Stevies probably my best friend so far. Im hoping Ayame becomes a good friend to me to.


Q : Out of all your Family members, who would you say is your favorite of them? and how old are they?

A : Sorry, I don't have a favorite, I love my family all equally.


Ms. Faye: Aaron that is all for now, we will be doing more Surveys in the future, Ill see you then

Aaron: Enjoy your day mame

Ms Faye: Clara


New Member
X-COM solider survey

Solider name: Peadar Mac Lochlainn

Surveyor Name: James McGuiness

James: Hello Peter.

Peadar: PEADAR é.

J: Sorry?

P: It's Peadar.

J: Peadar then. we would just want to ask you a few short questions.

P: Why?

J: It's to ascertain the mental health of our subjects.

P: Fine then. Bhfuil tú ag labhairt Gaeilge?

J: Sorry?

P: Nothing.

Q&A started

Q: What is your favorite color?

A: Green.


Q: What is your favorite animal?

A: The deer.


Q: When you get promoted what for the first time, which one of the solider classifications would you want?

A: I would say sniper; my old age and experience with that weapon would probably give me an excuse to stay far away from the front lines.


Q: Do you have any hobbies?

A: I enjoy a brisk walk, and Irish music. I play the Irish flute.


Q: Do you have any brothers or sisters?

A: Can I skip this one?

Q: Yes.

A: Pass.


Q:Which one of X-COM's weapons do you prefer?

A: I don't really know yet; I'm gonna say sniper rifle.


Q: What is your favorite food?

A: This is going to sound really stereotypical, but boiled potatoes.


Q: Which do you prefer: day or night?

A: Sunset.


Q: How old are you?

A: Forty-something.


Q: What do you think the Commander's tactics so far?

A: Will any criticisms be filed under insubordination?

Q: Well, not exactly, but we will look closer at your record for any history of this.

A: Pass.


Q: What is your favorite movie?

A: I'm not really a film person, but probably the Quiet Man.


Q: If you could go any were in the world, were would it be?

A: After the invasion is over?

Q: Yes.

A: Anywhere were there is a just cause to fight for, and then Inisfree.


Q: Did you ever own a pet?

A: No.


Q: What do you think of the co-ed showers.

A: Pass.


Q: Do you have favorite board game?

A: Chess.


Q: Do you have any friends on base? If so who?

A: I wouldn't say "friends", but I'm teaching Aaron Bryant Irish, and he's teaching me songs in English.


Q: Out of all your family members,who would you say is your favorite of them and how old are they?

A: Pass.


J: Thank you.

P: Fáilte romhat agus slán.

J: What?

P: Nothing. Goodbye.


Name: Jorn Lemonade
Current Rank: SQ.
Total Kills since joining XCOM:3
Momory log #1 from thefirst few weeks in X-COM.

I walked my room in, I saw a person sitting there on one of the chairs around the round table.
"Hi" he said. "I'm Colum Campbell, and you are?"
"Jorn Lemonade" I said.

"I'm sitting here on my own for a whyle now want to talk for a bit?"

"Sure" I said.
We started talking
"I used to be in the British special forces called the SAS before I got called here" Colin started "How about you?"

"Ah, that is pretty nice. I joined the army, I don't have a lot of fighting experience, only about one time. My commander sead that I handled that pretty well for a private. Then a few days later I got this letter about the X-Com and now I'm here.
Have you walked around a bit, or spoken to more people? It looks like most people are pretty shy or not very social. including me, I have only spoken to you." I said with a smile.

"I walked around a little, but I haven't spoken to anyone other than you to. I'd suggest you look around the science labs, they do some crazy shit around there."

"Yeah I've seen the science labs, to bad that we're not allowed to get in, I want to see one of those aliens up close. And I heard that they are making some new kind of vest from the alien stuff! How cool is that?!? Have you seen some interesting people by the way? I saw a pretty big dude. Like 6 of 7 feet tall, and there are not a lot of girls around here."

"I did managed to spot some off duty staff, some of those are girls but still not many."

"Yeah that is true. I'm going to do some training and shooting, I have the feeling I'm lacking behind. Want to come along?" I asked, hoping to get some company.

"Sure I'll come with you, perhaps we'll see who's the best."
We packed our stuff and started walking towards the sport hall.
"So, did you hear Space Paddy died? sad...." Colum suddenly says.

"Yeah, really sad. I hope there won't be anymore casualties so to speak. And about the challange, how about, swimming, sparring and shooting?"

"Let's do swimming shooting and then running."

"Fine by me. So euh.... What do you think about the whole alien thing? I wonder how long we knew other life existed."

