LoL EUNE server


New Member
I would consider making it, but I just hate the 220ms ping. It's like that on PBE server and I have no reason to think normal NA server woud be better


Well I get 140 if I use the Europe servers. So idk how bad 220 is. I see people play with 400 sometimes but I think that would be crazy lag.


New Member
220 is playable, but you can't really pull off good plays like that. I doubt if people really play with 400 ping, that's almost half a sec, so it's just impossible. They probably just browse the web while loading or sth. And 400 would be, like, on the other side of the world...
I might try creating a smurf there though, would you give a referral link?


New Member
I just played on the NA server for the first time and went 14/0/17 or sth with Lux. It's kinda tricky, especially at first, but it's playable (again, around 200 ping). Of course, the enemies were lvl 3-7, so it wasn't too much of a challenge. Sometimes it sucks that you can't start at a different level. Not for you, but for others
But seriously, how can you get so lucky? With 800 ms ping... How is it even possible to land the skillshots without player magnets attached to them like that? :D


New Member
It has something to do with arhi and her skillshots because they are easy to throw out as long as you predict the way your opponent will go even if you have a delay