
There were the hecklers and harassers, of course, even one man calling my friend, my partner and I race traitors, but the fact that in comparison there were so many more positive interactions is what gives me hope for my area as far as BLM gaining this kind of traction and support goes. (2/?)
One that stood out to me was this little black boy and his mother stopping and having gotten us snacks and drinks for the 90° we had yesterday. He was such a sweetheart, couldn’t have been older than 9 or 10, and he even asked for a picture while his mother took it from the car. The many people who honked, thumbs upped, and powerfisted in support. That’s given me a lot of hope for this. (3/?)
Several people who went to high school with my boyfriend and my friend (not me since I didn’t grow up around here, only been a yearish since I moved) have already voiced their support and want to go with us next time we make our rounds. My mother in law opened up her front yard on a busy street to protest with us. (4/?)
Despite the fact that myself, my boyfriend and my friend are white, we want to show our black siblings we see them. We will stand with them. We are going to fight for and with them. Which I feel is important for a small southern area like this especially, where any white person has a good chance of being like that man who called us race traitors. 5/?
I don’t expect any pats on the back from this, I don’t. I just wanted to share my experience/thoughts with anyone who will listen here. 6/?
Black lives matter. This is not for debate. And anyone who is thinking of hitting me with some all lives matter bullshit, no. George Floyd’s life didn’t matter, as didn’t countless other black lives. We tried making a list, we couldn’t make anything near comprehensive. And it went back DECADES. And it’s only what we know of. Majority were younger than 25. Some weren’t even 13. The youngest we saw was 7. 7/?
Block/report/ban me if you’d like. I’m not expecting to change minds, I know better. I just wanted to share, and if anyone here takes something good away from my words, that’s great.

Have a good day. 8/8
My counter arguement is: if mister Floyd's life didn't matter... then why are so many people protesting because of the circumstances of his death? Also, don't you think his life would matter to his family and friends?

(Don't take this personally, just confused by your choice of wording)
Allow me to clarify: his life didn’t matter to those who took it. To those who are supposedly sworn to protect the people of this country. So, by extension, his life didn’t matter to this country, his life was not seen as worthy of protecting. These protests are to change that those whose lives are like his will matter. That it’s not only white lives that matter in the eyes of this country. (1/2, I’m wordy today)
Of course his life mattered to his friends and family, I never said it didn’t. When people are saying that black peoples’ lives (and other poc, but for sake of simplicity right now I’m specifically referring to black people) didn’t matter, they mean to this country as a whole. They are not protected like white people are. They get targeted by racist cops in a racist system. Their lives do not matter to the system.2/3
So, until they do, the fight will continue. And just as I don’t expect to change minds here of where they stand, do not expect to change mine. At all. 3/3
And, in this crusade against a corrupt system, we continue to neglect those who take pride in helping others and who are cops that seek to better society rather than abuse it. From my point of view, this society, this country, hell this whole planet even, is too focused on the negative. This negative attitude is what is causing racism to flourish in the manner that it has... because it's easier to blame someone else.
I believe in a world where that negativity is gone and the human race can live as it is supposed to be. As one race, not 2, not 5. 1. We are all humans, no skin tone or geometric origin should *ever* change that. But, at the same time, we shouldn't attack a system when the issue is caused by those you choose to abuse it. For every abusive racist cop... there is also a cop risking his life to save any life he can.
The only way I can see to truly remove racism is too incite change, rather than demand tribute. Perhaps we could petition a reform of the police prerequisites for recruitment. Maybe even try to alter our own thoughts to be more positive instead of negative. Remember that, no matter the situation, people out there care and they yearn for peace and equality. Because, at the end of the day, every life matters
No matter who they are

(That was longer than I thought it would be lol)
Those “good cops” are still part of a racist system. And do you know how many known murders that were committed by cops where we know what happened didn’t even get charged? Do you? And are you joking, attacking a system that others choose to abuse? This entire country, very much including the system, was found on racist ideals. Racist roots only contribute to an inherently racist system. 1/?
There has been petition after petition after petition but no one in the government or “justice system” has listened until there was actions like these protests. And if everyone wanted peace and equality, we wouldn’t have racism in the first place. We wouldn’t be fighting this fight. Not everyone holds those as ideals. I’ve seen people who don’t. I saw them while protesting. Heard their awful words. 2/?