"I think they likely knew a long time ago. They're always doing thing like this. Some of the things I've done, won't ever get released so I would think they knew about all this pre our recruitment. Or else why did XCOM get set up before the alien attacks?"

"True this probably already excisted. Now let's see who will win this contest."
The two of us started swimming, shooting and running. It was no longer a training or a work out, It was a competition. But I lost in the end.
"hehe.....you are....pretty good....congat...ulations. Wanna realax for a...whyle and play pool or chess? I also need... a drink." I sead dead tired.

"Yeah.... sure, a drink sounds... awsome. You were this close to beating me...You're better than I would've imagined a technical staff of the army to be, no offence."

"No offence taken. It's pretty late already, I wanted to hire and watch a DVD, but I guess it's to late for that." I said whyle looking at the clock on the wall.

"Well, we could both watch a movie together tomorrow. But let's just get something to drink and I'm off to bed then."

"Yeah we will watch a movie then! But for now...Let's drink!"

"Let's drink."


Name: Presariov Astaeri
Current Rank: Corporal
Mission Name: Operation Falling Apollo
Mission Objective:
-Locate and neutralize all enemy forces
-Locate and gain entry to the UFO
Kills This Mission: none yet
Total Kills since joining XCOM: 8
Status: Healthy
Promotion: N/A

Journal Entry:
I just got out of the infirmary the other day and already another mission? I guess I shouldn't be complaining. I'd much rather be out on the field than stuck inside day and night.I was just about to write in this journal when the alarm sounded, so I'm writing it on the plane ride over there. Better do it now than later, I know I'll definitely want a few scotches when I get back. My muscles have been aching like hell even after getting out of the doc's. Before we left for the mission, the Commander gave me this weird scope thing for my gun, I guess they developed it from alien tech. It seriously helps my aim though, so that's a bonus. I'm an assassin, not a sharpshooter, so this is really helpful.

Me and the other nerds in this bunch are supposed to play some DnD when we get back to the base, so that's something to look forward to. I'm thinking of inviting a few more people to our campaign, like Anja and the new recruit, Collum. Never hurts to make friends when your stuck in an underground base all the time. Speaking of which, I really need to talk to the Commander and the Drill Sergent about doing more outside training.

Journal End

Jhon Markith

Active Member
Journal Entry: 7
Name: Stevie Steve
Location: X-COM
Action: None

Well, another soldier bite the dust. Sad to think about his family, and its another we need to avenge. I intend to avenge all who die by the hand, claw, tentacle, or gun of any of those fucking morphed creatures. On the other hand, if they are killed by one of our own, well, haha, they'll have to answer to me and anyone else at the base.

So this survey is going around to "Get to know the soldiers better", well its not like they don't know who we are, I mean there is a fucking world of information they have on us, I read my stats and was amazed by the shit they had, it made me remember things I did not want to remember. You can read info on people, but not all of it on them. You can only read your own completely. There is a test of shit that only you could know, the shit that is a skeleton in your closet, the info that you are not going to tell anyone, like mine is: _ ____ _ ___, so you want know. So this survey is just away to get stats on you.

So know there is a new kind of threat, a new alien, they call it a floater, it has a jetpack implemented into its body, so it flies. Just great uh, so that makes me wonder what other kind of creatures are in this armada of mind reading and floating globs of clay.

Well, since the school was built, we are allowed to go around some restricted areas, around, so we can get a glance, but that's about it. Me and Aaron hang there a lot, if you don't find us there, you'll find us in the gym, paintball arena, our bunks, or at the cafeteria. On that matter, Ayame is still shy around men, but is improving, well maybe shy puts it light, she still cant stand us, but she is growing more comfortable, and my friend Colin said he had an interesting encounter with her when he went to see Anna, and Ayame seems very protective, about Anna, so I am starting to think that she might be a lesbian, I don't know but I have other things to worry about.



Well-Known Member
Name: Axton Van Dam

Status: Healthy

Journal entry number 9#

So, the past few days have been very interesting,so no countries have left the X-COM project which is awesome, so to celebrate this occasion they survive us some regular food in stead of the standard military crap they usually give us.

And speaking of surprises we had a another mission today,aliens are relay cracking down on us and pushing us to our limits,so when the team hit the ground they were met with resistance right off the bat by the thin men,nothing to special but then we were engaged by a new enemy this weird flying I don't know what to call it, then one of the rookies moved up to get some better cover and was instantly spotted by that weird alien again,and once again that alien took another one of our soldiers now don't get me wrong last month we killed probable one or two hundred aliens,and lost one guy if we can do what we did last month and keep it up this invasion would be over very quickly. I just hope this death doesn't get every body to bummed out.


Name: Daniel Oudwater
Current Rank: Rookie
Mission Name: none
Mission Objective:none
Kills This Mission:
Total Kills since joining XCOM:
Status: Healthy
Things have been happening at base. I hear construction going on deeper inside and we've been building and lauching satalites.
Not to mention the alien attacks, just earlier I ran into Jorn just before he got called away to the United States after a UFO sighting.

Poor bastard came back with some nasty wounds, but he told me he made them pay for it. Seems another succesful mission, however we lost another trooper, a corporal this time. It proofs that no matter how experienced you are, sometimes they carry one in the chamber with your name on it.

*Alarm goes off*

What the... what the hell is going o-... Shit, Germany? I got friends there. Transmission out!

Audio / Video:


Location: showers 0:13 PM
Jorn Lemonade put his clothes off, picks up the shampoo and the towel from the bench and walks in the shower room. "nobody here, like usual" he mumbles to himself. He puts his towel on the hook on the wall, stands under one of the shower heads and starts messing with the temperature.

A few minutes later, he hears the sound of someone coming in and undressing just outside the showers.

"Hello?" Jorn asks, hoping to get an answer.

Ayame lets out a loud yelp, and nervously asks, "I-Is...is someone there?"

With a obviously sarcastic tone Jorn says "Nope, no one here." He puts his hand on the valve and water starts flowing. "Great another person..." He mumbles to himself with again a sarcastic tone.

"How.....how many of you are there?", Ayame asks, her voice trembling slightly.

"Just one" a small pauze follows "Wh-who am I speaking to?" Jorn asks with a slight hesitation.

"Ka...Kasagi Ayame. I...I'll come back later."

"What!? Ayame!? What are you....You are going? Okay good! That's good, fine with me!" He yells.

The sound of shuffling suddenly stops, followed by several seconds of silence. Her voice still trembling, Ayame yells back, "W-what you yelling for? You think you t-tell me to g-go?!" The sound of cloth being moved is heard, and a few seconds later, Ayame walks in, wrapped in a towel. She has her hand over her bright red face, shielding her eyes enough to see where she is walking and where Jorn stands but nothing else.

With a confused look Jorn turns around, with his back towards Ayame. He turns his head slightly so he can see her in the corner of his eye. "Of all people why her." he wispers to himself.

"You say something? You keep eyes to self." Ayame quickly walks into a shower stall, and nervously removes her towel.

Jorn hesitates on what he is about to say "Were is your friend?"

Ayame says nothing, seeming to ignore Jorn as she turns on the water. Then, after several seconds, she sighs and says, with a sad tone, "Anna is busy at shooting range. I...I can not mono....monop...control all Anna's time. How can I keep her safe if I expect her to always have to keep me safe?"

"I have no idea were you are talking about, but I guess that kinda answered my question." Jorn picks up the shampoo and turns his head nervously a bit to the right.

Ayame takes her own shampoo in hand up, darting her eyes towards Jorn to assure he is still across the room. Nervously, she asks, "What is your name?"

"Lemonade, Jorn Lemonade" Jorn says as he puts the shampoo in his hair and starts rubbing it.

Ayame drops her shampoo and spins around, too angry to bother covering herself up. "I know you. Other soldiers say you going to tell Commander to kick me out of X-COM. That true?

Jorn is quiet for a moment "Well If you continue to lose your shit and try to kill peope then, yes. YES I will! "

"I make mistake, mistake I try to fix! You never make mistake?! You perfect man?!"

"No I'm not perfect. But trying to kill someone is not a mistake!"

"You...you!" Ayame's expression suddenly saddens, her head dropping in defeat. "Maybe you right. But all I can do is try to redeem self. I...I fail too many people. My parents, my brothers, my big sistrt, even my first love. I have chance now to be of use, to protect Anna, to protect world. That why I try tell people I hurt I sorry, try be friendly with strange men, why I even..." Suddenly realizing how open she is, quickly turning around and picking up her shamppo. "I even shower alone with man, man I terrified will...will..."

"Hey, hey" Jorn interupts her. "That might be true and all, and your intentions might be good. But then I still don't understand why I see and hear so much bad stuff about you. And saying sorry afterwards will not be enough in most cases." Jorn thinks for a second "Can you even control yourself, your actions! If you try to be friendly, why does it almost always get bad when you are involved?!"

Ayame is silent for several moments as she slowly lathers her hair. She starts to speak, but all that comes out is a weak sob. Her body trembles.

Jorn sees her in the corner of his eye. He wants to turn around but stops halfway and turns back again. A weak "euhm..." is all Jorn could get out at that moment. "Can...I do something?" Jorn asks quietly.

Letting out another sob, Ayame answers, "No. Maybe you are right. My uncle was right when he said I can't do anything right. Maybe I have no right to try and protect others, try and protect Anna." Turning off the water, she wraps her towel around her and slowly walks towards the lockers, her head down, her shoulders hunched.

Jorn turns around "Hey! Don't be like that! Now I feel really guilty that I said all that. euhm. Just..umm" He stumbles. "Just tell people why you lose control. Then they will probably understand what is wrong....and....Do youself even know why or, or, does Anna know why?!"

Ayame stops, turning her head enough to show her face. "I lose control when I remember my uncle. I just saw him, laughing at me and mocking my pain. Then I remembered family, and horrific look in sister's eyes. I know it not good excuse, and I try to do better. But when every man I ever know hurts me or loved ones, I am struggling."

Jorns heart skipped a beat when he heard that, not moving a muscle."You know.." he quietly says. "I might have had a similar experience like you... Painfull memories you try to forget but won't go away." "Sister...Mother..." he quietly says to himself. He turns around and puts both his arms against the wall with his head down. "Godver de tiring."

Ayame smiles slightly. "Maybe we have more in common then we think. Maybe I can learn a lesson from you about controlling self. I think we save that for when we both clothed though, yes?"

Jorn chuckles "Yes, that would be wise. You go ahead, I still need to wash the shampoo out of my hair." Jorn walks back to the shower head.

Ayame nods, and quickly exits the showers. The sound of her getting dressed can be heard, and she leaves without another word.


Well-Known Member
Name : Anna Stone
Status : Solemn

Non-Combat Log 5 :

We had another death last mission, Someone Me or Ayame didn't really know that well, But I heard he was pretty popular around base so...

Anyway, I just finished Making a figurine to put on the Memorial for him, Presariov Asteari, He was a Corporal Heavy... So I decided to make a Rocket and carve is initials in the Middle...
He was a good soldier... He died in a very similar situation as the Squaddie we lost, Alien ship mission, Soldier in Waist-high cover, Alien runs out and sacrifices itself to kill that soldier...
I hope that the Commander learns from his mistake and makes sure the soldier he has in cover like that can't be shot...
But with that new type of alien that might not be so easy... They call it a floater, not the most creative name ever but it'll have to do... it's a horrifying mix of Flesh and Machinery, it looks like its in constant pain and wants to direct that pain on to other people... That seems like it would be a Fate worse than death...
Speaking of new Aliens the dreams I've been having about that creature, or the Cryssalid as the boys in the lab have named it, are getting worse, Ayame woke me up last night she said it was because I was rolling around in my bed and mumbling things in my sleep... I told her I was just having a bad dream but I could tell she was still pretty worried about me...

Anyway, Because of this loss the X-Com Higher-Ups are going to be sending us our favorite foods to boost morale, Ayame wants to have a nice quiet dinner with me...
I love the idea, I've been doing a lot of work in Engineering these last few days working on those satellites, I could really use a Nice relaxing dinner with a friend...

I sent a letter to my cousin Marx in Moscow, He's not writing back, which is really weird for him... He usually loves getting letters from me...

I am a little worried about him... About home... According to the big globe in Command Russia has a pretty low level of panic, or at least that's what one of the boys in command told me... Not sure if I take his word for it or not... But what reason would he have to lie to me?
Maybe I am just paranoid...

Ayame told me that some of the Men on base aren't that bad... She has been talking to a few of them... I might go and talk to them if I get some time... But I've been so busy with my work in engineering...

Oh! I saw this new Girl on base, I Am Definitely going to talk to her, maybe I can even get her to be roommates with Me and Ayame. I don't think she wants to bunk with a bunch of sweaty men...

Also, That Zhang guy seems so lonely... I tried to talk to him, but I think he just ignored me... Maybe I should give a bit more time to get used to the base before talking to him...

*End of Recording*

Zain Shah

Well-Known Member
Sergeant Zain "BrownNose" Shah
Missions: 4
Kills: 8
Current Status: Wounded for 2 days

So I got my new nickname today, yeah I kinda prefer the old one but I still did a good job today and got some kills. I won't be going on the next mission because I'm still in the hospital but I should be grateful after what happened to Presariov, the guy died within a few minutes on the battlefield luckily I avenged his death by killing that alien piece of you know what; looks like Booker and I are the only are the only original soldiers left. Booker missed some crucial shots but our team was strong enough to take the rest of them down.We also encountered a new type of alien, the folks around the base are calling it a floater; I thought that those little sectoids were pretty much how all aliens were but apparently not. Booker also got his nickname "Dewitt", I think it's from that game Bioshock Infinite because I used to be quite the gamer until I joined XCOM but I guess my whole is a whole tactical game now and I guess it would have been cool to have been in game except the dying part, yeah that would kinda suck,


Well-Known Member
Name: Shaojie Zhang
Log ID: 060412154001
The past few days have been busy for me; too busy to record one of these properly. Hell, even now I'm checking my emails. With the officer facilities getting up and running, it's been nothing but sheer chaos getting my things to my new room, learning to be an officer in the training school and then passing on the lessons less than an hour later to the other soldiers. It's been hectic, but I've been in tougher situations.

Speaking of which, that mission France got fairly wild. It was the first time I got to fire a weapon of such... Explosiveness. Blew a few of those extraterrestrial bastards sky-high. The squad that tagged along operated real smoothly, though. Especially that Freeman kid, he's one tough cookie taking all that plasma.

Last mission that went out, however, did not go as well. Heard we lost a Corporal. Big guy, too, with a rocket in tow like myself. Poor guy probably didn't even see it coming. What's more is the diversification of the aliens, with those flying guys around. I saw them haul one of those things into the labs, they likely smell as bad as they look, especially post-mortem.

Wait, what's this? A survey from an... X-COM official? What? Why are so many of these questions about witches? How did this not get picked up by my spam-filter? Ugh, can't believe someone managed to get this junk into a place this secure. Ah, well.

Though I've had a few interesting interactions with people during lunch, at any other time I find myself so occupied. But now that I have everything here in order, I should have more time to socialize. I ought to know the people I work with in the field. I might just engage anyone who even looks at me in conversation, no matter what. Hope they'll be as friendly as that Dutch Corporal. Hrm... I should visit Lemonade in the medbay, I'll go check when the vising hours are right now.


Name: Joel Freeman
Rank: Squaddie
Total Kills Since Joining X-Com: 02
Status: Wounded, but feeling better.

Audio Log 06:

"Feels good to be back in my room. Those beds in the infirmary really take a toll on your back. It's a wonder anything heals while you're lying in that thing. Anyways, I'm feeling a lot better now. There's no pain unless I touch the wounds, and, besides a little scarred skin along the shoulder, I'm exactly the same. Still, I won't be jumping into those plasma shots any time soon. Not fun."

"Another alarm went off earlier; an alien ship set down somewhere in the US. I'm kinda glad I didn't get chosen to go on that one; I'm not sure I could handle another barrage from those things' weapons. That and the fact that we lost another man: Cpl. Asteari. I didn't know the guy that well, but he was large and carried a rocket launcher, which was good enough for me."

"And, as it turns out, the aliens have even more tricks up the sleeves... if they even have any... hmm. Anyways, I thought it couldn't get any worse. I was wrong. First, they look just like humans, and now the bastards can fly? *sigh* Unbelievable. The corpse they brought in looked more like a science experiment gone wrong than a living being: wires, hunks of metal, and putrid flesh."

"On a slightly less disgusting note, it turns out I'm not as bad with the guitar as I had anticipated. In fact, I might even go as far as to call myself good." (The sound of a guitar being tuned is heard. A few seconds pass and Joel starts playing. He maintains the off-beat tune for half a minute before quickly losing it.) "Maybe not... I'll work on it."

"Speaking of working on it, I've been meaning to find somebody to spar with. The dummies get boring after a while, and they're not much of a test. If Ayame's nearly as good with her fists as she was with that pistol, she could put up a fight. Hmm... I'll see if anybody is up for it."


New Member
X-com solider survey

Solider name : Samuel Wright

Surveyor : Robert Cruz

Robert: Hello Samuel

Samuel : why am I here

R : We need to answer some short questions

S : Sure

Q : What's your favorite color

A : easy blue

Q : what's your favorite animal

A : the sectoids they are very interesting

R : Aileans?

S : do you want my answer or not

Q : what do you prefer for a class

A : any class would work but what I want is the sniper

Q : what's your favorite food

A : that's hard but ill say Mac n cheese

Q : who's your favorite family member and how old are they

A : my aunt I believe she is 64

Q : are you a day or night person

A : sunrise so peaceful and nice

Q : afther this war if you could go any where where would you go

A : South America and every where else that's not America

Q : did you ever own a pet

A : I own a gold fish

Q : last question what are your hobbies

A : I enjoy video gaming raceing reading sports and

R : it's okay you can tell me

A : I love killing people

( moment of silence )

S : well i enjoyed the survey ummmmmmmmm I will exit my self out ummm bye

( Door shuts )
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